The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3231 Farewell

Chapter 3231 Farewell
"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Then, the atmosphere fell into silence.

Li Ming didn't know what to say or what to say, the atmosphere couldn't help being deadlocked.

After a long time, Fairy Hua asked, "What are your plans now?"

"I plan to return to the Outer World after a while." Li Ming said.

"Going?" Hua Fairy was startled, and asked with a frown, "Where's Yue'er? You just let it go?"

"No, I'm planning to go back to the outer world and find a solution." Li Ming explained.

"What can you do alone?" Hua Xianzi asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and then said: "Aunt Hua, I am not alone now, I still have several followers."

"The Immortal God King?" Flower Fairy asked.

Li Ming shook his head and said: "Some veterans of Fengzong in Dutian, and I have some relationship with a god emperor in the outer world. I want to ask that god emperor how to find Yue'er in the turbulent space. .”

The God Emperor Li Ming was referring to was none other than the Dragon Eater God Emperor.

Hearing this, Fairy Hua couldn't help but startled, and began to re-examine Li Ming. She never thought that after a few years of separation, Li Ming had already made a name for himself in the outer world, and even made friends with a god emperor. Thought-of.

After a pause, Fairy Hua said, "It's a good thing that you can establish your own power, but don't forget that your promise at the beginning was mixed with Lingxiao Palace."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help feeling bitter.

It is undoubtedly very inappropriate for Li Ming to smash the Lingxiao Palace in his current capacity.

However, Li Ming couldn't deny his previous promise, he just said: "Aunt Hua, don't worry about smashing Lingxiao Temple, I'm just a little god king now, even if I smash it, I'm afraid I won't be able to even smash the gate. You didn’t even step in, and you were captured by the Xingzhen Gate, don’t you think so?”

"Stop being so glib, you must keep this matter in mind and honor it, otherwise I will never let you go!" Hua Fairy snorted angrily.

"Yes, yes." Li Ming replied repeatedly.

After a pause, Fairy Hua continued to ask, "When do you plan to return to the Outer World?"

"Just a few days, after seeing old friends today, I will bid farewell to Emperor Haotian in two days, and then go back to the outer world directly." Li Ming said.

"Okay, tell me when you leave, I'll go with you," Hua Fairy said.

"Aunt Hua is going too?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"What? You're not welcome?" Hua Fairy asked unhappily.

"No, that's not what I mean. I just want to say that although I have some influence in the outer world, I have offended many people. I'm afraid that Aunt Hua will come with me..." Li Ming hesitated to speak, but his meaning was clear but.

"Are you afraid that I will drag you down?" Hua Xianzi asked with a frown.

"No, I'm afraid that Aunt Hua will be hurt." Li Ming said.

"Don't worry about this. I will protect myself. I will go back to the outer world with you to urge you to find Yue'er. The turbulent flow in space can be big or small, so don't take it seriously." Hua Fairy was rude Said.

"No, as soon as I return to the Outer World, I will immediately start to find out about Yue'er's whereabouts." Li Ming promised.

Hearing this, Hua Fairy was slightly satisfied and didn't say any more.

Li Ming chatted here for a while, and in the evening, he bid farewell to Hua Fairy.

When I returned to the Military God's Mansion, I saw a person waiting for me at the gate of the Military God's Mansion.

Taking a closer look, it was none other than Ziyan Fengshen.

Seeing Ziyan Fengshen, Li Ming was slightly surprised, stepped forward and asked, "Ziyan, why are you here?"

"You went with Hua Fairy during the day, and my aunt and I were worried about your safety, so my aunt asked me to go to the Military God's Mansion to ask if you came back. They said you didn't come back, so I have been waiting here." Ziyan Fengshen said .

"It's really a sin to worry about Ziyan Fengshen." Li Ming apologized.

"Okay, I'll go back first when I see you're fine." Ziyan Fengshen said.

"Zi Yan..." Li Ming suddenly stopped Zi Yan.

"Is there anything else?" Ziyan Fengshen turned around and asked.

"I'm going to leave in a few days. I'm afraid I won't be able to say goodbye to each other, so let me tell you first." Li Ming said.

"Oh." Ziyan Fengshen was slightly disappointed, but then asked again: "Are you coming back?"

"Yes." Li Ming said.

"Okay, let's have a drink together when you come back." Ziyan Fengshen said.

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Ziyan Fengshen flew away directly.

When Li Ming returned to the Military God's Mansion, Lu Xiaolian and the others had already prepared the food and wine.

Because parting is about to happen, everyone cherishes the time we spend together before parting, so we naturally want to have a good drink.

In the next few days, Li Ming absorbed all the remaining black flames in Jiang Bo's body.

Then came the day of farewell.

Li Ming took Zhang Xuanxian, Heifeng and others to the Hall of Lingxiao to bid farewell to Emperor Haotian.

There is no fancy practice, just a few superficial exhortations, and a sentence that the door of the gods will always be open for you.

Afterwards, Li Ming left the Imperial City.

As for the matter of killing Vulcan, no one will pursue it, and no one will bring it up to talk about it. It's just that Vulcan has no eyes and has offended Li Ming.

Compared with Vulcan's stupidity, Water God is very witty, and he dare not even think about making trouble for Li Ming, as for what happened in the fairy world, he also pretended it didn't happen.

As soon as he left the imperial city, the flower fairy flew up.

It seems that Fairy Hua has been waiting outside the city for several days, and it seems that she is determined to go back to the outer world with Li Ming.

In this regard, Li Ming is not easy to refuse.

With Hua Xianzi, Li Ming and his party set off on the road.

On the way, I heard Li Ming asking: "Senior Su, the ancient world is facing catastrophe, do you want to rush back to deal with it?"

Hearing this, Su Yinshuang's face changed slightly, she knew that what Li Ming was referring to was the space crack.

It has been a while since she came out of the ancient world. I am afraid that the space crack has become very large, and I don't know if the teleportation array has been repaired?
However, Su Yinshuang didn't want to leave Zhang Xuanxian just like that.

However, after thinking about it again and again, Su Yinshuang still said: "Sect Master Li reminded me that I will rush back to the ancient world first, and we will meet later."

"There will be a period later." Li Ming said.

Zhang Xuanxian said in his heart: "There will be no future!"

Afterwards, Su Yinshuang left first.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Let's go to Shenmen Pass first, and then start from there and enter the endless sea."

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanxian couldn't help being stunned, and the fox asked: "Sovereign, the gate of God is closed in the west of the God Realm, no, the distance is very far away, isn't it faster for us to leave the northern border and enter the endless sea?"

"It's faster from northern Xinjiang, but I have a friend guarding the Shenmen Pass, and it's rare to come back, so we must see each other anyway." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanxian suddenly realized that it was so.

 I will update one chapter first, and there will be another chapter that will be a bit late, so I will continue to write after dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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