The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3233 A compromise strategy

Chapter 3233 A compromise strategy
Li Ming heard Zhang Xuanxian's words, but did not respond.

Extinguishing the Tianhu clan is not a joy to people's hearts.

However, Li Ming has his own thoughts.

Back then, Emperor Haotian did not hesitate to marry the eldest princess of the Tianhu clan at the cost of the Xingfeng God of War, and used the strength of the Tianhu clan to contain the aliens outside the pass.

So much so that in these years, the outside of the customs is peaceful.

If he slaughtered the Tianhu clan because of his own selfish interests, wouldn't it mean that the chess game that Emperor Haotian had painstakingly planned for many years would be defeated?

At that time, other alien races outside the pass will also be in trouble again, and the border will never be peaceful.

None of these seemed to have anything to do with Li Ming.

However, God Realm is Yue'er's hometown after all, and now he also bears the title of Longyuan's son-in-law, and the one who guards the frontier is brother Zhu who is also a teacher and a friend.

Therefore, Li Ming had to think twice.

Seeing that Li Ming didn't speak, Zhang Xuanxian didn't say any more.

On the ground, the Great Elder of the Tianhu Clan was as shocked as a cicada, trembling all over.

The little princess of the Tianhu tribe next to her looked as if she was not afraid of death.

After thinking about it for a while, I heard Li Ming say: "Brother Zhu, take them down first, I will have a festival with them, and I will go to the Tianhu Clan to deal with it myself in a few days."

"Alright." Brother Zhu said.

Then, Brother Zhu signaled to the guards, who immediately took them down.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Brother Zhu, let's continue drinking, don't spoil our interest because of them."

"Drink." Brother Zhu replied.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Brother Zhu finally couldn't help asking: "Li Ming, what do you plan to do with the Tianhu clan?"

Hearing this, Li Ming rubbed his temples involuntarily, and said, "This is also a headache for me."

"It seems that you haven't lost your mind." Brother Zhu said gratifiedly, and then said: "The Emperor Haotian spent a lot of money to win over the Sky Fox Clan in order to ensure the safety of the border. If you really give the Sky Fox Clan If it is destroyed, all the previous efforts of the Haotian God Emperor will be in vain, and the border will return to the situation of fighting every year."

"I know, that's why I have a headache. If it wasn't for the fact that the Sky Fox Clan is useful to the God Realm, I would have wiped them out without saying a word." Li Ming said domineeringly.

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanxian suddenly realized that it was the suzerain who had such concerns.

However, Zhang Xuanxian didn't take it seriously.

With the means of the Haotian God Emperor, if those alien races really dare to act recklessly, they can just exterminate them all.

Of course, Zhang Xuanxian still wants to be simple. After all, he has been imprisoned in the mirror prison for ten thousand years, and the shadows of the ten religions behind the alien races have been behind these years.

After a pause, Brother Zhu suggested, "Li Ming, I have a suggestion, how about it?"

"Brother Zhu, tell me." Li Ming listened attentively.

"There are two princesses of the Tianhu Clan, and one of them went to the God Realm with Xingfeng God of War. It is said that they are married far away, but it is almost like being a hostage. Now, there is only one princess left in the Tianhu Clan, and the patriarch of the Tianhu Clan has no other princesses. Heir, this little princess of the Sky Fox Clan must be the future patriarch of the Sky Fox Clan." Brother Zhu murmured.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, but he still didn't quite understand what Brother Zhu meant.

Brother Wen Zhu continued: "Although the patriarch of the Tianhu Clan is old, but it's not time to abdicate, you might as well take their little princess away to deter and suppress the Tianhu Clan and let them pay a sufficient amount of tribute every year." The sacred stones, materials, etc. After all, Tianfeng Sect has just been established, and it is just when all kinds of wastes are waiting to be rebuilt, and money is needed everywhere."

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes could not help but light up.

Although they had hoarded a lot of sacred stones before, the cost of rebuilding Tianfengzong was almost a bottomless pit, and they did not know how much sacred stones they would have to pay in the future.

It would be great if we could get the offering from the Tianhu Clan!

After all, Li Ming couldn't really destroy the Sky Fox Clan, and killing one or two elders of the Sky Fox Clan wouldn't relieve his anger, so it's better to ask for some god stones.

However, Fairy Hua was not happy when she heard this, and asked: "Commander Zhu, what do you mean? Who doesn't know that the Tianhu tribe is good at using charm skills, and the little princess of the fox tribe is the best among them that day. Now that my niece is not with Li Ming, you asked Li Ming to bring the little princess of the Tianhu clan by your side, didn't you mean to make him make a mistake?"

Hearing this, Brother Zhu was immediately embarrassed, but he didn't expect this.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "What Aunt Hua said is very true. It is really inappropriate for the little princess of the Tianhu clan to be by my side. Why don't she be a maid for Aunt Hua and be sent by Aunt Hua."

"That's true!" Hua Fairy snorted, only to be slightly satisfied.

The matter of the Tianhu clan has been settled for the time being, and later Brother Zhu sent someone to briefly explain the matter to the elder of the Tianhu clan.

After hearing this, the Great Elder of the Tianhu Clan was grateful to Commander Zhu, and his life was finally saved!

However, the little princess of the Tianhu clan had a stubborn face, and said: "I don't want to be a maid. I am a dignified princess of the Tianhu clan. How can I be a maid for others? Then Li Ming will kill him if he wants to!"

"Confused, why are you so confused? Li Ming will only kill you alone? If you provoke him, he will let the half emperor around him directly destroy our Tianhu clan. Do you want all the clansmen to die?" The Great Elder asked.

"This..." The little princess of the Sky Fox Clan couldn't help but fell silent.

At this time, I only heard that the elder continued to comfort me: "Little princess, bear with it, it is for the sake of the entire Tianhu clan. Moreover, you are not serving as a maid for Li Ming, you are serving as a maid for Hua Fairy. The identity of Hua Fairy She is extraordinary, she is the sister-in-law of the Haotian God Emperor, and it is not shameful to spread the news."

After a burst of comfort, the proud little princess of the Tianhu clan couldn't help but bow her head, as if acquiescing.

Seeing this, the Great Elder of the Tianhu Clan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The next day, Brother Zhu brought the great elder of the Tianhu clan to meet Li Ming again.

As soon as they met, the great elder of the Tianhu clan knelt down with a plop and said, "The sinner, the elder of the Tianhu clan, has seen Sect Master Li."

Li Min nodded slightly, looking satisfied.

However, seeing the rebellious look of the little princess of the Tianhu clan, she couldn't help frowning.

Seeing this, the Great Elder of the Tianhu Clan hurriedly tugged on the little princess, and said in a low voice, "Meet Sect Master Li soon."

The little princess of the Tianhu clan knelt down unwillingly, and said that she had seen Sect Master Li.

Li Ming didn't bother with her too much, just asked: "Grand Elder, how do you Tianhu clan plan to compensate me?"

"Sect Master Li, don't worry, our Sky Fox Clan will definitely do our best to bring out all the good things to ensure that Sect Master Li will be satisfied." said the Great Elder of the Sky Fox Clan.

"Can you represent your patriarch?" Li Ming asked.

"This is what our patriarch means." The elder of the Tianhu clan said quickly.

"Okay, I will go to your Tianhu clan tomorrow, and I want to see how you plan to compensate me." Li Ming said solemnly.

"Yes, yes." The Great Elder of the Tianhu Clan responded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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