Chapter 3248

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The huge sound exploded, deafening, and the whole world was shaken.

Undoubtedly, Liu Mo flew upside down again.


The heavy battle armor on Liu Mo's body hit the ground heavily, and a huge cloud of dust was immediately raised on the ground, and a huge crater appeared in front of Li Ming.

Li Ming jumped and swooped down, heading straight for Liu Mo.

Liu Mo was thrown to the ground, his internal organs were torn apart, and he was almost out of breath.

Li Ming didn't hold back anything and continued to bombard.

There is no doubt how powerful the Wanyan Sovereign with the fusion of three kinds of divine flames is, and with the addition of divine thunder, it can be directly described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

No matter how strong the defense of Ren Liumo's battle armor is, it cannot fully absorb the power of Wan Yan Zhuzun after all.

Yu Wei penetrated into Liu Mo's body, causing Liu Mo to feel dizzy and dying.

The continuous bombardment made Li Ming look tired, but when he thought of killing Liu Mo with his own hands, Li Ming felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Boom... boom..."

In the end, under Li Ming's constant bombardment, Liu Mo was shocked to death by Wan Yan's domineering Yu Wei.

As soon as Liu Mo died, the battle armor suddenly became ownerless.

Li Ming opened the battle armor, took out Liu Mo's body, and shot out a cluster of divine flames, burning it completely, leaving no ashes.

Li Ming secretly exhaled, and the resentment suppressed in his heart disintegrated.

After putting away the armor and helmet, Li Ming returned to Yue'er, and asked with concern: "Yue'er, are you okay?"

"It's nothing serious, just suffered some internal injuries." Princess Yue replied.

"It's fine, I'll take you back." Li Ming said.

"Yes." Princess Yue responded obediently.

Afterwards, Li Ming picked up Yue'er, entered the turbulent space, and asked the Dragon Eater God Emperor to take them back.

Goofy religion.

The Heavenly Demon God Emperor sensed thousands of worlds, his gaze froze suddenly, and then he disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in another world.

It's not another world, it's the world Liu Mo was in before.

It's just that Liu Mo is dead at this time, not even ashes are left.

The Heavenly Demon God Emperor frowned, and his divine thoughts instantly covered the entire world.

However, there is no trace of Liu Mo in this world.

"Huh?" The Heavenly Demon God Emperor frowned, suddenly realizing a certain possibility.

There is the breath of his son Liu Mo, but there is no figure. There is only one possibility, that is, his son Liu Mo has died.

"Who? Who is it? Don't let me find you, or I will torture you to death!" The Heavenly Demon God Emperor roared, and Diwei directly shattered the entire world.

At this moment, Li Ming and Yue'er have returned to the endless sea along the turbulent flow of space.

Seeing Li Ming's safe return, the Dragon Eater God Emperor couldn't help asking: "Is this journey safe? Did any accident happen?"

"It's still safe, that is, when the divine mind travels through thousands of worlds, many thoughts are disintegrated, causing a lot of damage to the main mind." Li Ming said.

"This is inevitable, no one can come back unscathed." Said the Dragon Eater God Emperor.

"That's true." Li Ming nodded, and continued: "Dragon Emperor, my wife was seriously injured, I will take her back to the Divine Flame Palace to recuperate first."

"En." The Dragon Eater God Emperor responded.

Immediately, Li Ming took Yue'er back to Shenyan Palace.

When Li Ming came back safely, Master Hou, Zhang Xuanxian and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Yue'er come back, Hua Fairy also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with concern: "Yue'er, are you okay? Why do you look so pale?"

"Aunt, I'm fine, but why are you here?" Yue'er asked in surprise.

"I heard about you, so I followed Li Ming here." Hua Xianzi explained.

Hearing this, Yue'er couldn't help but paused, looked at Li Ming, and asked, "Have you returned to the God Realm?"

"Yeah." Li Ming nodded, and continued: "It's a long story, you should rest at ease and cultivate yourself, and I'll tell you in detail when your injury recovers."

"My father didn't make things difficult for you?" Yue'er asked with a strange expression.

"No." Li Ming replied affirmatively.

"No?" Yue'er looked hesitant.

"Indeed, not only did your father not embarrass me, but he recognized our relationship and named me Longyuan's son-in-law." Li Ming said.

"Really?" Yue'er asked in disbelief.

"It's true." Flower Fairy said.

Hearing this, Yue'er breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't know how to face her father, but she didn't expect that the father had already admitted her relationship with Li Ming, and even made Li Ming the son-in-law of Longyuan. This was simply too unexpected .

Li Ming didn't tell Yue'er the reason, lest she worry too much and affect her recovery.

Afterwards, Yue'er and Li Ming each went to the retreat room to recuperate. One was internally injured and the other was traumatized by spiritual thoughts. It took no time to recuperate.

The Heavenly Demon God Emperor was almost insane. One of his most beloved sons died unexpectedly, and he still didn't know who the murderer was.

"Who is it? Who killed my Mo'er?"

"Shenyue? It must be that bitch Shenyue!"

"The emperor will never let him go!"

In fact, the Heavenly Demon God Emperor didn't know who killed Liu Mo, but habitually attributed the matter to Shenyue.

Because if it weren't for Shenyue, his son would not have entered the turbulent space, let alone die!

The Heavenly Demon God Emperor frantically searched for Shenyue's whereabouts, but there was no clue at all.

In the blink of an eye, years have passed.

Li Ming and Shenyue left the customs successively. Shenyue's internal injuries had already healed, and her strength had also returned to the Divine Emperor Realm. Li Ming's traumatized divine sense had also recovered a lot.

If it wasn't for this magical treasure of divine sense crafted by the divine craftsman waiting this time, Li Ming's divine sense would definitely not have suffered just this little injury.

Li Ming sincerely thanked Master Hou, and was also considered as a welcome to Master Huofeng who joined Tianfeng Sect.

On that day, the Divine Flame Palace held a large banquet to celebrate and drink.

After the banquet was over, I saw the craftsman waiting to find Li Ming, and it seemed that there was something wrong.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Sect Master, something small happened." Said Master Hou.

"Small matter? What do you mean?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"Sect Master, when your divine sense was traveling through the world, the old site of our Tianfeng Sect was taken over by someone," said Hou Shenjiang.

"What? The former site of our Tianfeng Sect has been occupied?" Li Ming paused, then frowned and asked, "Do you know who occupied it?"

"Sovereign, according to my investigation, it was occupied by people from the ancient world, headed by a true god named Su Yinshuang." Hou Shenjiang replied.

"Su Yinshuang, Senior Su?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"The suzerain knows?" Hou Shen Jianghu asked.

"I know, of course I know." Li Ming said, and then asked: "Waiting for the craftsman, does the Great Elder know about this?"

"I mentioned it to the First Elder, but the First Elder doesn't seem to care too much." Hou Shenjiang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Sovereign, what should we do now? Do you want me to meet that surnamed Su?" Asked Master Hou.

(End of this chapter)

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