Chapter 3299
At this time, I only heard that the acting head of the Huntian Sect said in a favorable manner: "Leader Chen is a foolish and unreasonable person who actually helps the God Realm deal with our Heavenly Outer Sect. I propose to remove him from the position of leader."

"Reconsider." The acting head of the Holy Devil Sect immediately stated his position, and then proposed: "I suggest that the acting head of the Huntian Sect take over as the leader."

"I don't mind either."

Several other supporters of the acting head of the Huntian Church also expressed their views.

Obviously, all of this was premeditated by the head of the Huntian sect for a long time.

Seeing this, the head of Chen Dai couldn't help being angry.

At this time, I only heard that the acting head of the Huntian Sect ordered: "Sect Master Chen, I order you as the leader of the Heavenly Outer Sect to hand over Li Ming immediately, otherwise your Longevity Sect will become the public enemy of our Heavenly Outer Sect!"

"You bastard, you don't know right from wrong, and you still engage in such a thing at this critical moment, do you want to fight among yourself?" Chen Dai asked angrily.

"Infighting?" The acting head of the Huntian Sect said with a groan, "As long as you hand over Li Ming, everything is negotiable."

"Delusion!" Chen Dai shouted.

"A few of you are going to follow the head of Chen Dynasty to wade through the muddy water?" The acting head of the Huntian Sect looked at the acting head of the Dasheng Sect.

"Sect Leader Chen is recognized as the leader of the alliance. If you use such means to rise to the top, who will obey you? I am the first one to refuse to accept it!" said the acting head of the Great Sage Cult.

"I, Xihai Palace, don't accept it either!"

"The Hollow Sword Sect is not convinced either!"

"Okay, very good! It seems that you are not going to be serious, you will not give in!" said the acting head of the Huntian Sect.

At this time, only heard that the head of Chen Dai apologized: "Sect Master Li, I'm really sorry, we didn't expect such a trouble to happen, and the four of us will stop the six of them later, and you, Zhang Xuanxian, and Doctor Xing will try to leave. "

"Master Chen Dai, your words are enough. However, since you have fallen out with them, why don't you leave with us?" Li Ming invited.

Hearing this, the headmaster Chen couldn't help feeling bitter, and said helplessly: "We also think about it, but the disciples under the sect are still here, if we leave like this, the ruthless leader of the Huntian Sect will never let us go disciples."

"I see." Li Ming nodded slightly, then clapped his hands, and said, "You all come out!"

Immediately, Su Yinshuang and the half-emperors from the God Realm flew out of the defensive fortress.

For a while, Li Ming and his half-emperors reached ten.

Seeing this, the acting head of the Huntian Sect couldn't help shrinking his pupils. He didn't expect Li Ming to have a backhand.

At this time, I heard Li Ming provocatively ask: "Do you want to fight any more?"

"You... count yourself as cruel! You go!" The acting head of the Huntian Sect said through gritted teeth.

"How can you let him go?" The acting head of the Holy Demon Sect quit immediately.

"Otherwise, what should we do? There are ten half-emperors on their side, and we only have six on our side. If there is a real fight, it will be clear at a glance who will suffer." The acting head of the Huntian Sect said bluntly.

Hearing this, the acting head of the Holy Demon Sect was at a loss for words.

At this time, I heard that Li Ming invited again: "Master Chen, there is no room for you here, you should go with us, and your disciples, go together."

"This..." Dai Sect Master Chen was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but look at the Dai Sect Master of the Great Sage Church and the others.

The acting head of the Great Sage Sect, the acting head of Xihai Palace, and the acting head of the Holy Demon Sect looked at each other and nodded.

Seeing this, Master Chen gritted his teeth, and continued, "That's a job, thanks to Sect Master Li, who thinks highly of it, then we should be respectful and obedient."

"Should be, should be." Li Ming said.

Immediately, Li Ming took out the defensive fortress and let the disciples of Longevity Sect, Dasheng Sect, Xihai Palace, and Kongdong Sword Sect enter.

The acting head of the Huntian Sect had a dark face. Although he was extremely unhappy, he couldn't stop him, and he was even more embarrassed to open his mouth to persuade him to stay. He could only let the disciples of the Longevity Sect, Xihai Palace, Dasheng Sect, and Kongdong Sword Sect leave.

For a while, the ten religions outside the sky became the six religions outside the sky.

A group of disciples boarded Li Ming's defensive fortress, and saw Li Ming cupping his hands towards the acting head of the Huntian Sect, and said: "Li will remember what happened today, we are high mountains and long rivers, see you in the future!"

Afterwards, Li Ming and the others safely left the defensive fortress of the Ten Religions.

After leaving the defensive fortress of the ten sects outside the sky, Li Ming and his party entered their own defensive fortress, and then began to dive into the depths of the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this, Zhang Xuanxian couldn't help but change his face, and asked in astonishment: "Sect Master, what are you going to do?"

"The phoenix blood in my heart is the only way to dissolve the ice phoenix skeleton spell." Li Ming said solemnly.


"It's nothing to worry about." Li Ming said firmly.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

After a long time, I only heard that the head of Chen Dai and others bent down to salute, and said: "Sect Master Li's move will undoubtedly kill one's life and become a benevolent person. I will thank Sect Master Li on behalf of my disciples and the people of the world."

"You guys are laughing, it's just some phoenix blood." Li Ming said calmly.

However, everyone knows that it is not that simple.

Just now in the defensive fortress of the ten religions outside the sky, Li Ming took a drop of phoenix blood from his heart and became extremely weak. There are countless ice phoenix skeletons on the bottom of the sea. To dissolve the spells on them one by one, it takes How much phoenix blood with an immortal heart?Can Li Ming hold on?

Everyone was silent, everyone knew that Li Ming was risking his life.

Yue'er was very reluctant to give up, but she knew that this was the only choice, so she could only silently support it.

Li Ming patted the back of Yue'er's hand and comforted him, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Yeah." Yue'er replied in a deep voice, tears welling in her eyes.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Everyone, I will rely on you in the next few days to gather the ice phoenix skeletons on the bottom of the sea as much as possible, so that it is convenient to dissolve the spell."

"Sect Master Li, don't worry, we will leave this to us!" Sect Master Chen said, patting his chest.

Soon, the defensive fort reached the ice zone, and then there was thick ice below.

At this time, only Zhang Xuanxian said: "Sect Master, I will go out to open the way."

"En." Li Ming nodded in response, and continued, "Everyone rest for a while, and it's time to act when the defensive fortress dives to the bottom of the sea of ​​flames."

"Elder Zhang, I'll help you." Said Chen Dai.

"Okay!" Zhang Xuanxian responded.

Immediately, the two left the defensive fortress, and the others began to meditate and rest.

Li Ming had just taken a drop of phoenix blood from the immortal heart, and his body was still relatively weak, so he took some magic pills and began to rest.

Diving to the bottom of the sea of ​​fire was originally a very simple matter, but because half of the sea of ​​fire was frozen by solid ice, it was necessary to manually dig the way forward.

These ices are not too hard. With the strength of Zhang Xuanxian and Chen Dai, the head of the Half Emperor, they can be easily broken through.

In the evening, the defensive fort successfully reached the bottom of the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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