The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3352 Dungeon

Chapter 3352 Dungeon
"Don't worry, first find out about the remnants of the fighting clan, and then decide whether to ask the king to take care of it." Li Ming said.

"Yes, Master." Dianbei Goshawk replied, and then went to inquire about the remnants of the Fighting Clan.

Needless to say the value of the Fighting Clan, it would be a pity to kill them directly like this, but if they don’t kill them, if they leave a source of trouble and let the Fighting Clan revive, Heshifang may be a sinner in history that day.

So, so far, there have been constant debates about beheading the remnant of the fighting clan directly, or selling her as a slave.

Now, big figures from the surrounding cities of Tianhe Shifang have arrived in Tianhe Shifang one after another, and everyone has different opinions.

In fact, it stands to reason that they have no right to discuss this matter, but since the establishment of Tianhe Shifang, they seem to have their shadows, and this matter is also related to their interests, so it is even more impossible to sit idly by.

All of a sudden, what was originally just an internal debate in Tianhe Shifang has now evolved into a debate among everyone.

Of course, the final decision is still in the hands of Tianhe Shifang. After all, they were the ones who caught the remnants of the Fighting Clan. No one can deny this.

After a few days, Li Ming had a general understanding of the current situation. The high-level leaders headed by Fang Fangzhu of Tianhe City were more inclined to kill the remnants of the fighting clan directly.

However, several high-level leaders headed by the two deputy masters insisted on selling the remnants of the Fighting Clan as slaves, and even thought about trying out all the skills of the remnants of the Fighting Clan and then selling them one by one. maximize.

No one is wrong, everyone has their own reasons!
At this time, the point-backed goshawk came back from outside to inquire about the news.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "How is it? Have you found out where the remnant of the Fighting Clan is being held?"

"Returning to the master, we have already found out that the remnant of the Fighting Clan is currently being held in the dungeon below Tianhe Shifang." Dianbei Goshawk replied.

"Dungeon?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, then asked: "How is the defense in the dungeon?"

"It is said that it is very strict, and is handled by two masters of Wang Zhaojing, and entering and exiting the dungeon requires the handwriting of the master or the two deputy masters, otherwise they cannot enter." Dianbei Goshawk Hui reported.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned, and said: "It seems that it is not an easy task to hijack the remnants of the Fighting Clan."

"The master is going to hijack the remnants of the Fighting Clan?" Goshawk was taken aback. This is something that offends the public. It will not only offend Tianhe Shifang, but also the big families behind Tianhe Shifang.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Xiaoying, you continue to pay attention to the movements of all parties, I will go out for a while."

"Where is the master going? How about you go with the master?" Dian Goshawk asked and answered.

"No need." Li Ming flatly refused.

Now, Li Ming and Li Ming are resting in a cave near Tianhe Shifang.

After leaving the cave, Li Ming flew towards Tianhe Shifang.

Seeing this, Dianbei Goshawk couldn't help but sink in his heart, and said to himself: "The master is not going to be a jailbreaker, is he?"

However, Goshawk didn't chase after it. It's not his turn to direct the master to do things.

After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at Tianhe Shifang.

There are several restaurants in Tianhe Shifang. Originally, there was only one restaurant, but with the growth of Tianhe Shifang, several more restaurants have been opened one after another. After all, there are a lot of businessmen passing by every day.

Today, the major restaurants are even more full.

All the big families from the nearby city had arrived and occupied all the rooms in the restaurant. Some small families who came late could only set up a shed next to the restaurant.

Li Ming entered one of the restaurants, and he had already sat all the time, so he could only go to another one.

But the same is true for another one, and there are still no seats.

At this time, the shopkeeper saw that Li Ming was going out, so he couldn't help saying: "Guest officer, don't bother, there are no seats in the other houses, I advise you to pack some and take them away, or I will find you a stool, and you will sit on it." Eat on the steps."

Hearing this, Li Ming paused. There were several people sitting on the steps eating in the restaurant. It seemed that they really couldn't find a seat. He couldn't help but hear Li Ming say, "Okay, find me a stool."

"Okay." The shopkeeper replied.

Afterwards, the shop waiter moved a stool, and then Li Ming ordered a few dishes casually, and just sat on the steps and ate.

Li Ming came to Tianhe Shifang to inquire about the dungeon, so while the waiter was serving food, he couldn't help asking: "Xiaoer, I heard that a group of people from the north are planning to rob our dungeon in Tianhe Shifang, can you Heard about it?"

"Looting the dungeon?" The waiter was stunned, then shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this, but in my opinion, those people will definitely return home without a feather."

"How to say?" Li Ming asked pretending to be curious.

"I'm not bragging. The dungeon in our Tianhe City Square is one of the best. At the beginning of its establishment, it was not used to imprison people, but to store important materials. Several masters of Wang Zhaojing have beaten the dungeon before. Pay attention to the materials, but they all hit a wall, do you know why?" the shop boy said mysteriously.

"This is really unclear." Li Ming said.

"That's because the dungeon in our Tianhe Shifang is built like a copper wall and iron wall, indestructible, even a little venerable may not be able to break it open by force." The waiter said triumphantly.

"That's not necessarily the case? The dungeon is so safe even if the hundred secrets are sparse?" Li Ming asked suspiciously.

"Of course, let me tell you, our Tianhe Shifang dungeon has a layout..."

Before the shop waiter could finish speaking, the shopkeeper over there urged: "Xiao Er, what are you chatting about over there? Why don't you serve the food soon?"

"Yes, yes." Dian Xiaolian replied, then apologized to Li Ming, and left.

Seeing this, Li Ming paused slightly. It seems that the dungeon of Tianhe Shifang not only has masters in charge, but also has other designs inside, otherwise it would be impossible to stop the little venerable. The shopkeeper called away.

Li Ming wasn't in a hurry either, since the waiter in the store seemed to know something, I'll ask him later when I find a chance.

Li Ming simply ate some, paid the bill, and left Tianhe Shifang.

However, Li Ming didn't really leave, but landed in the woods not far from Shifang Gate.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was getting dark, Tianhe City Square gradually calmed down, and some merchants left one after another.

However, the restaurants in Shifang are still extremely popular.

It wasn't until early in the morning that several restaurants closed down one after another.

At this time, several people walked out of Tianhe Shifang, they were the chef and waiter of the restaurant.

Li Ming stared at the person who chatted during the day, and quietly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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