The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3366 Two black dragons?

Chapter 3366 Two black dragons?

Li Ming came out of the big cave and followed the sound of Jiao Yin to find it.

Jiaolong's voice was very close, and it should be nearby.

However, Jiaolong's voice was very miserable, as if he had been seriously injured.

After exiting the cave, re-enter the lake along the underground river.

In order to prevent finding the way back, Li Ming specially marked the exit of the dark river.


Jiao Yin continued, and it became more and more miserable.

Li Ming collected himself and carefully discerned Jiaoyin's specific position.

Soon, Li Ming heard clearly the source of Jiao Yin, which came from an underground river not far away.

Immediately, Li Ming swam towards the entrance of the underground river.

The entrance is narrow, barely enough for one person to pass sideways. Li Ming restrained his breath as much as possible to prevent the black flood dragon from finding him.

Into the underground river, all the way upstream.

This dark river was obviously longer than what Li Ming and the others had stayed in before, and the countercurrent did not come to an end for a long time.

However, Jiaoyin became more and more clear.

Obviously, Li Ming did not look for the wrong place.

outside world.

Fang Fangzhu of Tianhe City and others were also attracted by Heijiao's voice, and they couldn't help but stop, forgetting about chasing Shang Gongxin.

"Master, this black flood dragon screams so miserable, could it be that he was fatally wounded?" Elder Chi asked.

"I don't know, I haven't heard that there are monsters that can compete with the black flood dragon?" Fangzhu said hesitantly.

After a pause, Hei Jiao said: "Everyone, come with me and see what's going on with that Hei Jiao."

"Then Shang Gongxin?" the elder reminded.

"Shang Gongxin has been poisoned, so he can't run far. Let's see what's going on with the black dragon first, and then we won't be too late to chase after him." Fangzhu said.

"Yes." The elder replied.

Immediately, a group of people flew out following the owner of the square, chant.

After a little effort, Fangzhu and others landed on a sudden peak, only to hear Fangzhu say: "The dragon's song came from this mountainside, the black dragon must be hidden in this mountainside, everyone work together to blast away the sudden peak!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Immediately, everyone made concerted efforts to blast towards Tushan.

"Boom... boom..."

A loud noise spread, and the sudden peak was blasted.

Sure enough, this spur is a hollowed out shell, and inside is a lair.

Taking a closer look, a black flood dragon was lying in the nest, lingering on its last breath.

Seeing this, Fangzhu and others immediately realized that something happened to the black flood dragon.

At this moment, Hei Jiao slightly opened his closed eyes, revealing golden pupils, with coldness and killing intent in his eyes.

If it wasn't for the poor body of the flood dragon, he would have rushed forward and swallowed these rats alive.

At this time, the elder noticed the bulging belly of the black dragon, and couldn't help being surprised: "Master, look at this black dragon's belly, it seems that it is about to give birth."

"It's about to give birth?" The owner of the workshop was stunned, and then he said inexplicably: "No, the black dragon in the inland lake is obviously a male dragon, how could it be possible to give birth?"

"Is this another black flood dragon?" The elder looked hesitant.

"There are two black dragons in the inland lake?" The owner of the workshop was stunned.

Hearing this, the elder said: "Master, if there are two black dragons, it will be troublesome. Although this black dragon looks like it is dying, if her companion rushes back, we may not be able to eat and walk around. "

The owner of the workshop frowned, and asked unwillingly: "Is he leaving like this?"

"Master, this black flood dragon is very weak, why don't we make a quick decision, finish her off, and then quickly flee from here, and when her companions come back, they might not be able to find us," said the deputy master.

Hearing this, Fang Master's heart sank, he made up his mind secretly, and said: "That's a good statement, now that the other black dragon is not here, let's take this opportunity to kill the female dragon!"

"This..." The elder still hesitated.

However, Fangzhu has already ordered, and he can only obey.

Immediately, Fangzhu and others went to kill Heijiao.

Li Ming followed the dark river all the way upstream, and suddenly heard a rumbling sound, and then the whole ground was shaken.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was startled, "Could it be caused by that black dragon?"

Li Ming's heart sank, and he restrained his breath a little bit before moving on.

After going against the current for a while, I finally reached the end of the dark river. When I looked up, I saw a huge mountain in front of me.

However, the top of the mountain was pierced.

Looking at the mountainside, a black flood dragon was lying on the ground dying, with a bulging belly.

Before Li Ming could figure out what was going on, several murderous intentions came out suddenly, Li Ming's heart froze, and he saw several people killed in the sky.

It was none other than the owner, deputy owner, and elders of Tianhe Shifang.

However, their target was not Li Ming, but Hei Jiao.

In fact, Fangzhu and the others didn't even know that Li Ming was here.

Li Ming hid behind a boulder and observed quietly.

Fangzhu and others were murderous, and the dying Heijiao lying on the ground did not sit still, pretending to stand up with his heavy body, ready to fight.

"Everyone be careful, this black flood dragon seems to be ready to fight to the death!" Fangzhu reminded.


The black flood dragon roared, opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of flood flames, blasting towards Fangzhu and others.

"Be careful, Jiaoyan is extremely corrosive, don't let it touch you." Fangzhu reminded.

Jiaoyan swept towards him, Fangzhu and others immediately dodged, and at the same time sacrificed their armor for defense.

Li Ming hid behind the boulder, watched them fight quietly, and only waited for the last shot.

Jiao Yan was very terrifying. Several slow-wielding guys failed to escape, and were directly corroded into bones by Jiao Yan.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart. In their God Realm, the horror of Jiaoyan lies in its extremely high temperature, but the Jiaoyan in this Pangu world is different, it has such terrifying corrosiveness.

"It seems that in different worlds, even if the species are the same, they have different abilities." Li Ming said secretly.

Indeed, the rules of the God Realm are the way of heaven, but the rules of the Pangu World are not. Naturally, there are differences.

Li Ming watched quietly, keeping his expression on.

Fangzhu and others tried their best to fight the black flood dragon to the death.

The black flood dragon has a bulging belly, it is very inconvenient to move, and its strength is also greatly compromised, completely unable to exert its due strength.

Fangzhu and others have the upper hand, but they dare not slack off.

I only heard the owner of the workshop said: "Everyone, don't hold back, you must fight quickly, and you must not wait for the other black dragon to come back!"

"Understood!" The vice master and others responded.


The black flood dragon made a miserable cry, screaming helplessly that every day should not respond, and that the earth is not working.

Seeing this, Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't bear it.

However, natural selection, this world is like this!

Fangzhu and others got close to the black flood dragon and fought her to the death.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the swollen belly of the black flood dragon.

"Roar..." Hei Jiao suddenly screamed, and his huge body fell down.

 There's only one chapter today, Calvin.

(End of this chapter)

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