The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3376 Preparing for a surprise attack

Chapter 3376 Preparing for a surprise attack
"The ancestral dragons claim to have the blood of the ancestral dragons. It is said that their ancestors once killed the dragons, absorbed the blood of the dragons, refined them into the blood of the ancestral dragons, and passed them down from generation to generation until now." Zhou Xinghai explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and continued to ask: "Then what is the strength of the Ancestral Dragon Clan?"

"The strength is very strong. Even in Xingyue City, he walks sideways. Although he is not the lord of Xingyue City, even the lord of Xingyue City has to give way." Zhou Xinghai continued to answer.

"Oh?" Li Ming paused. He didn't expect the ancestor dragon clan of Xingyue City to be so powerful.

After a pause, Li Ming continued to ask: "Then it can be found out what benefits the Jiang family has given to the Zulong family. Can you move the great Buddha of the Zulong family?"

"There is no definite news about this, but according to gossip, it seems to be related to their skeleton gold mine." Zhou Xinghai said.

"Oh?" Li Ming paused again, "Could it be that there are treasures in the gold mine?"

"Could it be that real gold has been dug out from the bones again?" Zhou Xinghai said in surprise.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Li Ming said, and then asked, "What's the current situation at Jiangjiaji Gold Mine?"

"Basically, everyone in the Jiang family has gone to sit in town, which is why the gossip spreads that there are only good things in their skeleton gold mine." Zhou Xinghai said.

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked: "So, the Jiang family's air defense in Xicheng is now?"

"Well, there is only one elder from Wang Zhaojing in charge." Zhou Xinghai said.

"Is there any movement in the City Lord's Mansion? Is there any plan to attack Jiang's house in Xicheng?" Li Ming asked.

"How dare the city lord's mansion? Liu Duxiu was taken to the mine by the Jiang family. If they took the opportunity to sneak attack on the Jiang family's base camp, wouldn't Liu Duxiu be in danger? You know, Liu Duxiu is Liu Yuanshan's only son." Zhou Xinghai said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and asked: "Then the City Lord's Mansion is ready to sit and wait?"

"That's not true. Liu Yuanshan seems to be contacting another big family in Xingyue City, trying to ask them to help him tide over the difficulties. However, Liu Yuanshan doesn't seem to have anything to impress that big family, so he's a little worried." Zhou Xinghai said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "In this case, let's add fire."

"Add fire?" Zhou Xinghai paused and asked inexplicably, "My lord, I don't quite understand."

"You don't need to understand, prepare some weapons unique to the Song family for me." Li Ming said.

"The Song family?" Zhou Xinghai was even more puzzled.

So far, the Song family, one of the three major families in Shanyang City, has stayed out of the matter and helped each other in two steps.

"Well, go get ready, I have something to use tonight." Li Ming said.

"Yes, my lord." Zhou Xinghai responded.

Immediately, Zhou Xinghai went to prepare.

Around evening, Zhou Xinghai brought two pieces of Jinhuandao and Wenxiangsan, which were exclusively used by the Song family, and said, "My lord, these Jinhuandao and Wenxiangsan are two items exclusively used by the Song family. Wen Xiang San has the effect of stun medicine, under the Amaterasu state, it cannot be resisted."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said, "I see, you can go down."

"Yes, my lord." Zhou Xinghai responded.

As soon as Zhou Xinghai left, Li Ming immediately called the three-headed fire python.

The three-headed fire python walked over with a demonic look, and asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Follow me to Jiang's house in Xicheng tonight. You should prepare first." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python was startled, and immediately grasped from Li Ming's expression that it was not an easy trip to Jiang's house, so he couldn't help asking: "Is the master going to kill someone?"

"En." Li Ming responded.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python paused, and then said: "Then the subordinates must prepare well, and will definitely let them know how powerful my poisonous mist is!"

"No, no poisonous fog." Li Ming said.

"No poisonous mist?" The three-headed fire python couldn't help being surprised.

Then Li Ming took out a Golden Ring Knife and some incense powder, and said, "Use this golden ring knife to kill some people and try to pick the Jiang family's children. Also, remember to sprinkle some incense powder on it."

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python couldn't help being stunned, and asked inexplicably: "Master, this smelling powder is only effective for dizziness, and it is only effective for people under the Amateur Realm. I heard that there is a Wang Zhao in the Jiang family. If the existence of Jing is in charge, I'm afraid it can't deal with him, right?"

"Don't worry about the existence of that Wang Zhaojing, leave it to me. Remember, you kill a few disciples of the Jiang family and leave, don't love to fight. Also, remember to face the south of the city when you run away." Li Ming said in detail.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, the master wanted to plant the blame on the Nancheng Song family!

Afterwards, Li Ming sent the three-headed fire python back to prepare.

As night fell, Li Ming and the three-headed fire python left the market in the middle of the night.

For tonight's sneak attack, Li Ming didn't call out Goshawk, because he was still a little weak. If Wang Zhaojing, who lives in Zhenjiang's house, recognized him, all his efforts would be in vain.

Taking advantage of the darkness of night, Li Ming and the three-headed fire python came to Jiang's house in Xicheng quietly.

At this moment, the Jiang family is on high alert, and the number of retainers in charge of patrolling is twice the usual number.

However, these are just for the guys in Tianzhaojing and Zuozhaojing, and they are useless to Li Ming and the three-headed fire python.

Li Ming's figure flickered, and he quietly entered the Jiang family's mansion.

The three-headed fire python shrank, turned into a small water snake and entered Jiang's mansion quietly.

Li Mingchao made a gesture to the three-headed fire python, and the three-headed fire python nodded to express his understanding.

Immediately, the two split their actions, the three-headed fire python went to kill the descendants of the Jiang family's aristocratic family, and Li Ming went to deal with the elder who was in charge of the Jiang family.

Soon, Li Ming found the residence of the elder in charge.

At this moment, the elder's room was brightly lit, as if he hadn't rested yet.

Li Ming was not in a hurry to make a move, but was waiting for news from the three-headed fire python.

Sure enough, after a short while, the quiet Jiang family compound became chaotic, and only waves of shouts could be heard continuously.

At this time, the elder sitting in the town came out immediately and asked, "What's the situation?"

Immediately, a retainer came to report, "Elder, there was a sneak attack, and the two sons have already died."

"What? There is such a thing? Where is the sneak attacker?" asked the elder sitting in the town.

"In the east courtyard." The retainer reported.

"Follow me to the east courtyard immediately to encircle and suppress the thieves." The elder sitting in the town said solemnly.

"Yes, elder!" The retainer replied.

Immediately, the elder sitting in town rushed to the east courtyard with a group of retainers.

However, at this moment, Li Ming, who was hiding in the shadow of the tree, suddenly moved and directly entered the shadow of the elder sitting in charge.

"Huh?" The elder sitting in the town immediately noticed something, but after sweeping his consciousness, he didn't find anything.

Seeing the elder's strange expression, the retainers couldn't help asking: "Elder, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, hurry to the east courtyard." said the elder sitting in town.

"Yes, elder." The retainer replied.

Li Ming hid in the shadow of the elder sitting in town, ready to sneak attack at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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