Chapter 3387
"Chengbei?" City Lord Liu was taken aback, apparently he didn't expect Li Ming to ask for Chengbei.

Seeing City Lord Liu hesitate, Li Ming didn't urge him.

There was a little silence, only to hear City Lord Liu asking: "Li Ming, what kind of news can change the territory in the north of the city?"

"My lord, I can only say that you are not losing money on this deal." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, City Lord Liu couldn't help but frowned, and then said: "Okay, Li Ming, I will give you the land in the north of the city, but if your news is not worth the price, be careful, I will turn against you!"

"No!" Li Ming said confidently.

"Tell me, what kind of news?" City Lord Liu asked again.

"The backing behind the Jiang family is the Ancestral Dragon Clan of Xingyue City." Li Ming said.

"This seat has known for a long time." City Lord Liu said with a frown.

"What I want to say is that the Zulong clan will no longer protect the Jiang family, let alone help the Jiang family deal with you, City Lord." Li Ming said.

"What? What happened? Has the Ancestral Dragon Clan abandoned the Jiang family?" City Lord Liu was suddenly excited.

"That's right, the Zulong clan abandoned the Jiang family." Li Ming said.

"But why? Well done, why did the Zulong clan abandon the Jiang family?" City Master Liu asked lately.

"My lord, I don't know the specific situation. I also heard it from a friend." Li Ming said in an inscrutable way.

"What kind of friend? Is the news accurate?" City Lord Liu continued to ask.

"It's not convenient to say what kind of friends, but the news is absolutely true, and Li is willing to guarantee it with his head." Li Ming said.

"Really?" City Lord Liu asked.

"Really!" Li Ming affirmed.

"Okay, I'll just believe you once, if I find out that you lied to me, you will definitely die without a burial!" City Lord Liu said solemnly.

Afterwards, City Lord Liu ordered someone to take Li Ming down for news.

Before confirming whether the news is true or not, City Lord Liu will not let Li Ming leave easily.

Li Ming didn't care, he just stayed in the city lord's mansion.

After Li Ming was settled, City Lord Liu led people to kill Jiang's house in Xicheng.

At this moment, apart from the two masters of Wang Zhaojing sitting in charge of the Jiang family, the others are little Luo Luo who is not worth mentioning.

After half a stick of incense, City Lord Liu led people to kill Jiang's house in Xicheng.

The retainers guarding the gate of Jiang's family were startled when they saw City Lord Liu leading someone to kill them, and hurriedly reported the situation to the two elders in charge.

"Get in here! Capture all Jiang family's children alive!" City Master Liu shouted.

"Yes, my lord!"

Immediately, City Lord Liu led a group of people into Jiang's house.

When the two elders of the Jiang family heard that City Lord Liu had brought someone to kill him, they immediately came to stop him.

However, they are just existences of Wang Zhaojing, and City Lord Liu is a little venerable.

Although Liu Chengzhu's injury has not healed, it is still not something Wang Zhaojing can handle.

Within three hundred moves, the two elders of the Jiang family were defeated one after another.

At this time, one of the elders shouted angrily: "Liu, don't bully us just because of your own strength. Behind our Jiang family is the ancestor dragon clan of Xingyue City. If you tie us up, it is tantamount to offending us." Zulong Clan, wait to be exterminated!"

"Waiting to be exterminated?" City Lord Liu snorted, and then said, "You two don't know yet, do you? Your Zulong clan has already abandoned your Jiang family."

" is this possible? Why don't we know?" said an elder of the Jiang family.

"You sit and watch the sky and stay in Jiangfu all day, so of course you don't know." City Lord Liu shouted.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" said the elder Jiang's family.

"Stop talking nonsense, escort me back to the dungeon!" City Lord Liu shouted.

"Liu, don't mess around, your son Liu Duxiu is still in our hands!" the elder Jiang's family shouted.

"Hmph!" City Lord Liu snorted coldly, and said, "If my son hadn't been in your hands, I would have wiped out your Jiang family long ago. Why would you wait until now?"

"You..." The elder Jiang's family was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Catch all of them back, especially those sons of the Jiang family, don't lose any of them!" City Lord Liu ordered.

"Yes, Lord City Lord." The guard of the City Lord's Mansion responded.

"Hmph! If your Jiang family dares to harm my son, I will let all the sons of your Jiang family be buried with me!" City Lord Liu said solemnly.

The faces of the two elders of the Jiang family were ashen, and they had nothing to say.

In less than a stick of incense, everyone in the Jiang family was imprisoned, and even the maids and servants who were wrapped up were not spared.

In fact, City Lord Liu had long wanted to attack the Jiang family, but he was only worried that he would offend the Zulong clan, and it would be difficult to deal with it at that time!
Jiangjiaji Gold Mine.

The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan did not find the Heavenly Thunder Seal, so he stomped his feet angrily.

But what if you get angry again?In the end, he could only accept the result that the sky thunder seal disappeared.

In the past two days, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan thought about it for a while, and felt that he was in the mine at that time. There should be no mistake, and there must be other people in the mine.And it should be that person who took away the Tianlei seal, as for who that person is, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan does not know.

In addition, how did the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan elude his consciousness to detect something that he couldn't figure out?Could it be that the other party is the existence of the Venerable Heaven and the Venerable Earth?

But if the other party has the strength of a heavenly venerable and an earthly venerable, why should he hide his head and show his tail like this?Just grab it directly.

The patriarch of the Zulong clan couldn't figure it out, so he could only go back home.

Seeing that the chief of the Zulong family was leaving, the head of the Su family hurried forward and asked, "Patriarch Zulong, are you going back?"

"Why don't you go back and stay here?" the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan asked angrily.

"Patriarch Zulong, what about Shanyang City?" Patriarch Su asked cautiously.

"Let's talk about it when I'm free, or you can find the missing sky thunder seal." Said the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

"This..." Patriarch Jiang looked aggrieved. The Heavenly Thunder Seal was lost by the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan, and he didn't lose it by himself. Why should he break the contract?
"Do you have an opinion?" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan asked displeased.

"The villain doesn't dare." Patriarch Su said hastily.

"Don't dare to be the best!" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan snorted.

Immediately, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan took two elders and left the Jiang Family Skeleton Gold Mine.

Patriarch Jiang looked at the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan who had left, and cursed in his heart.

But so what?
However, at this moment, news came from Shanyang City that the Jiang family was taken over by the City Lord's Mansion, and all the disciples were captured alive.

Hearing this news, Patriarch Jiang's face suddenly changed, "Damn it! Liu Yuanshan, you despicable villain, how dare you do this while the old man is away!"

"Patriarch Mo Nu, I don't know whether this news is true or not. Maybe it was deliberately spread by Liu." An elder Jiang Patriarch said.

"It should be fake. Liu knows that our backer is the Ancestral Dragon Clan. If he had the guts, he would have done it long ago. Why wait until today?"

"Could this news be true?" Patriarch Jiang said hesitantly.

"It's hard to say." Another elder said.

After a pause, Patriarch Jiang said, "Hurry back to Shanyang City first!"

"Yes, Patriarch!" The elders responded.

Immediately, the group hurried back to Shanyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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