Chapter 3389

Li Ming had expected that Liu Yuanshan would not be so easy to talk to, but he did not expect Liu Yuanshan to be so stingy. His news helped him capture the entire west city. Even if he was reluctant to give him the north city, he should at least give him a few streets.

However, in the end, only a little gold and silver was given.

The three-headed fire python has been guarding outside the gate of the city lord's mansion. Seeing Li Ming coming out, he immediately went up to meet him and asked, "Master, how is it? Does this northern city belong to us?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "Liu Yuanshan broke his promise."

"What? That Liu has broken his promise?" The three-headed fire python was furious, and said, "Master, see if I don't poison them to death."

"No need." Li Ming said.

"No need?" The three-headed fire python hesitated for a while, "Could it just be like this?"

"Let's forget it like this?" Li Ming snorted, and the three-headed fire python shuddered when he heard it.

When did Li Ming suffer? Although Li Ming didn't lose anything this time, he has to keep his promise. If Liu Yuanshan breaks his promise, he should pay the due price.

The three-headed fire python's heart twitched, he knew that the master was really angry.

At this moment, Li Ming asked, "Where is Jiang's family now?"

"Master, the Jiang family lost the battle and left in despair. They should have returned to the Skeleton Gold Mine." The three-headed fire python said.

"Come on, follow me to the gold mine." Li Ming said.

"Go to the Skeletal Gold Mine?" The three-headed fire python was stunned, and asked inexplicably: "Master, do you want to unite with the Jiang family to deal with Liu Yuanshan?"

"Subduing others without fighting is the best strategy. To deal with Liu Yuanshan, I don't need to take action myself." Li Ming said.

"Don't do it yourself?" The three-headed fire python looked puzzled, not understanding what the master was going to do.

However, since the master said so, he must have his own plan.

Immediately, one person and one python left Shanyang City and flew towards the Jiangjiaji Gold Mine.

Along the way, there is no stop.

A few days later, Li Ming arrived at the Jiangjiaji Gold Mine.

The patrol on the skeletal gold mine found someone approaching, and couldn't help asking: "Who is here?"

"My servant, Li Ming, please see the head of the noble family!" Li Ming said.

"Li Ming?" The patrol hesitated for a while, he had never heard of this character.

However, seeing Li Ming's extraordinary momentum, he didn't dare to dismiss him easily, so he couldn't help saying: "Please wait a little while, I'll go and report."

"Thank you." Li Ming said.

Immediately, the patrol went to report.

After a little effort, the patrolman turned back and said, "Please follow me, our Patriarch is waiting for you inside."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and the three-headed fire python followed the patrol and walked in.

inside the tent.

Patriarch Jiang looked at Li Ming and asked, "Who are you?"

"The guest of the city lord's mansion." Li Ming said.

"Take it!" Patriarch Jiang shouted immediately.

Patriarch Jiang suffered a defeat at the hands of Liu Yuanshan just now, and even lost his family fortune.

At this moment, how can I not be angry when I hear Li Ming's identity?
"Patriarch Jiang, don't you want to hear my reason for coming?" Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Patriarch Jiang hesitated slightly, and then asked: "What is your purpose?"

"I want to form an alliance with Patriarch Jiang." Li Ming said.

"Alliance?" Patriarch Jiang couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. The guest of the City Lord's Mansion actually wanted to form an alliance with him?
At this time, Li Ming said unhurriedly: "Patriarch Jiang, you and I have a common enemy."

"Who?" Patriarch Jiang asked.

"Liu Yuanshan." Li Ming said.

"Oh? You want to turn against Liu Yuanshan?" Patriarch Jiang looked hesitant.

"That's right, Liu Yuanshan didn't keep his word. I helped him heal his injuries. He promised to give me the territory of the northern city of Shanyang City. Now his injuries are almost healed, but he kicked me out of the city lord's mansion. The matter of the northern city Don't admit it at all." Li Ming said.

"You cured Liu Yuanshan?" Patriarch Jiang asked lately.

"That's right, but since I can cure Liu Yuanshan, I can also make him relapse." Li Ming said.

"What do you mean?" Patriarch Jiang asked.

"I did some tricks during the treatment, just in case." Li Ming said.

"Then why are you looking for me?" Patriarch Jiang asked lately.

"A few days ago, Liu Yuanshan did not know where to get a treasure. It is so powerful that it can also send out lightning. I can't deal with that treasure by myself, so I asked Patriarch Jiang to give me a helping hand. When the time comes, we will overthrow the treasure surnamed Liu. Yes, West City still belongs to you!" Li Ming said.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Patriarch Jiang asked.

"I said the West City still belongs to you." Li Ming said.

"No, you said Liu Yuanshan got a treasure?" Patriarch Jiang said.

"That's right. It's a very special treasure. It looks like a square seal and can emit lightning. That square seal knocked me out of the City Lord's Mansion." Li Ming said.

Then, Li Ming rolled up his sleeves, only to see that his arms were burning.

Patriarch Jiang immediately recognized the injury on Li Ming's arm, which was caused by lightning.

Seeing this, Patriarch Jiang became excited immediately, and asked, "Is that treasure really Fang Yin?"

"It's Fang Yin." Li Ming said with certainty.

"Okay, okay! It turns out that Liu Yuanshan stole the Tianlei Seal, what a guy!" Patriarch Jiang said excitedly.

Li Ming looked bewildered, and Fox questioned, "Patriarch Jiang, what is the Heavenly Thunder Seal? What are you talking about?"

"Li Ming, it's a long story. However, the owner of this family is very grateful for the news you brought. You stay here for a few days, and I will go out. After a few days, we will call back to Shanyang together. The north of the city will belong to you when the time comes." Patriarch Jiang said.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and asked later: "Is this really true?"

"Really!" Patriarch Jiang assured.

"You won't break your promise?" Li Ming asked again.

"Absolutely not, I'm not that guy Liu Yuanshan!" Patriarch Jiang said.

"Okay, then I'll wait here for a few days." Li Ming said.

"Okay, okay!" Patriarch Jiang replied.

Immediately, Patriarch Jiang settled Li Ming down first, and then hurried to Xingyue City.

In the past few days, Patriarch Jiang was annoyed that the Heavenly Thunder Seal could not be found, and the family was kicked out of Shanyang City, what should we do in the future?
But at this time, Li Ming brought the news of the Heavenly Thunder Seal. There is no unparalleled road!
Li Ming stayed at the Skeleton Gold Mine for the time being. A few days later, Patriarch Jiang returned to the mine with a few people.

The person who came was none other than the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan in Xingyue City.

Li Ming had long expected that the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan would go out in person, this time Liu Yuanshan would be able to drink a pot.

At this time, I only heard that the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan asked: "You are the one who saw Liu Yuanshan use the Heavenly Thunder Seal?"

"What sky thunder seal? I don't know what you are talking about?" Li Ming said with a blank face.

"That's the square seal." Patriarch Jiang reminded.

"Yes, Liu Yuanshan had a reaction, very powerful." Li Ming said.

"Are you still wounded by that Fang Yin?" the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan asked.

"Yes." Li Ming responded, and immediately rolled up his sleeves.

Seeing this, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan no longer had any doubts, and continued, "Go, follow me to Shanyang City!"

(End of this chapter)

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