The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3392 7 Days

Chapter 3392 Seven days
At this moment, Li Ming had already fled without a trace.

The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan couldn't find Li Ming, his face changed suddenly, and he became more sure of his thoughts, he must have been deceived, it wasn't Liu Yuanshan who escaped from the Heavenly Thunder Seal at all!

"Damn it!" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan suddenly roared.

"and many more!"

"Only Patriarch Jiang knows about the existence of the Heavenly Thunder Seal. How did Li Ming know about it?" Patriarch of the Zulong Clan immediately realized the problem.

"Could it be that Li Ming stole the Tianlei Seal? Then he intentionally planted it on Liu Yuanshan?"

"Or is it that Patriarch Jiang and Li Ming have colluded and deliberately used himself as a gunman?"

In an instant, several speculations emerged.

The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan is a suspicious person by nature, and today's matter is really suspicious, why don't you let him think about it?
After a pause, the Patriarch of Zulong Clan saw that Li Ming could not be found, so he called Patriarch Jiang over first.

Patriarch Jiang was flustered, how could he not know the nature of the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan?Before, I swore to him that the Tianlei Seal was stolen by Liu Yuanshan, and now Liu Yuanshan would rather lose his son and blew himself up than hand over the Tianlei Seal, which shows that it was not Liu Yuanshan who stole the Tianlei Seal.

The Patriarch of the Zulong clan looked Patriarch Jiang up and down, and Patriarch Jiang's heart trembled when he saw it.

Before the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan could speak, Patriarch Jiang knelt down and begged for mercy: "Patriarch Zulong, please forgive me, Patriarch Zulong, please spare me."

The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan narrowed his eyes and asked, "What did you do wrong? Why do you want me to spare you?"

"Patriarch Zulong, the villain was deceived by Li Ming and mistakenly thought that it was Liu Yuanshan who stole the Heavenly Thunder Seal. The villain was responsible for negligent investigation and caused the tragic death of City Master Liu Yuanshan." Patriarch Jiang said hastily.

"Hmph!" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan snorted, and shouted, "Jiang, you are so brave, how dare you collude with Li Ming to lie to me?"

"Patriarch Zulong, please forgive me. The villain absolutely did not collude with Li Ming. The villain was completely deceived by Li Ming. Patriarch Zulong, take a lesson!" Patriarch Jiang said hastily.

"You still dare to lie? Why don't you tell me how you and Li Ming conspired together? How did you deceive the Patriarch?" The Patriarch of the Zulong Clan's face sank again, and he grabbed Patriarch Jiang's neck.

Patriarch Jiang suddenly felt suffocated, almost out of breath, and murmured: "Patriarch Zulong, I really didn't, I really didn't conspire with Li Ming."

"Do you still dare to speak hard?" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan's face darkened, and the strength in his hands suddenly increased.

Immediately, Patriarch Jiang's complexion changed again, turning red and purple, and he was about to die.

At this time, I heard an elder from the Zulong tribe next to me say: "Patriarch, Patriarch Jiang doesn't seem to be lying."

"Huh?" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan's complexion suddenly darkened, his eyes flickering.

Seeing this, the elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan quickly apologized: "Patriarch calm down, the villain shouldn't talk too much."

"You won't accept any benefits from Patriarch Jiang, will you?" the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan said solemnly.

Obviously, at this moment, the paranoia of the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan flared up again.

"Patriarch Mingjian, the villain has absolutely no contact with Patriarch Jiang in private." The elder of the Zulong clan said quickly.

"Hmph!" The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan snorted, threw Patriarch Jiang casually away, and continued, "Jiang, I'll give you seven days to capture Li Ming alive, otherwise don't blame me for destroying your entire Jiang family!"

"Yes, yes." Patriarch Jiang replied repeatedly.

Afterwards, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan walked away.

However, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan did not leave Shanyang City, but stayed in the largest restaurant in the city.

The news of Liu Yuanshan's sudden death spread like wildfire, and it spread throughout Shanyang City in less than a stick of incense.

Everyone knows that Liu Yuanshan died at the hands of the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan, and they all saw that the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan was invited by Patriarch Jiang. For a while, the dignitaries in Shanyang City came in droves, and each of them tried their best to please Patriarch Jiang, including the one-of-a-kind Song Home.

You know, a few days ago, the Song family was as beautiful as City Lord Liu, and there were faint signs of becoming the deputy city lord.

But now, with Liu Yuanshan's sudden death, the Song family no longer dared to accept it, and immediately surrendered to Patriarch Jiang. First, they returned the two streets that occupied Jiang's house before, and then prepared a number of generous gifts, so they almost directly embrace Patriarch Jiang as the city lord.

Patriarch Jiang is naturally happy to see the worship of Wanjia, but Patriarch Jiang's order is like a sharp sword hanging over his head, so Patriarch Jiang dare not relax for a moment, let alone enjoy the pleasure of worshiping from Wanjia.

With the help of the existing name, the head of the Jiang family issued a reward order for Li Ming.

Patriarch Jiang knew that as long as he found Li Ming, he would be able to regain the trust of the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan. At that time, the position of City Lord of Shanyang City would naturally be his.Similarly, he also knew that if he couldn't find Li Ming, then with the disposition of the Patriarch of the Zulong clan, he would definitely destroy his Jiang family.

Therefore, Patriarch Jiang is now sparing no effort to find Li Ming and mobilize the whole city.

In order to please Patriarch Jiang, those nobles naturally obeyed.

Now, everyone is looking for Li Ming.

But Li Ming seemed to have evaporated from the world, no matter how Patriarch Ren Jiang turned Shanyang City over, he couldn't find Li Ming.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

There are only two days left before the time stipulated by the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan, Patriarch Jiang feels very anxious, because he has not even found Li Ming's shadow.

On the same day, Li Ming noticed that the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan was suspicious, so he took the opportunity to escape from Shanyang City through Liu Yuanshan's solution.

There is Zhou Xinghai in Shanyang City, and every move of the Jiang family can't escape Li Ming's eyes and ears.

Hearing that the Jiang family offered a reward to him, Li Ming would of course hide as far as he could.

As for the site of Shanyang City, wait until the gust of wind passes before trying to find a solution.

Time passed day by day, and the remaining two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The head of the Jiang family looked ashamed, because he hadn't found Li Ming yet, and he hadn't even found out about Li Ming.

At this time, Patriarch Jiang faced two choices, one was to take the Jiang family up and down and escape immediately, and the other was to plead guilty to Patriarch of Zulong Clan.

The head of the Jiang family didn't think much, and directly took the Jiang family up and down to plead guilty.

Because Patriarch Jiang knew that they couldn't escape at all. After all, the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan was a late existence of the Little Venerable.

In the restaurant, the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan saw Patriarch Jiang bringing a group of elders to plead guilty, his expression froze slightly.

At this time, Patriarch Jiang was kneeling on the ground, pleading guilty in fear and trepidation: "Patriarch Zulong, the villain is not doing well. I couldn't find Li Ming, so please punish Patriarch Zulong."

The Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan glanced at Patriarch Jiang, paused, and then asked, "Patriarch Jiang, do you think this Patriarch should be punished?"

"The villain is ashamed of Patriarch Zulong, and he voluntarily apologizes with death. He only begs Patriarch Zulong to bypass the rest of my Jiang family for the sake of his subordinates' dedication." Patriarch Jiang said anxiously.

Hearing this, the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan seemed a little satisfied, nodded slightly, and continued to ask: "Patriarch Jiang, you have seven days, why don't you take advantage of these seven days to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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