Chapter 3394
At this time, I saw a handsome young man riding a tall horse, holding a whip in one hand, and pointing to the guards guarding the city with the other, asking: "Why do you stop me? I am the grandson of the Song family in Nancheng!"

"The city lord has an order that anyone who enters or exits the city gate must be inspected, and you are no exception!" said the soldier guarding the city with a serious face.

"Blind your dog eyes, deaf your dog ears, can't hear my son? I am the grandson of the Song family!" the young man shouted.

"The city lord has ordered that anyone who enters or exits the city gate must be inspected, and you are no exception!" the guarding soldier repeated again.

"Looking for a whip!" The grandson of the Song family suddenly became furious, raised his whip and whipped it at the soldiers guarding the city.

The soldier couldn't dodge in time, and was slapped by the grandson of the Song family.

Suddenly, the flesh and blood were blurred.

Seeing this, the other soldiers quickly surrounded him.

"Get out of the way, let me get out of the way!" The grandson of the Song family shouted, waving his horsewhip.

The other soldiers didn't dare to provoke them, so they had to obediently make way.

Afterwards, the grandson of the Song family galloped into Shanyang City.

"Xiao Wu, are you okay? That Song guy is really not a thing, and he is so ruthless." A soldier next to him asked with concern.

"I'm... fine." Xiao Wu's voice was broken, and then his neck suddenly tilted, and he died.

"Xiao Wu, what's the matter with you?" The soldier next to him suddenly became nervous, but when he checked Xiao Wu's pulse, he was startled. This Xiao Wu actually died.

He was startled, and only heard the soldier shouting: "General, it's not good, Xiao Wu is dead, he was whipped to death by the grandson of the Song family."

The general on the tower had seen all this and the scene of the Song family's grandson beating people, but he didn't come forward to stop him, because now the Song family is the second largest wealthy family besides City Lord Jiang.

Don't look at him as a general guarding the city, but to put it bluntly, he is a watchdog. If the Jiang family kicks him out one day, he will be a shit at that time, so he is not willing to be an enemy of the Song family unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, this can be regarded as leaving a way out for yourself.

But now, he couldn't sit still anymore, the grandson of the Song family killed the soldiers defending the city, how could he turn a blind eye as the general defending the city?Moreover, he felt that this was an excellent opportunity to surrender to City Lord Jiang!
Immediately, the city guard general jumped down from the tower to check Xiao Wu's condition, and sure enough, his heartbeat was gone.

"General, what should we do now?" Another soldier guarding the city asked.

The general's expression froze, and he said, "Close the city gate, and I'll report it to City Lord Jiang."

The general who defended the city was not the Jiang family, but the deputy general of the former general who defended the city.

It turned out that the general guarding the city was Liu Yuanshan's confidant, and he had been conspired to death by City Lord Jiang.

However, City Lord Jiang shouldn't go too far. After all, the soldiers guarding the city are quite a force, so he activated the deputy general, who is now the general.

At this time, the city guard general rushed to Jiang's house at full speed.

In fact, the guard was not smoked to death by the grandson of the Song family at all, but Li Ming killed him secretly.

Jiang family.

"Who's here?" the guard at the gate of Jiang's house asked.

"General who defends the city, Zhao Tianhu!" The general who defended the city reported himself.

"What's the matter here?" Jiang's guard continued to ask.

"The grandson of the Song family rushed into the city on horseback and killed the soldiers defending the city." Zhao Tianhu reported.

"There is such a thing?" Jiang's guard was shocked.

"It's true." Zhao Tianhu said.

After a pause, the Jiang family guard said, "Follow me."

Immediately, Zhao Tianhu jumped off his horse and walked in with the guards of the Jiang family.

After a little effort, Zhao Tianhu met the head of the Jiang family.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Family Patriarch asked.

"Patriarch, General Zhao said that the grandson of the Song family rushed into the city with his horse and killed the soldiers defending the city." The guard of the Jiang family reported.

"There is such a thing?" The head of the Jiang family couldn't help being startled.

"It's true. The grandson of the Song family took advantage of his position and power, completely ignored the city lord's decree, refused to cooperate with the inspection, and insisted on breaking into the city. The guards stopped him and was beaten to death by him." Zhao Tianhu reported in detail.

"Damn it, you're ignoring my city lord's decree?" City lord Jiang was furious immediately, and then ordered: "Come here, capture the grandson of the Song family for me, and kill him at the gate of the city at noon tomorrow!"

"Yes, City Master." Zhao Tianhu replied, but then hesitated.

"Any more questions?" Patriarch Jiang asked.

"My lord, I'm worried that the Song family will block it." Zhao Tianhu said.

"Stop it, shoot and kill!" City Lord Jiang shouted.

"Yes." Zhao Tianhu replied.

Immediately, Zhao Tianhu rushed to Song's house with a group of people.

Zhao Tianhu knew that this was an excellent opportunity to surrender to City Master Jiang. As long as he took the Song family's grandson, he would definitely gain the trust of City Master Jiang.

During this period of time, City Lord Jiang was unrivaled in the limelight, and no one could match him.

However, the Song family in Nancheng has always been his heart disease. If the Song family is not eliminated, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

However, the Song family's posture was very low, and they obeyed the Jiang family's orders. City Lord Jiang couldn't find any excuse to attack the Song family.

But now, the grandson of the Song family took the initiative to send it to his door.

If the Song family dared to make a mistake, he just found an excuse to eradicate the Song family in one fell swoop.

If the Song family swallowed this breath and watched their grandson be beheaded, it was none of his business. The murderer was Zhao Tianhu, and the Song family would only vent all their anger on Zhao Tianhu.

Zhao Tianhu controls the city defense corps, a force that is not big or small.

If the Song family and Zhao Tianhu can fight each other, he will naturally reap the benefits of being a fisherman!

After a little effort, Zhao Tianhu brought people to Song's house.

Seeing Zhao Tianhu's menacing approach, the guards of the Song family hurried forward to stop him, and asked, "General Zhao, what do you mean?"

"The grandson of the Song family galloped into the city on horseback and killed the guards. I am here under the orders of the city lord to arrest them! Anyone who dares to stop him will be shot!" Zhao Tianhu shouted.

While drinking, Zhao Tianhu pushed away the guards of the Song family and rushed in directly with his troops.

Immediately, the huge Song family was in chaos, and even the head of the Song family was alarmed.

Patriarch Song looked at Zhao Tianhu with a very low posture, and asked, "General Zhao, is there any misunderstanding about this matter?"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding could there be? Your grandson rushed into the city on horseback and killed the guards. All the guards saw it, and so did all the passers-by. Can this matter be false?"

"This..." Patriarch Song was dumbfounded for a while.

"Patriarch Song, the city lord has issued an order. Anyone who dares to stop me will be shot to death. If Patriarch Song insists on blocking me, I can only enforce the law impartially!" Zhao Tianhu said bluntly.

"You..." Patriarch Song was dumbfounded.

"Hand over the man!" Zhao Tianhu shouted.

Patriarch Song's face was very ugly, but in the end he could only hand over his grandson Song Yun.

"Patriarch, you can't hand him over. If you hand him over, he will be gone." A woman stopped him.

However, Patriarch Song acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Afterwards, Zhao Tianhu took Song Yun away.

"Grandpa, save me, save me..." Song Yun yelled.

However, Patriarch Song acted as if he hadn't heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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