The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3405 Unlucky Tianhe Fangzhu

Chapter 3405 Unlucky Tianhe Fangzhu
months ago.

On that day, the owner of Tianhe Shifang escaped by chance, and never dared to return to Tianhe Shifang. First, he was worried that the Patriarch of the Zulong Clan would cause trouble, and second, he was afraid that Li Ming would break his oath.

Therefore, the owner of Tianhe Shifang has been recuperating outside.

Sure enough, later the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan really got angry and directly razed Tianhe Shifang to the ground.

During this time, the owner of Tianhe City Square has been looking for Shang Gongxin's whereabouts.

Before he heard that Li Ming had some relationship with Zhou Xinghai from Shanyang City Square, he thought that Shang Gongxin might be in Shanyang City, so he came to Shanyang City to try his luck.

However, it just happened to catch up with the turmoil in Shanyang City.

During this period of time, the owner of Tianhe Shifang did not dare to go into the city to check, so he could only lie dormant far away.

Now that Shanyang City has finally calmed down, he dared to enter the city to investigate.

After inquiring, it turned out that the lord of Shanyang City is actually Zhou Xinghai.

Hearing this name, the owner of Tianhe City Square immediately thought of Li Ming. This Zhou Xinghai might be just a puppet, and the real behind-the-scenes city owner should be Li Ming.

The owner of the Tianhe Square did not dare to be an enemy of Li Ming. It would be fine if Li Ming was the only one, but there was also a three-headed fire python.

Those three-headed fire pythons were his spirit beasts before, and they were often beaten and scolded by him, so he was careful everywhere.

Now he only needs to find Shang Gongxin, and find a chance to take her away, and he will be done.

In fact, the owner of the square in Tianhe City didn't know that Shang Gongxin had bid farewell to Li Ming long before the turmoil in Shanyang City.

Therefore, there is definitely no one Tianhefang is looking for in Shanyang City.

It had been more than half a month since Li Ming left Shanyang City, and the three-headed fire python in retreat gradually woke up.

Now, the three-headed fire python is no longer a simple three-headed fire python, but half dragon and half python.

The poisonous stinging dragon also woke up, and its strength also increased greatly.

The three-headed fire python had nothing to do, so he took up the patrol in Shanyang City to see if Patriarch Zulong would send someone over.

It would be great if another elder with the blood of the ancestral dragon arrives. It is estimated that by then he will completely transform into a three-headed fire flood dragon.

Walking on the street, the three-headed fire python transformed into a handsome man, causing many women to glance at him secretly.

However, the three-headed fire python is not interested in these vulgar fans.

Suddenly, the three-headed fire python smelled an unusually familiar breath.

"Huh?" The three-headed fire python was startled, "It seems to belong to the former owner!"

Thinking of this former owner, the three-headed fire python couldn't help being furious.

In these years, he has served Tianhefang Master wholeheartedly, and he has never had a second heart.But what do you get?Nothing but a whip.

Sometimes, he was whipped twice a day.

Now, he was sold to Li Ming by the owner of Tianhe Fang, and finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.

However, this does not mean that he has forgotten the hatred of the past.

That day in the cave, if Li Ming hadn't stopped him, he would have bitten Tianhe Fangzhu to pieces long ago.

"So brave, so brave, you dare to come to our Shanyang City!" The three-headed fire python had gloomy eyes, and a strong killing intent exuded from its body.

Following the smell, the three-headed fire python looked for it.

At this moment, Tianhe Fangzhu was looking for Shang Gongxin in the city, and he didn't notice that the three-headed fire python was approaching him.

The three-headed fire python quietly walked behind Tianhe Fangzhu, and without warning, it bit it, and directly poured its own venom into his body.

Now, the three-headed fire python has transformed into a half dragon and half python, and the venom in its body is extremely strong.

On the spot, Tianhe Fangzhu felt that he couldn't do it, and fell down directly.

"You... who are you?" Tianhefang asked, pointing to the three-headed fire python.

In the past, the three-headed fire python did not dare to transform in front of Tianhe Fangzhu. Even if he transformed, he had to follow Tianhe Fangzhu's preferences.

But now, the three-headed fire python completely changes its appearance according to its own preferences.

That's why Tianhe Fangzhu failed to recognize the three-headed fire python.

"Master, isn't it me?" The three-headed fire python revealed a snake brain, but then hid it well.

"It's you?" Tianhe Fangzhu recognized the three-headed fire python, he suddenly said something bad, and immediately took out the detoxifying panacea and took it.

"You still want to detoxify? If you dare to come to my Shanyang City today, I will definitely not let you go away alive!" The three-headed fire python said gloomyly.

"Don't be foolish, I have made an agreement with your master, he will not attack me in this life, otherwise he will be punished by five thunderbolts." Tianhe Fangzhu said.

"What does your agreement with my master have to do with me?" said the three-headed fire python.

"You and Li Ming are one. If you kill me, it means that Li Ming has broken his oath. It will come true when the time comes!" Tianhe Fangzhu said quickly.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python couldn't help but wrinkled his brows. He had heard of the poisonous oath of destiny, and it seemed that there was indeed such a collateral effect.

Seeing the three-headed fire python stop, the owner of Tianhe Fang couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

However, just when Tianhe Fangzhu felt that he could escape, the three-headed fire python suddenly said: "I can't do anything to you, someone can do it to you!"

Saying that, the three-headed fire python captured Tianhe Fangzhu and took him back directly.

At this moment, the poisonous stinging dragon turned into a child, playing in the yard, seeing the three-headed fire python suddenly came back, he couldn't help saying: "Uncle Python, will you play with me?"

"Xiao Jiao, look what I brought back for you." Saying that, the three-headed fire python directly threw Master Tianhe in front of the Stinger Jiao.

Seeing Tianhe Fangzhu, the poisonous stinger's eyes turned red immediately, and the poisonous stinger's body instantly recovered.

At this moment, I only heard the three-headed fire python say: "Little Jiao, this guy has been poisoned by my venom. Although he has already taken the detoxification pill, my current venom is not the same as before. His detoxification pill is probably not too big." effect, you just do it!"

"Uncle Mang, I don't want to just kill him like this." The Stinger Jiao said.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python paused, and the fox asked: "Then what do you want?"

"I want to torture him little by little, until he dies! Can you protect me for me?" asked the Stinger Jiao.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire python not only did not refuse, but became energetic instead.

He had been tortured a lot under Tianhefang Master before, and now he can finally treat him in his own way.

I only heard the three-headed fire python say: "Little Jiao, I can protect the dharma for you, but I can't help you in vain, right?"

"Then I..." The stinging dragon pondered slightly, and said, "I'll give you a drop of blood, how about it?"

"That's what you said." The three-headed fire python said with a smile.

"En." The stinging dragon responded.

"Okay, you can torture this guy to your heart's content, I will protect the law for you, and nothing will happen if you keep it." The three-headed fire python said.

"Okay." The Stinger Jiao replied.

Immediately, the stinging dragon started inhuman torture.

Li Ming hurried on the road for a month without any pause, and finally arrived at Panlong Mountain.

However, the Flood Demon Cave has not been found so far.

"Lu Xingzhou said that the entrance of Hongmo Cave is behind a cloud, where exactly is it?" Li Ming hesitated secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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