Chapter 341
Li Ming remained calm and said, "The camp is heavily guarded, and Manager Jin is even more cautious. He got the elixir and immediately issued an order to expel the guests. If he asked to see Brother Shun at this time, he would definitely be suspected. So this matter has to be slow, anyway, I will be in charge of escorting the pills in the future, so I'm not afraid that we won't find a chance."

Hearing this, Niu Wudi nodded his head and said, "Big Brother is right."

"Let's go, go back to Yunshui City first, a new batch of pills will arrive in a few days." Li Ming said.

Immediately, he flew towards Yunshui City.

It took less than a day to perform the technique of turning the rainbow, and arrived at Yunshui City.

Back in Yunshui City, Li Ming reported to Shopkeeper Fan.

Li Ming is only responsible for escorting the pills. As for collecting the money, Li Ming doesn't need to worry about it. He has his own person in charge!
After staying in Yunshui City for a few days, a new batch of elixir arrived, and Li Ming drove a second-hand fairy ship to the front camp.

On the evening of the third day, Li Ming arrived at the front camp.

Because he had been here once, the patrol captain took Li Ming directly to see Guanshi Jin.

The transaction process is very golden, just inspect the goods according to the transaction jade slip!

These pills are all from the God of Medicine Sect, so naturally there is no problem.

After inspecting the goods, Manager Jin chatted with Li Ming for a few words, and then issued an order to evict the guests. He did not let Li Ming stay overnight because of the darkness!

In military camps and even important places, it is almost impossible for outsiders to stay overnight!
After leaving the barracks, Li Ming and Niu Wudi did not leave.

Li Ming felt that instead of waiting for an opportunity, it is better to create one by himself!
Under the cover of the night, Li Ming and Niu Wudi performed invisibility techniques and walked around the barracks.

However, the receipt was not too good.

The elixir has been escorted five or six times in this way, and the money manager will issue an order to evict the customer every time after inspection!
After leaving the barracks, Li Ming frowned slightly, Chuan Nian said: "It seems that we have to use some tricks!"

"Brother, what's your plan?" Niu Wudi Chuannian asked.

"No." Li Ming said frankly.

"No?" Niu Wudi was taken aback, extremely surprised.

I only heard Li Ming say: "We have nothing to do, but someone has a way. Let's go to Sunset City!"

"Sunset City?" Niu Wudi was startled, as if he had thought of something, and asked, "Brother, are you referring to them?"

"That's right, it's them. They designed Brother Shun to enter the barracks, so they must have figured out how to receive the information. They just hope they stay in Sunset City!" Li Ming murmured.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi rushed towards Sunset City.

It was midnight when we arrived at Sunset City, Li Ming and Niu Wudi sat in the forest outside the city for the night, and entered the city early the next morning.

After entering Sunset City, Li Ming and Niu Wudi went to the restaurant.

If those two were still inquiring about news in Sunset City, they would definitely go to the restaurant.

Because, the restaurant is the best place to inquire about news!

Some time ago, Brother Tian and the others suffered from Li Ming's injury and were worried that their identities would be exposed, so they retreated to the inland city.

A month has passed, and they have not heard the news of the arrest of the spies in Sunset City, and their hearts gradually eased.

Brother Wen Tian murmured: "It seems that those two people really don't intend to expose us!"

So, Brother Tian took his companions and quietly returned to Sunset City, continuing to secretly inquire about the news, and at the same time plot against the spies.

Today, Brother Tian and his companions came to the Sunset City Restaurant as usual.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Ming and Niu Wudi.

Immediately, the two of them were ashamed, like little ghosts who saw the King of Hades and were about to turn around and leave immediately.

But at this time, Li Ming waved to them, signaling them to sit down.

Brother Tian and his companions looked very ugly, only to hear the woman ask: "Brother Tian, ​​what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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