Chapter 3424
Seeing the approaching poisonous spider, Li Ming's expression changed slightly, and he immediately used Fengyan.

Feng Yan covered his whole body, Li Ming tried to burn the spider silk wrapped around his body, but it was all in vain.

The spider silk of these spiders is far more powerful than Li Ming imagined, and they are not afraid of Li Ming's phoenix flame.

The spiders approached, and Li Ming could see their true colors clearly. They were different from the poisonous spiders we met at the entrance of the cave before. These spiders were larger in size, and their bodies were colorful and colorful. The tail looks like a human face.

"What kind of monster is this?" Li Ming was terrified. He had never encountered such a creature.

Fenghuo couldn't do it, so Li Ming simply sacrificed the Heavenly Thunder Seal.

As soon as the Heavenly Thunder Seal came out, thunderclouds billowed and thunder radiated everywhere.

Thunder is the nemesis of all monsters. These colorful poisonous spiders stopped when they saw the thunder mark, but they just stopped and did not retreat.

Outside the canyon.

A group of Zulong clan hurried over and lay in ambush outside the canyon, waiting quietly for the disciples of Tiandizong.

Suddenly, several people heard several muffled thunders.

Immediately, several people looked pleasantly surprised, "It's the sound of thunder, it must be the seal of thunder from the sky. It seems that we really hit a dead mouse this time. We originally wanted to ask Brother Yang Dao of the Heaven and Earth Sect to inquire about Li Ming's whereabouts. Li Ming is here!"

"It's just that we don't have a specific map of the inside of Tiandi Cave, so it's not a problem to keep guarding like this. If Tiandi Cave has another entrance and exit, wouldn't Bai Huan be very happy at that time?" Another Zulong clan member said.

Hearing this, several people couldn't help pondering.

"How about we try to break into the Catacombs?" One of them suggested.

"Crossing the Catacombs?" The other person couldn't help hesitating, and then said: "The caves are full of poisonous spiders, especially at the entrance, and the poison is extremely powerful. With our strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to break through. Besides the entrance, there are many other places to go." There are many poisonous pits, filled with poisonous spiders of different species, if you accidentally fall into it, you will definitely die."

"What should I do?"

"This... why don't you wait here first to see if there are any disciples from the Tiandizong entering, and follow them secretly when the time comes." One person suggested.

Hearing this, several people made a little calculation, unified their opinions, and said: "Then let's make a decision like this first!"

Immediately, a group of people lurked on the edge of the canyon for the time being.

Inside the giant pit.

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Sky Thunder Seal had successfully shocked the colorful poisonous spiders.

At that moment, Li Ming began to think of a way to break free from the spider silk that bound his body.

If Feng Yan can't do it, it's Thunder and Lightning.


The sky thunder seal split a thunderbolt and hit the spider silk.

The spider silk suddenly emitted black smoke and began to split little by little.

"It's useful!" Li Ming was overjoyed, and activated the Heavenly Thunder Seal again.


Another bolt of lightning strikes down on the spider's silk.

At this time, the spider silk split a lot.

However, just as he was about to get out of trouble, a colorful spider jumped up suddenly, covering Li Ming's neck with a bite.

Immediately, the poison of the colorful spider immediately poured into Li Ming's body.

Li Ming suddenly felt bad, and his head was dizzy.

However, the colorful spider was not much better, and Li Ming's Poison King Fengxue was not for nothing.

When it injected venom into Li Ming, the poison king Phoenix also entered the body of the colorful spider.

Immediately, the fire poison broke out in the colorful spider's body, and it tilted its head and fell down immediately.

Then the fire poison broke out and began to roast its viscera.

In an instant, the colorful spider was poisoned to death by the poisonous king Phoenix.

Seeing this, the other colorful spiders were startled. What's the matter with this human?How could he be poisoned to death after biting him?
At the moment, these colorful spiders did not dare to approach Li Ming, and at the same time retreated one after another.

Li Ming was poisoned by the colorful spider, and he felt very bad. His head was dizzy, as if he was about to lose consciousness.

"No, you can't faint, you must run the Hunyuan Body Refining Art immediately!" Li Ming said secretly.

But the poison of the colorful spider had already taken hold, and Li Ming's head became more and more dizzy, and he couldn't stay awake at all, let alone run the Hunyuan body training formula.

"Thunderbolt, yes, thunderbolt can keep me awake!" Li Ming said secretly.

Immediately, Li Ming urged the Heavenly Thunder Seal to bombard him without hesitation.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck Li Ming fiercely.

Thunder and lightning spread all over his body, and Li Ming woke up suddenly, and his drowsy head was also a little bit awake.

At the moment, Li Ming is frantically running the Hunyuan Body Refining Art.

As soon as the Hunyuan Body Refining Art was activated, it quickly incorporated the poison of the colorful spider into the body.

Li Ming's complexion improved slightly, but it was far from enough.

Li Ming continued to bombard himself with the Heavenly Thunder Seal to keep himself awake, and at the same time told him to run the Hunyuan body training formula.

It lasted for a stick of incense before Li Ming completely stabilized the toxicity in his body.

However, it is only stable for the time being, and there is still a long way to go before it can be fully absorbed.


Li Ming let out a deep breath, and his complexion suddenly turned better, "It's lucky to have this Hunyuan body training formula, otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to die in the hands of this colorful spider today! Damn Daoist Yang, don't let me catch you!" , otherwise you will be cut into pieces!"


Li Ming took a deep breath and continued to run the Hunyuan Body Refining Art.

In a blink of an eye, three or four days passed.

The poison of the colorful spider in Li Ming's body has been absorbed one after another, and only half of it remains.

After the blessing of the colorful spider's poison, Li Ming's physical body became extremely stronger.

"It should be possible to condense the seven changes of the divine veins now, right?" Li Ming said secretly.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry to condense the Seven Changes of the Divine Meridian just now, he still needs to absorb the poison of the ordinary colorful spider left in his body.

Li Ming continued to absorb the poison of the colorful spider, and after a few days, he completely absorbed it.

The poison of this colorful spider was not as strong as Bi Fang's fire poison, otherwise the colorful spider would not have been directly poisoned to death by Li Ming's Poison King Fengxue.

"It's completely absorbed, and this time it's a blessing in disguise!" Li Ming secretly pleased.

At this time, the colorful spiders in the huge pit looked at Li Ming in horror. What's wrong with this human being, that they can absorb their poison?
Li Ming ignored these colorful spiders for the time being, and began to condense the seventh divine vein.

Li Ming is already very familiar with the technique of concentrating the divine veins, and there is nothing strange about it. Now, when he condenses it, it is as easy and comfortable as eating and drinking.

It takes time to condense the divine veins, but it is not too long. In just a few days, the seventh divine veins gradually formed in Li Ming's body.

This divine vein is far more powerful than the previous Poison King Phoenix's bloodline, after all, the poison of the colorful spider has been added to it.

"Phew... it's finally done!" Li Mingan breathed out a foul breath, and stopped practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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