The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3443 Accident

Chapter 3443 Accident
The matter of the celestial sparrow was just a small episode, like dust falling into the river and sea, without a single ripple, instead it was quickly submerged by the waves.

Therefore, Li Ming quickly forgot about it.

Right now, Li Ming is still stranded in the world of Hongmodong, just to see if he can find some body refining liquid or other cultivation resources.After all, now that the three-headed fire dragon has reached the state of Wang Zhaojing perfection, it is time to find a chance for him to break through the little venerable in one fell swoop.

You know, the outside world is a broken world with scarce resources. It is not easy to find resources suitable for breakthrough!

A group of people flew around, and they also looked around to inquire.

The person who arranged the red lanterns watched Li Ming and the others walk away, but there was nothing he could do.

In the end, you can only leave.

Not long after leaving, this person met an acquaintance.

Seeing his sullen face, the acquaintance couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhou, what's the matter? Why does he look sour?"

It turned out that the person who arranged the red lanterns was surnamed Zhou and named Yu.

"Nothing." Zhou Yu said.

"It's really nothing?" The man looked hesitant, and then asked curiously: "Brother Zhou, you set up a trap to catch the Sky Spirit Sparrow earlier, how is it going? Has there been any progress?"

Mentioning this matter, Zhou Yu exploded directly.

"I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off!" Zhou Yu couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and shouted directly.

"Brother Zhou, what's the matter with you?" the man asked puzzled.

"Look there!" Zhou Yu said, pointing to the hill where he had placed red lanterns before.

"Where?" The man looked in the direction Zhou Yu pointed, only to see a mountain collapsed, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong there?"

"That's where I set up the trap." Zhou Yu explained.

"Oh, it turned out that the mountain collapsed, don't take it to heart, and set up traps in another place." The man comforted.

"If the mountain collapsed naturally, I wouldn't say anything, but... Hey, if I don't say anything, I will cry if I say too much!" Zhou Yu said with a long sigh.

Hearing this, the man couldn't help being startled, and the fox asked: "Brother Zhou, is there something hidden in this?"

"Don't talk, don't talk." Zhou Yu said.

"Brother Zhou, if you tell me, I can help you analyze it and give you some suggestions." The man said.

"Can you give me any suggestions? Someone deliberately knocked down the top of the mountain." Zhou Yu said.

"Who? So bold? Even dare to blow up Brother Zhou's trap?" The man said with a look of aggrieved, but in fact he was happy to speak.

This Zhou Yu is very lofty on weekdays, very different from other casual cultivators, he has always regarded himself as a descendant of Chaotianque, now he is finally deflated, right?

"Hey, I don't know who that person is? I only know that there is a three-headed fire dragon beside him, which is extremely powerful, let alone the strength of Wang Zhaojing's late stage, and may even be Wang Zhaojing's consummation." Zhou Yu said.

"So strong?" The man couldn't help being surprised, and then asked inexplicably, "Brother Zhou, how did you offend such a powerful person?"

"Which did I offend them? They took the initiative to find fault. Just now I had caught a celestial sparrow, and was about to go home, those guys suddenly rushed out and asked me to release the celestial sparrow. Of course I don't agree, but there is no way, who can tell their strength?" Zhou Yu said helplessly.

"There are still such unreasonable people? Brother Zhou, do you remember their appearance, if I meet them later, I should be on guard." The man said.

"Remember, I know them all when they were burned to ashes." Zhou Yu said.

Then, Zhou Yu condensed the portraits of Li Ming and his party out of thin air.

"It's them?" The man couldn't help being surprised.

"Brother Ma knows them?" Zhou Yu asked.

It turned out that Zhou Yu's friend's surname was Ma, but his last name was Feng.

"I don't know him, but I seem to have seen it somewhere, and it looks familiar." Ma Feng said.

"Brother Ma?" Zhou Yu couldn't help being surprised.

"Remember, I saw it in Shanyang City before." Ma Feng said.

"Shanyang City?" Zhou Yu couldn't help being surprised again.

"Yes, it's Shanyang City." Ma Feng said.

Immediately, he explained the matter in detail.

It turned out that Ma Feng saw it on the wanted map of Shanyang City, and the Jiang family was in charge of Shanyang City at that time.

Hearing this, Zhou Yu was startled, and then said: "So, those people I saw just now are still wanted criminals?"

"Yes." Ma Feng said.

"It's a pity that the Jiang family in Shanyang City has fallen. Even if Li Ming is caught now, it's useless." Zhou Yu said.

"Not necessarily, but I heard that the Jiang family in Shanyang City is working for the Zulong family, so it is very likely that the Zulong family wants to arrest Li Ming." Ma Feng said.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Zhou Yu paused.

Then, a bunch of weird thoughts popped up in Ma Feng's mind, and he asked, "Brother Zhou, don't you want to avenge this revenge?"

"Of course I do!" Zhou Yu replied without thinking.

"All right, you go with me to a place." Ma Feng said.

"Where?" Zhou Yuchi asked.

"Tianchi." Ma Feng said.

"Tianchi? What are you doing there?" Zhou Yu asked inexplicably.

"Patriarch Zulong is retreating there." Ma Feng explained.

Hearing this, Zhou Yu suddenly realized what Ma Feng meant. It turned out that he wanted to get rid of Li Ming with the help of Patriarch Zulong.

After a pause, Zhou Yu said worriedly: "Brother Ma, we have never met Patriarch Zulong, can he trust us? What's more, we are not sure whether Patriarch Zulong is looking for Li Ming."

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. Anyway, we won't lose anything in the end. If Li Ming is really the most wanted person of Zulong's family, wouldn't we be prosperous?" Ma Cong said.

Hearing this, Zhou Yu nodded and said, "Okay, just do as you said!"

Immediately, the two left the place and rushed towards Tianchi.

Li Ming and his group continued to move forward, not at a fast pace, and they would take breaks and inquire about news on the way.

On this day, Li Ming and others inquired that there might be a body refining liquid in the Red Maple Forest.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Go, go to Hongfenglin to see!"

"En." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, a group of people flew towards the Red Maple Forest.

Li Ming has already found out the location of the Red Maple Forest, and it is still quite far away from where they are now. If they fly at full speed, it will take at least nearly a month.

The group of people did not dare to delay, and rushed to the Red Maple Forest as quickly as possible.

the other side.

Zhou Yu and Ma Feng came to Tianshan where Tianchi is located.

The Tianshan Mountains soar into the sky and look majestic.

At this time, only Zhou Yu and Ma Feng shouted: "Junior Zhou Yu and junior Ma Feng, come to pay a visit to Patriarch Zulong for something important."

"Who are you? Do you need to meet our Patriarch?" Suddenly, a person flew out from the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

This person is none other than a disciple of the Zulong Clan.

"Hi, we met Li Ming before, and we heard that Patriarch Zulong is looking for Li Ming, so we came here to report." Ma Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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