The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3445 Yang Shuai

Chapter 3445 Yang Shuai
Seeing movement on the ground covered with a thick layer of maple leaves, Li Ming and the others suddenly became nervous.

The pile of maple leaves was pushed away little by little, and a tentacles emerged from it.

The tentacles were colorful, and Li Ming knew that this must be a colorful spider.

It's just that he is still not sure if this colorful spider is the colorful spider from Tiandi Cave.

The tentacles pushed apart the maple leaves, revealing half of his body.

Before Li Ming could take a closer look, the colorful spider immediately recognized Li Ming, "Your Majesty, it's you!"

At that moment, the colorful spider turned into a young man.

However, his face is a little unreasonable.

Colorful spiders are generally handsome men and women, so he is too embarrassing, isn't he?Bald head, two front teeth are missing, half of one face is swollen.

"You are..." Li Ming looked at this awkward young man hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, you must make the decision for me and avenge me for me. They all bullied me." When the young man saw Li Ming, it was like seeing a relative, and he was crying.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and immediately remembered that when he was in the Tiandi Cave, a colorful spider was bullied, and he asked himself to stand up for him.At that time, I fooled him casually and asked him to go back to the deep pit first, but I didn't expect to meet him again today!
After a pause, Li Ming asked, "What's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

"Those damned local spiders, they all came to bully me when they saw that I was ugly. I had no choice but to hide under these maple leaves." Said the ugly young man.

"This..." Li Ming paused, and then said: "Your realm is not low, and you can definitely improve yourself."

"My lord, I don't like to play tricks. It's not wrong to be ugly. It's given by my parents." The ugly young man said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect him to have this awareness.

After a pause, Li Ming asked, "What's your name?"

"I don't have a name, but because I'm ugly, they used to call me a clown when I was in Tiandi Grotto," said the ugly young man.

"Clown?" Li Ming frowned, and continued, "Although you are ugly, your heart is full of sunshine. You are Yang Tong. From now on, your surname will be Yang, and you will be named handsome!"

"Yang Shuai?" The ugly young man paused and said shyly, "My lord, has my honor tarnished the word handsome?"

"He's handsome if he has sunshine in his heart." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I will be called Yang Shuai from now on, thank you for your name!" the ugly young man said excitedly.

At this time, I heard the three-headed Huo Jiao Chuannian said: "Master, you gave him such a name, aren't you afraid that he will be beaten when he goes out?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being embarrassed, he just thought of encouraging this ugly young man, and didn't think about it at all.

"Yang Shuai, Yang Shuai, Yang Shuai, I will be called Yang Shuai from now on!"

Seeing that the ugly young man valued this name so much, it was hard for Li Ming to correct him.

After a pause, Li Ming asked, "Yang Shuai, are you alone here? Where are the other colorful spiders in Tiandi Cave?"

"They thought I was ugly and didn't agree with me to join them, so I wandered alone, and finally came here, and was bullied by local spiders, my lord, you must avenge me!" Yang Shuai begged.

"Local spiders?" Li Ming was taken aback, and Fox asked, "Where are they?"

"They live in a cave not far away, densely packed, at least hundreds of them. If I hadn't run fast last time, I would have been beaten to death by them long ago." Yang Shuai said with an aggrieved face.

"That's it." Li Ming hesitated slightly, and then asked: "Yang Shuai, what are the colorful fruits in these books?"

"I made those on purpose to attract some birds and monsters as food, but I didn't expect so many practitioners to come." Yang Shuai said depressedly.

"Oh, so it is." Li Ming suddenly realized.

"I don't know what these cultivators are doing here? They're in the wilderness." Yang Shuai muttered.

"You don't know that there is a body-refining liquid in Hongfenglin?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Body refining liquid?" Yang Shuai was startled, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. I've been here for a long time, and I haven't heard that there is a body refining liquid. And there was no one here before. It's only recently. People are coming over one after another."

"That's it." Li Ming was stunned, and then said: "It seems that the news about the body refining liquid should be a rumor."

"I think so, we've searched here and found nothing abnormal, except for those colorful chrysalis." The three-headed fire flood dragon said.

"Then shall we leave this place now?" the Stinger Jiao asked.

"Your Majesty, are you not going to avenge me?" Yang Shuai asked expectantly.

"What... how strong are those local spiders?" Li Ming asked.

"Strong, anyway, I'm not their opponent." Yang Shuai said.

"How strong is it? Is there someone at the level of a little venerable?" Li Ming asked.

"I'm not sure about that, shouldn't I? Although they are stronger than me, they are only a little stronger." Yang Shuai said.

"That's it." Li Ming couldn't help thinking about it.

"My lord, you are very capable and extremely poisonous. You can easily poison those local spiders to death. Let's take revenge now!" Yang Shuai said impatiently.

Hearing this, Li Ming was speechless for a while, poisoning those local spiders?

After a pause, Li Ming suddenly came up with an idea, "Shuai Yang, I have a way to get the lottery without any effort."

"Your Majesty, do you still have such a trick?" Yang Shuai asked curiously.

"It's not a magic trick, it's just a trick." Li Ming said.

"Leverage your strength?" Yang Shuai was taken aback, looking a little puzzled.

At this time, the Three-headed Huojiao seemed to have guessed Li Ming's intentions. After all, he had been with Li Ming for the longest time and knew Li Ming's nature well.

I only heard that the three-headed fire flood dragon asked tentatively: "Master, are you going to lure the Zulong tribe here?"

"That's right. Since the Zulong tribe is looking for me, I'll tell them where I am. When they get the news, they will definitely come over." Li Ming said.

"Uncle Li, Gao! When the time comes, let the Zulong tribe deal with those spiders, we'll just wait and see!" said the poisonous thorn dragon.

"This... I don't quite understand." Yang Shuai asked in a daze.

Yang Shuai is not only ugly, but also seems to be a little out of order.

"You don't need to understand, just do as I tell you." Li Ming said.

At the moment, Li Ming briefly explained the strategy.

Hearing this, Yang Shuai suddenly realized, and quickly said: "Don't worry, my lord, I will do it now, there will be absolutely no problems."

Li Ming nodded, and then said to the three-headed fire dragon and the poisonous stinger dragon, "You guys are ready to go too!"

(End of this chapter)

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