The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3447 For revenge, Yang Shuai is very persistent!

Chapter 3447 For revenge, Yang Shuai is very persistent!
Bipolar spiders are different from other spiders. They are weird by nature. If you don’t mess with them, they generally won’t take the initiative to provoke you. Some people say that they are the most timid spiders, but they are very aggressive and retaliatory. Once a bipolar spider is injured , or die, the entire bipolar spider group will go crazy.

Just now the Zulong tribe killed a bipolar spider, which caused the entire bipolar spider to suddenly go crazy.

If they only chased away the sneak attacking polar spider, they wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

Although Li Ming's strength is extremely strong, his physical strength is only the seven transformations of the divine bone, which is equivalent to the middle stage of Wang Zhaojing. With the power of the divine essence, he can barely achieve the strength comparable to the late Wang Zhaojing.

Although those two-pole spiders are weak, there are also mid-stage Wang Zhaojing existences, and no one knows whether there are late-stage Wang Zhaojing or even stronger existences deep in the cave.

If a person rashly went to provoke him, the end would probably not be so good.

However, since Li Ming promised to avenge Yang Shuai earlier, he must not break his promise.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Shuai Yang, don't worry about getting revenge. When the three-headed fire dragon succeeds in breaking through, the four of us will go in together and kill all the spiders with two poles."

"Okay, okay, my lord!" Yang Shuai was relatively simple, and he believed what Li Ming said.

The three-headed fire dragon retreated to attack the little venerable, while Li Ming and others stood by to protect the dharma.

Now, there is no outsider in Hongfenglin, so I don't worry about being disturbed.

The only thing that worried Li Ming was that Patriarch Zulong would suddenly find him.

Although Li Ming had made arrangements before, it was foreseen that Patriarch Zulong might come.But the situation is different now, the three-headed fire dragon is breaking through in seclusion, so there should be no disturbance.

Now, I just hope that I can get through it safely.

Time passed day by day, and the breakthrough of the three-headed fire flood dragon also entered a critical moment, and the aura on his body became a little unstable, rising and falling one after another, incomparably vast.

On the other side, other members of the Zulong tribe continued to inquire about Li Ming's whereabouts, completely ignoring the Zulong tribe who disappeared in the Red Maple Forest.

Naturally, Patriarch Zulong would not notice, let alone kill him.

The three-headed fire dragon was about to break through, and the surrounding strange beasts sensed it, and fled in fright.

The two-pole spiders in the cave also sensed potential danger, avoided the cave, and hid deep in it.

Some bold abilities would come and take a look, but the results were rather miserable, and they were all buried in the Yuxu Cauldron in the end.

With the help of the blood essence of these strange beasts, Li Ming successfully completed the Eight Transformations of the Divine Bone.

After all, Li Ming has been working on the Seventh Transformation of the Divine Bone for a long time, and he is only an inch away from the Eighth Transformation of the Divine Bone.

At this time, the three-headed fire flood dragon also began to break through.

I saw that the color of the scales on his body began to darken, his aura was surging, and his body size was also getting bigger, especially the tail, which actually grew barbs.

If this tail hits someone else, won't the flesh be torn?

The breakthrough process was fairly smooth, and there seemed to be no danger.

However, there is no way for outsiders to know whether there is any danger, only the three-headed fire dragon knows.


After a long time, the three-headed fire dragon exhaled a long breath, and then woke up from the breakthrough.

At this time, the three pairs of pupils of the three-headed fire dragon became scarlet, their eyes were extremely cold, their fangs became sharper, and the horns on their heads became more lustrous.

"Breakthrough?" Li Ming asked.

"Yes, master, breakthrough!" The three-headed fire dragon said excitedly, he never thought that one day, he would be able to break through the little venerable.

"It's good to break through!" Li Ming nodded secretly.

At this moment, I only heard Yang Shuai say: "My lord, since the three-headed fire dragon has successfully broken through, let's take revenge! Just stamp out those two-pole spiders!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't laugh or cry, this Yang Shuai is very persistent!
However, it is not easy to go back on what you promised. I only heard Li Ming say: "Let's go, revenge!"

"Your Majesty is mighty! Your Majesty is mighty!" Yang Shuai said excitedly. He had been waiting for a day for a long time!
Immediately, Li Ming, the Three-headed Huo Jiao, Yang Shuai, and the Stinging Jiao entered the cave.

The spiders at the two poles sensed the huge aura of the three-headed fire dragon, and they were so frightened that they hid in the depths of the cave.

However, even so, Yang Shuai's desire for revenge could not be stopped.

A group of people went deep into the cave, and directly killed the two pole spiders without leaving any armor.

The overall strength of the bipolar spiders is not weak, and their king has reached the late stage of Wang Zhaojing.But when he met the three-headed fire flood dragon, he could only surrender his life obediently.

"Master, the flesh and blood of these bipolar spiders can also be used for body training?" the three-headed fire flood dragon tried to ask.

" should work." Li Ming said uncertainly.

"Why don't you put it in the Yuxu Cauldron for a try?" asked the three-headed Huojiao.

"En." Li Ming responded.

Immediately, Li Ming fetched the body of a bipolar spider and threw it into the Yuxu Cauldron.

In an instant, the body of the bipolar spider turned into a cloud of black turbid liquid.

Looking at the black turbid liquid, Li Ming felt slightly apprehensive, "Will it be poisonous?"

Indeed, the poisonousness of the bipolar spider is not weak. Now that the body of the bipolar spider is refined into this turbid liquid, the venom is naturally included.

"My lord, what are you afraid of? No matter how poisonous you are, can you be poisoned?" Yang Shuai said.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Ming's mouth couldn't help twitching. Is Yang Shuai praising him or scolding him?
"It doesn't matter, try to absorb it!" Li Ming whispered to himself.

Immediately, Li Ming jumped into the Yuxu Cauldron and began to absorb it.

Just when he started to absorb it, Li Ming felt something was wrong. The poison of these two polar spiders was stronger than he expected.

At this time, Li Ming only felt a tingling pain all over his body, which was extremely difficult to itch.

However, these are still within Li Ming's tolerance.

Gradually, the black turbid liquid in Yuxu Cauldron became clear, and the essence in it was absorbed by Li Ming one after another.

"Master, do you want to continue?" The three-headed fire dragon asked.

"Go on, I feel good now!" Li Ming said.

Now, Li Ming has fully adapted to the toxicity of the two pole spiders, and he feels that his body has undergone extraordinary changes. There seems to be a special reaction between the toxicity of the two pole spiders and the mixed toxicity in Li Ming's body, just like two The metals with different compositions actually produced the same chemical reaction.

The toxicity became stronger, and Li Ming's physical body also became stronger.

Hearing Li Ming's words, the Three-headed Huojiao fetched the corpse of a bipolar spider again and threw it into the Yuxu Cauldron.

"Too few, get a few more!" Li Ming said.

"Yes, master!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, the three-headed fire flood dragon fetched the corpses of four or five polar spiders.

It wasn't until the seventh one was put in that Li Min said: "Okay, it's almost done! You will look at the color of the liquid in the Yuxu Cauldron later, and once it becomes lighter, immediately add two pole spiders."

"Understood, master!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming devoted himself to refining and absorbing.

 Today's update is late, there is still a chapter that is not sure, don't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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