The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3449 King, you are so poisonous!So poisonous!

Chapter 3449 King, you are so poisonous!So poisonous!
Both spiders and centipedes are one of the five poisons, and the reason for the fight is that no one will accept the other, and everyone wants to argue for the top of the five poisons.

Now, Yang Shuai has even entered the range of the poisonous centipede's strength. This is simply a door-to-door provocation, a door-to-door kick!

So when Yang Shuai appeared on the territory of the poisonous centipede, the poisonous centipede appeared immediately.

I saw that it was a huge monster with red body, two long tentacles growing on its head, and a body as hard as a stone. It was over ten meters long.

"Little spider, last time I let you go because of mercy, you still dare to come to my territory?" The poisonous centipede said solemnly.

"Smelly shameless, you were the one who couldn't catch up with me last time, and you still said mercy? It stinks!" Yang Shuai said.

"Looking for death!" The poisonous centipede was furious, "Little spider, I must swallow you up today!"

Immediately, the poisonous centipede raised half of its body, staring at the poisonous spider, ready to attack at any time.

"Wait!" Yang Shuai said suddenly.

"What? Are you scared?" The poisonous centipede asked proudly.

"Afraid? You are wrong. I am not looking for trouble with you today, but our king is looking for trouble for you!" Yang Shuai said.

"Your king?" The poisonous centipede was taken aback, and looked at Yang Shuai with a puzzled face.

At this time, Li Ming flew out from the darkness.

The poisonous centipede couldn't help being taken aback when he saw someone flying towards him, and asked in surprise, "Is this your king?"

"Yes, this is our king!" Yang Shuai said noncommittally.

"It's ridiculous, you colorful spiders are also one of the five poisons, how can you regard human beings as kings? What a disgrace to our five poisons!" The poisonous centipede said angrily.

"What do you know? Later you will know how terrifying our king is!" Yang Shuai said.

"Cut, what is there to be afraid of a human being? Can he still poison me to death?" The poisonous centipede didn't care.

Hearing this, Yang Shuai was furious and said, "My lord, this guy is disrespectful to you, please show him some color!"

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "Poison centipede, I don't want to hurt your life, spit out some of your venom, and I will let you go!"

"Looking for death!" the poisonous centipede shouted.

Immediately, the poisonous centipede rushed towards Li Ming.

"My lord, be careful, this guy is not weak." Yang Shuai reminded immediately.

Indeed, the strength of this poisonous centipede is not weak, at the level of Wang Zhaojing's middle stage.

But so what?
Li Ming is now about to be inferior to the Nine Transformations of the Divine Bone, that is to say, he is about to become the existence of Wang Zhaojing's later stage.

Therefore, this poisonous centipede was not taken seriously at all.

"Stop hurting my lord!"

Before Li Ming could make a move, the three-headed Huo Jiao had already made the first move.

The three-headed fire dragon is now a serious little venerable, so it is easy to deal with this poisonous centipede.

At this time, I saw three fire dragons with one tail and the poisonous centipede flying away.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the poisonous centipede is ready to run away.

However, as soon as the three-headed fire flood dragon released its tail, it directly crushed half of the poisonous centipede's body.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, what kind of ability do you rely on the strong to bully the weak?" the poisonous centipede shouted.

"We didn't want you to take it either, spit the venom quickly, or you will be killed!" The three-headed fire flood dragon threatened.

The poisonous centipede is afraid of the majesty of the brain map fire dragon, so it can only obediently highlight the venom.

Li Ming took the venom from the poisonous centipede and inhaled it directly into his body.

Seeing this, the poisonous centipede was stunned, "You actually absorbed my venom? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Hmph!" Li Ming snorted slightly, completely ignoring the poisonous centipede.

To be honest, the venom of the poisonous centipede is not as good as the three-headed fire dragon.

After all, the three-headed fire dragon is a little venerable, so the venom is naturally stronger.

After half a day, Li Ming successfully absorbed the venom of the poisonous centipede.

"Huh... well, let's go!" Li Ming said.

He came to the poisonous centipede just to absorb his venom, not to kill him.

At this moment, I only heard Yang Shuai say: "My lord, this guy looked down on your poison just now, why don't you feed him a drop of poisonous blood and see if he can take it? By the way, let's see the power of poisonous blood."

Hearing this, Li Ming's eyes could not help but light up. He had unintentionally refined the Poison Spirit Physique, and he hadn't tried its power yet.

Hearing Yang Shuai's words now, he suddenly became ready to move.

When the poisonous centipede heard this, his whole body became bad. He didn't pay attention to Li Ming before, but he actually absorbed his own venom, so now he has to take it seriously.

At this time, Li Ming cut his palm and took out a drop of poisonous blood.

"No, no." The poisonous centipede said in horror.

"Don't be afraid, it may not poison you to death." Li Ming said.

At that moment, Li Ming forced the drop of poisonous blood into the poisonous centipede.


Suddenly, a burning pain came, and the poisonous centipede rolled all over the ground in pain.

"No, save me, this is simply too poisonous, I can't survive." The poisonous centipede shouted.

Seeing this, Yang Shuai was proud for a while, and said: "Poison centipede, now you know how powerful our king is?"

"Understood, hurry up and beg for mercy, I don't want to die yet." The poisonous centipede said hastily.

"Sorry, I don't know how to cure this poison myself." Li Ming said very apologetically.

Hearing this, the poisonous centipede was stunned.

Then, within half a stick of incense, the poisonous centipede was poisoned to death.

As he wished, he was poisoned to death.

Seeing this, Yang Shuai praised: "My lord, you are really poisonous! You are so poisonous!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but become weird. Is he praising him or scolding him?
At this moment, I only heard the three-headed fire flood dragon reminded: "Master, don't waste this poisonous centipede's corpse, it is also good for body training."

Hearing this, Li Ming came back to his senses. Originally, he only wanted to absorb some other poisons to strengthen himself, and he didn't think about body training.

"Forget it, since he's dead, let him play the best value!"

Immediately, Li Ming took out the Yuxu Cauldron.

The Yuxu cauldron became bigger, Li Ming chopped the poisonous centipede into several sections, and threw them into the Yuxu cauldron together.

In an instant, the blood-red body turned into a cloud of red liquid, exuding bursts of poisonous gas.

Li Ming didn't mind, and jumped directly into the Yuxu Cauldron.

Afterwards, Li Ming absorbed it with peace of mind, and the three-headed Huo Jiao and others stood aside to protect the law.

The red spirit body entered Li Ming's body, and Li Ming's divine bone began to change. The poisonous centipede seemed to be a little bit fire-like, and the red spiritual liquid also had some fire-like properties, some of which were similar to Bi Fang's fire poison.

However, it is much weaker than Bi Fang's Fire Poison.

Li Ming tried his best to refine, and began to try to attack the Nine Transformations of the Divine Bone!
Once successful, Li Ming can directly attack the little venerable in the next step.

There is no consummation in cultivating the physical body, that is, there is no perfection in Wang Zhaojing, because the physical body does not need to be overdone, and every breakthrough is a qualitative leap.

The three-headed fire flood dragon sensed the changes in Li Ming's body. It should be breaking through the Nine Transformations of the Divine Bone, so he couldn't help saying: "Everyone, pay attention, the master is going to break through the Nine Transformations of the Divine Bone, so don't be disturbed!"

"Understood!" Poison Stinger Jiao and Yang Shuai responded.

(End of this chapter)

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