Chapter 3459
"Oh? There is such a thing?" Sun Moon Valley Master couldn't help being surprised, she hadn't detected it before.

"Then what are your plans now?" asked the elder deacon of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

I only heard Liu Sheng said: "The dark room is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is full of lightning. If we don't completely lure the three-headed fire dragon out of the city, it may be difficult for us to take Li Ming."

"You mean to completely lure the three-headed fire dragon out of the city?" asked the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

"Exactly." Liu Sheng replied.

Hearing this, the deacon elders of the Ancestral Dragon Clan couldn't help turning their eyes to the Sun Moon Valley Master.

The Sun Moon Valley Master didn't reply directly, but looked at Jiao'er, it was up to Jiao'er whether he could lure the three-headed fire dragon out of the city.

Jiao'er hesitated slightly, and then said: "The three-headed fire dragon looks more decent, it seems that he is not so easy to deal with, last night he insisted on drinking with me all night, without any extravagant thoughts."

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Liu Sheng couldn't help hesitating.

"It shouldn't be, your dragons are sex-loving, so can the three-headed fire dragon not take the bait?" said the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan hesitantly.

"Little girl doesn't dare to say anything false." Jiaoer said.

"Then what should we do now?" asked the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

"It seems that this matter cannot be rushed, and we can only figure it out slowly." Liu Sheng said.

"How to draw it slowly?" asked the deacon elder of the Zulong clan.

"Let Jiaoer be friends with the three-headed fire dragon for a while, and then use the excuse of going home to visit relatives to lure the three-headed fire dragon out of the city." Liu Sheng said.

"Will this... be too troublesome?" said the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan, frowning.

"It's a little troublesome, but it's the safest way," Liu Sheng said.

"This..." The deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan hesitated for a while, and couldn't help looking at Sun Moon Valley Master, he hoped that Sun Moon Valley Master would let Jiaoer use some radical methods.

The Sun Moon Valley Master hesitated slightly, and finally said: "Just follow Mr. Liu's method, anyway, everyone is not short of time."

The Sun and Moon Valley Master is a woman after all, although Jiao'er is her mount, she can order Jiao'er to do anything, but those extreme behaviors are still disdainful.

Hearing this, the deacon elders of the Ancestral Dragon Clan felt helpless, and could only say: "That's how it is."

Afterwards, Sun Moon Valley Master and Jiao'er returned to Shanyang City, and Liu Sheng and the deacon elders of the Zulong clan couldn't help but settled outside the city.

Shanyang City, in the dark room.

Li Ming frowned and asked: "Three-headed Huojiao, think about it carefully, is there anything unusual in the city recently? Or is there anyone who is different?"

"This..." The three-headed Huo Jiao racked his brains, finally shook his head, and said, "Master, there is really no such thing."

"No?" Li Ming couldn't help hesitating.

"Master, what's the matter? What happened?" asked the three-headed fire dragon.

Li Ming paused, and said: "I was in retreat just now, and suddenly I felt a strange feeling, as if I was being peeped by someone."

"There is such a thing? But I have been in the city lord's mansion, and I didn't notice anyone coming." The three-headed fire dragon said.

"You forgot, who did we meet in Hongmo Cave?" Li Ming reminded.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon couldn't help being startled, and immediately thought of something, "Master, you mean Liu Sheng?"

"That's right, Liu Sheng was able to enter the void. Since you didn't notice anything unusual, it must be Liu Sheng." Li Ming said.

"He still dares to come? Hmph! If that guy hadn't been able to enter the void, I would have killed him long ago." The three-headed fire dragon said indignantly.

It is true that Liu Sheng is not strong, he is only in the early stage of Wang Zhaojing, but he can break the common sense and enter the void, which also makes Li Ming and the others helpless.

After a slight pause, the three-headed fire flood dragon asked: "Master, what should we do now? How about I stay in this dark room all the time?"

"No, you are in the city lord's mansion as usual. I guess Liu Sheng will make some moves in the future. You will pay close attention to it at that time, and report immediately if there is anything wrong." Li Ming said.

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire dragon responded, and then asked: "Master, do you want to fight Liu Sheng?"

"Yes! This Liu Sheng will be a scourge if he doesn't get rid of it for a day. But he can enter the void, and we can't do anything about him. We can only wait for the opportunity. I guess, he is trying to deal with me, and then we will have a plan. Lure that Liu Sheng out, and give him a fatal blow when he is unprepared." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon nodded, and replied: "Understood!"

Immediately, the three-headed fire flood dragon withdrew from the darkroom.

As soon as the three-headed Huo Jiao left, Li Ming continued to retreat, but it was just putting on airs.

Before that, Li Ming had already made all the preparations to forcibly attack the little venerable, and he felt that the possibility of success was relatively high.

However, the sudden sense of voyeurism could not make Li Ming give up the idea of ​​breakthrough for the time being.

If Liu Sheng comes out at the critical moment of the breakthrough, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, now we have to wait for Liu Sheng to show up first, and then solve Liu Sheng's troubles before we can break through with peace of mind.

The three-headed Huo Jiao returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and his whole body became alert.

He also hated Liu Sheng so much, last time Liu Sheng poisoned the body refining liquid and was almost poisoned to death.

This revenge has not been avenged yet, but this Liu Sheng came to find fault again.

The divine sense of the three-headed fire flood dragon swept across the City Lord's Mansion over and over again, not letting go of any abnormalities.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The three-headed fire dragon withdrew its divine thoughts for the time being, and was about to send some food over.

However, at this time, the servant guarding the courtyard suddenly came to report, "My lord, there is a girl named Jiao'er asking to see you outside."

"Jiao'er?" The three-headed Huo Jiao was startled, and immediately thought of the girl who had had a good night's drink last night.

After a slight pause, he only heard the three-headed fire dragon asking: "What did the girl say?"

"That's not true, I just said that I want to see you, my lord." The servant said.

"Okay, I see, you bring her in." The three-headed Huo Jiao said.

"Yes, my lord." The servant replied.

Immediately, the servant brought the Jiaoer girl in.

As soon as we met, I saw that Jiao'er girl bowed slightly, saluted and said: "Hello, young master."

"Miss hasn't left Shanyang City yet?" asked the three-headed Huo Jiao.

"I'm not in a hurry to leave. This Shanyang City is much more interesting than I imagined. I want to stay longer." Jiaoer said.

"Oh." The three-headed fire dragon responded, and then asked: "Then what's the matter with the girl's visit today?"

"My lord, it's nothing to do, I just made some food and I want to invite you to taste it." Jiao Er said.

As she said that, Jiao Er flipped her palms and conjured up a food box.

There are three or four dishes in the food box, as well as a few snacks, exuding bursts of aroma.

The three-headed fire flood dragon took a deep breath and said, "It's really fragrant."

"My lord, try it and see how it tastes?" Miss Jiao'er said.

"Okay, okay!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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