The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3462 Failure

Chapter 3462 Failure
The deacons and elders of the Ancestral Dragon Clan circulated their vitality and blasted towards the dark room.


There was only a muffled rumbling sound, and the dark room immediately collapsed.

Li Ming, who was retreating in the dark room, suddenly woke up and looked at the few people who had suddenly killed him in horror.

Then, Li Ming pressed a button beside him, and his body sank suddenly.

"No, he wants to escape." Liu Sheng was the first to react.

The others also reacted, they didn't expect Li Ming to have a secret passage in this dark room.

Li Ming wouldn't start a war with them here, these guys are all little venerables, wouldn't they overthrow the Shanyang City that he managed so hard?

Soon, Li Ming entered the secret passage and quickly ran out of the city through the secret passage.

"Chasing!" shouted the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

Immediately, the three little venerables took the lead and chased after Li Ming first.

Liu Sheng is weak, so he can only follow from a distance.

Li Ming quickly left Shanyang City through the secret road, and then plunged into the forest outside the city.

Soon, the deacon elders of the Zulong clan also chased them out.

"Li Ming, don't leave!" the elder deacon shouted angrily.

Li Ming just ignored him and just ran away. The farther he ran now, the less impact it would have on Shanyang City when a fight broke out.

What Li Ming didn't expect was that Liu Sheng had invited three little venerables, and two of them were from the Zulong clan.

You know, Liu Sheng was also responsible for stealing the body-refining liquid of the Patriarch Zulong in the Hongmodong World. Did the Zulong clan forgive Liu Sheng?

Li Ming didn't think about it for now, let's run away first.

"This Li Ming runs really fast, he doesn't look like Wang Zhaojing's guy at all!" said the deacon elder solemnly.

"There should be a treasure that is similar to running, otherwise he wouldn't have to run all the time instead of flying." Sun Moon Valley Master guessed.

"It should be like this, everyone, hurry up, don't let this Li Ming escape." Another Zulong clan elder said.


The three of them frantically circulated their vitality and chased after Li Ming at the fastest speed.

When Li Ming entered the mountain, he deliberately slowed down, otherwise it would be troublesome if the three deacons and elders of the Ancestral Dragon Clan couldn't keep up.

On the other side, the three-headed fire dragon remained calm, chatting and laughing with sister Jiao'er.

Jiaoer didn't know that her plan had been completely exposed to Li Ming and Santou Huojiao, and she thought she had succeeded.

After chasing all the way, the three deacons and elders of the Zulong Clan finally caught up with Li Ming.

Only the deacon elder shouted: "Li Ming, you can't escape."

At this time, Li Ming deliberately pretended to be exhausted, and asked, "How do you know that I am retreating in Shanyang City?"

"You don't need to ask about this, we have our own way, let's catch you without a fight! You can't escape!" said the elder deacon.

"Okay, I, Li Ming, admit it, but want to catch me, show your strength!" Li Ming shouted loudly, using his divine energy.

"Looking for death! Even Wang Zhaojing dares to show his strength in front of this old man!" At that moment, the elder deacon slapped him fiercely.

That palm was powerful and powerful, Li Ming only felt that countless strong winds were blowing towards him.

Li Ming used his divine energy to try to resist.


Hearing a bang, the spirit in Li Ming's body collapsed in an instant.

In order to act like it, Li Ming spat out a mouthful of blood on purpose.

Then, Li Ming fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

The deacon elder of the Zulong Clan grabbed Li Ming, laughed loudly and said, "This fellow is not as good at escaping as Mr. Liu said. Didn't he fall into my hands?"

At this time, Liu Sheng came late.

Along the way, Liu Sheng was worried about what would happen to Li Ming's wonderful hiding technique.

But when they got here, they were surprised to find that the deacon elders of the Zulong tribe had caught Li Ming.

"This..." Liu Sheng looked a little unbelievable.

However, the eyes cannot deceive him, Li Ming was really captured by the deacon elders of the Zulong tribe.

Seeing Liu Sheng's late arrival, the elder deacon of the Zulong Clan couldn't help laughing and said, "Master Liu, this Li Ming is not as hard to catch as you said, I beat him half to death just now, and he didn't even have a chance to escape."

Liu Sheng still looked hesitant, he always felt that this matter was a bit strange.

How did Li Ming, who escaped from Patriarch Zulong's hands that day, fall into the hands of the deacon elders today?You must know that the deacon elder is only the early stage of the young venerable, and the Patriarch Zulong is the late stage of the young venerable.

At this time, Li Ming saw the hesitation in Liu Sheng's heart, and couldn't help but struggled to say: "Liu, did you leak my whereabouts? Damn it, it turned out to be a sneak attack for me in retreat, causing my spirit to be confused and unable to perform shadow killing. Damn it!" !"

"Oh? The ability hidden in the shadows is called shadow killing?" Liu Sheng said secretly, and at the same time he felt relieved. It turned out that because of the sudden sneak attack, he was in a state of confusion and couldn't use shadow killing. No wonder he was caught by the elder deacon.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Liu Sheng also looked down on Li Ming a little bit. He was good at hiding, and he had three fire dragons, but it was nothing.

At this time, Liu Sheng's vigilance gradually eased.

However, at this moment, Li Ming, who was captured by the deacon elder, suddenly exploded and blasted towards Liu Sheng.

Liu Sheng didn't mind for a while, but was hit hard by Li Ming in the chest.

Then, Liu Sheng fell to the ground with a bang, and his body turned into a puddle of blood.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, what's going on?How did Liu Sheng turn into a puddle of blood?

At this time, a phantom appeared not far away, resembling Liu Sheng, and looked a bit like Yuanshen.

"Li Ming, good intentions, since you pretended to be captured, you actually wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack me." That phantom said.

"You are Liu Sheng?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"Li Ming, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Wait, I will settle this account with you sooner or later!" said the phantom, then turned and left.

Seeing this, Li Ming hurriedly chased after him.

However, the phantom directly entered the void, and Li Ming jumped into the void.

"Damn it, let him run away?" Li Ming was annoyed for a while. He deliberately fell into the hands of the deacon elder of the Zulong clan before, just to give Liu Sheng a fatal blow, and he did it, but he didn't expect Liu Sheng to return. There are such means.

At this time, the deacon elders of the Zulong clan and others came back to their senses.

The deacon elder of the Zulong Clan looked at Li Ming blankly and asked, "Why did you run away?"

"Hmph! Why do you want to arrest me? You really don't know how to live or die!" Li Ming said, killing the elder deacon.

At this time, Li Ming's murderous intentions were revealed, and the aura of the little venerable on his body was undoubtedly leaking.

Seeing this, the deacon elders of the Ancestral Dragon Clan were startled, "Are you hiding your strength? Are you also a little venerable?"

"Too much nonsense, die!" Li Ming yelled loudly, and slammed his fist at the deacon elder of the Ancestral Dragon Clan.

At this time, the other elders and the Sun Moon Valley Master also realized that they were being played by Li Ming. It turned out that Li Ming himself was the little venerable.

Immediately, the three teamed up to deal with Li Ming together.

(End of this chapter)

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