The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3488 Injured

Chapter 3488 Injured
Soon, the Tianshi City barracks received the news, and the coach Ning Zhiyuan came out directly.

Ning Zhiyuan is a first-class master, a majestic venerable.

General Meng sensed a huge aura coming from the Tianshi City barracks, knew something was wrong, and immediately said: "Go quickly, it must be Ningdi Zun who has come out!"

At the moment, General Meng himself did not dare to fight with these inspectors, and immediately retreated towards the Black Tiger City barracks.

Ning Zhiyuan came from the sky, and he could feel the huge aura on his body from a distance, and shouted: "Young Er of the Meng family, how dare you come to spy on our Tianshi City camp, save your life!"

Then, he saw a black pointed gun out of thin air in Ning Zhiyuan's hand.

"Take a shot at me!" Ning Zhiyuan yelled, and suddenly threw the sharp spear in his hand, shooting at General Meng.

Seeing this, General Meng quickly dodged.

But the black gun seemed to have eyes, staring at General Meng firmly.

Seeing this, General Meng's face darkened. He knew that he had been locked by Lord Ning, and he couldn't dodge this shot no matter what. He could only urge the armor on his body to resist the shot forcibly.

A blue halo emanated from General Meng's body, and then a armor engraved with ancient characters slowly appeared. The armor was simple in color and had a history of thousands of years at a glance.

The black spear stabbed, and only heard a whoosh, directly piercing through General Meng's chest.

Li Ming and the others had already walked away, but they still saw this scene.

Seeing this, Li Ming's complexion couldn't help changing, and he went back to meet General Meng without even thinking about it.

"What are you doing? Don't die?" Zhou Qi grabbed Li Ming.

"I can't leave General Meng, General Meng came with us." Li Ming said.

It was Li Ming's request to come to Jinyang Mountain, and General Meng was responsible for protecting them.

Now that General Meng died after he died, how could Li Ming run away alone?

"What can you do when you go back? Do you want to die? That is Lord Ning, the commander of the Tianshi City Barracks!" Zhou Qi said.

"I..." Li Ming was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he was just a junior venerable, and he was far from Ning Dizun, the other party might slap him to death, and he really couldn't help him when he went back.

But Li Ming really couldn't let General Meng take care of him. If General Meng died because of him, he would never feel at ease in his life.

However, at this moment, a powerful aura burst out from the Black Tiger City barracks.

It was none other than Xie Lingtong, the strongest man in the Black Tiger City Barracks.

Xie Lingtong is Xie Lingyu's elder brother, a venerable with advanced strength, and the only existence who can compete with Ning Zhiyuan.

"Ning Zhiyuan, if you want to fight, I will fight with you!" Xie Lingtong held a giant sword and charged towards Ning Zhiyuan.

Seeing Xie Lingtong go out, Ning Zhiyuan couldn't help but waved his hand, and the black spear stabbed in General Meng flew back to his hand.

Then, turn around and head back to camp.

Seeing that Ning Zhiyuan gave up, Xie Lingtong couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Later, Xie Lingtong returned to the Black Tiger City barracks with the seriously injured General Meng.

Xie Lingyu greeted him out of the camp from a distance, saw his elder brother supporting General Meng back, and quickly asked: "General Meng, how is your injury?"

"I can't die yet, but my internal organs have been injured, so I won't be able to fight in a short time." General Meng said while covering his pierced chest with one hand.

Hearing this, Xie Lingyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you are fine, you should go back to the tent to heal your wounds."

"Yes, Lord General." General Meng replied.

Immediately, two soldiers helped General Meng go back to rest.

"Damn it!" Xie Lingtong couldn't help cursing.

At this time, Zhou Qi, Li Ming and others returned to the barracks.

"You are going to Jinyang Mountain?" Xie Lingtong pointed at Li Ming with a huge sword in one hand and asked.

"Xie Lingtong, what are you doing? Put away your sword!" Zhou Qi reached out and tried to push Xie Lingtong's giant sword away, but failed.

Then, I only heard Xie Lingtong say to Li Ming deeply: "You bastard is unknown, once we arrived at the barracks, we almost killed a general. Are you a spy sent by Tianshi City?"

"No." Li Ming denied.

"Whoever you are, I will chop you first!" Xie Lingtong raised his huge sword and was about to chop at Li Ming.

At this moment, Zhou Qi stood in front of Li Ming.

"What are you doing?" Xie Lingtong frowned and asked seriously.

"If you want to hack him, hack me first!" Zhou Qi said frankly.

"Okay, then I'll chop you first!" Xie Lingtong said coldly.

Immediately, Xie Lingtong prepared to chop Zhou Qi.

"Enough!" Xie Lingyu suddenly stopped.

"Lingyu?" Xie Lingtong frowned.

"Brother, I was the one who approved them to enter Jinyang Mountain, and I also asked General Meng to protect them." Xie Lingyu said.

"Can this be the same? This guy's origin is unknown, and he is probably a spy from Tianshi City. Otherwise, why did we almost lose a general when he came?" Xie Lingtong questioned.

Xie Lingyu was silent for a while, and then said: "I believe that Brother Zhou's eyesight, he will not misjudge anyone."

"You..." Xie Ling had nothing to say, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute!" Li Ming suddenly stopped Xie Lingtong.

Xie Lingtong looked at Li Ming with a gloomy face, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I caused General Meng to be injured. I will return this favor to General Meng. I caused you to lose a lot of help temporarily. I will compensate you." Li Ming said seriously.

I don't know how long, Li Ming has not been so serious!

"Compensation? What do you pay for? Wang Zhaojing's mid-term strength? Cannon fodder?" Xie Lingtong said dismissively.

"Yes, it's cannon fodder!" Li Ming said seriously.

"Li Ming!" Zhou Qi reminded.

"Okay, that's what you said." Xie Lingtong said, and then shouted to a deputy next to him: "Come here, and take Li Ming to the cannon fodder camp for me."

"Wait a minute." Li Ming shouted again.

"Anything else?" Xie Lingtong asked impatiently.

"I'm not an ordinary cannon fodder. My target is their little venerables, even the middle and later stages of the little venerables." Li Ming said solemnly.

"You want to deal with the little venerable, and you also have to deal with the middle and late stages of the little venerable?" Xie Lingtong couldn't help being startled.

"Yes." Li Ming said seriously.

"Why?" Xie Lingtong asked disdainfully.

"You will know when the time comes." Li Ming said.

"Why should I believe you?" Xie Lingtong asked back.

"You don't have to believe me, you can kill me, but what I say is true." Li Ming said neither humble nor overbearing.

Seeing this, Xie Lingtong couldn't help being stunned.

At this time, I only heard Xie Lingyu say: "Then I will arrange you into the little venerable camp, I hope you are not talking too much."

"No." Li Ming said.

"I'll go too. I brought Li Ming, and I begged him to enter Jinyang Mountain." Zhou Qi said seriously.

"Brother Zhou..." Xie Lingyu's face changed slightly.

"Thank you brother, don't talk about it, this matter is decided like this." Zhou Qi said without doubt.

Seeing that she couldn't persuade Zhou Qi, Xie Lingyu could only say helplessly: "Then when you charge, put on your Yunfeng battle armor."

"Okay!" Zhou Qi agreed, he knew that this was Xie Lingyu's biggest concession.

(End of this chapter)

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