The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3493 Green Dragon Meat

Chapter 3493 Green Dragon Meat

"Okay, anyway, someone will take the initiative to pay the bill. Even if you eat all the restaurants, you won't be exhausted!" Li Ming said with a smile.

"No way, who told me that I have enough face?" Zhou Qi said with a smile.

Immediately, the group followed Zhou Qi to the most luxurious restaurant in Black Tiger City.

The three-headed Huojiao felt strange, the relationship between the master and Zhou Qi seemed to have become very irresistible, as if they were friends of eight worshippers.

But now the three-headed fire flood dragon didn't dare to ask, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

Walking on the road, I heard the poisonous thorn Jiao Chuannian asked: "Three-headed uncle, are you alright?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the three-headed Huo Jiao got angry, and Chuan Nian said: "It's all caused by you kid, what's the top card?
The three-headed Huo Jiao saw the ignorant look on the Stinging Jiao's face, so he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Child, you don't understand. When you grow up, you will understand."

"Really?" The Stinger Jiao asked in confusion.

"En." The three-headed fire dragon said with an inscrutable look.

"Then I'll ask Uncle Li to see if he understands." The Stinger Jiao said.

"Are you looking for death? Can you ask the master about this kind of thing? He won't smoke you!" The three-headed Huo Jiao was anxious.

The poisonous stinging dragon stuck out its tongue and head, but didn't say anything more.

At this time, Li Ming, who was walking in front, saw that they were not following closely, so he couldn't help frowning and asked, "What are you dawdling about behind?"

"Master, I'm rethinking, I will never make the same mistake again." The three-headed Huo Jiao said hastily.

Hearing this, Li Ming didn't say much.

However, Zhou Qi, who was on the side, said: "It's nothing, food and sex, sex! It's human nature, not to mention that you are still Jiao, it's even more normal. Go to the Chunlou in the city and report my name. Except Chunyu Building, other Chunlou Buildings are easy to use, at least [-]% off!"

"Really?" The three-headed Huo Jiao asked in surprise.

"Huh?" Li Ming frowned suddenly.

The three-headed Huo Jiao suddenly didn't dare to say any more, and lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong.

At this time, Zhou Qi said, "Brother Li, don't be so strict, it's normal."

Li Ming was a little speechless. He also knew that this was normal, but he still couldn't accept it.

After a short time, he arrived at the best restaurant in Black Tiger City.

Seeing the arrival of Young Master Zhou Qi, the shopkeeper greeted him personally, "Young Master Zhou, you are here."

"Arrange the best room for me, I want to entertain my friends." Zhou Qi said.

"Master Zhou, please come upstairs, I'll let someone prepare the best banquet." The shopkeeper said hastily.

"Okay." Zhou Qi replied.

Under the leadership of Xiaoer Dian, a group of people went upstairs, which was a super luxurious private room.

Soon, a table of delicious food was served.

In the past few days, the three Huojiao had been tortured and bruised all over their bodies, which can be described as horrible, and they were not even allowed to drink their saliva.

Seeing these delicacies at this time, my appetite suddenly whetted, and I wished I could swallow the whole table.

But because Li Ming didn't speak, he didn't dare to move his chopsticks without authorization.

"Brother Li, try the specialty here, green dragon meat." Zhou Qi said.

"Blue Dragon Meat?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, looking at the white, tender and smooth slices of meat, he couldn't help asking: "Is this Green Dragon Meat?"

"Well, but it's not a green dragon in the strict sense, but a green dragon without horns." Zhou Qi explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized that it would be too extravagant to be a real Qinglong.

However, even a green dragon without horns is also worth a lot.

This green dragon meat looks a bit like sashimi, and when it is eaten in the mouth, it is very refreshing, almost melting in the mouth.

When the three-headed fire dragon heard the green dragon meat, his saliva almost flowed down.

However, without Li Ming's order, he did not dare to do anything.

"Three-headed brother, what are you doing in a daze? This green dragon meat is a great supplement, especially for you." Zhou Qi said.

The three-headed fire dragon is suffering, I want to eat it too, but the master didn't give an order, and he dare not move his chopsticks!

"Eat." Li Ming spit out two words slightly.

Immediately, the three-headed fire dragon picked up the chopsticks and prepared to make a storm.

"Be careful." Li Ming reminded deliberately.

Immediately, the three-headed fire dragon suddenly became gentle, not daring to eat like the hungry ghost reincarnated just now.

Li Ming also ate a few pieces of green dragon meat, the taste and texture were very good.

"How is it? Isn't this Qinglong meat good? It's a pity that it's not real Qinglong, otherwise it would be even more delicious." Zhou Qi sighed.

"It's because you are too particular, which is already very good." Li Ming said.

"What is this? When we get to Yunfeng City, I'll treat you to real green dragon meat." Zhou Qi said.

"There's a blue dragon, it's not good to keep, so it must be slaughtered and eaten?" Li Ming asked.

"Of course not. When you get to Yunfeng City, you'll know what's going on." Zhou Qi said pretending to be mysterious.

Li Ming saw that Zhou Qi was cheating, so he simply didn't ask.

After eating dozens of plates of green dragon meat in a row, the shopkeeper didn't let the shopkeeper continue serving it until he got bored at the end.

Satisfied with wine and food, Zhou Qi said: "Go back and rest for a while, and tomorrow I will post a notice in the city to recruit talents."

"Okay, let me know when your arrangements are in order." Li Ming said.

"Okay." Zhou Qi replied.

Afterwards, the group left the restaurant and temporarily parted ways at the entrance of the restaurant.

At this time, the three-headed fire dragon asked cautiously: "Master, where are you and Zhou Qi going?"

"Tianhaigou, there is what I need." Li Ming said.

"Oh." The three-headed fire dragon responded, and then asked cautiously: "Master, is this Saturday reliable?"

"It's okay, he's an unusual person, let's put down your arrow for now." Li Ming said.

"Yes, Master." The three-headed Huo Jiao replied, although he felt a little unwilling.

At this moment, Stinger Jiao suddenly saw a person, pointed at him and said, "Uncle Li, look there."

Li Ming looked in the direction pointed by the Stinger Jiao, and happened to see a person, not someone else, but the agent's guy.

Seeing this person, Li Ming couldn't help thinking that he had given him 50 that day to help clear up the matter of joining the army.

Seeing him at this time, he couldn't help asking: "Did that guy look for you later?"

"Not really." The three-headed fire flood dragon replied.

"Go, let's have a good chat with him." Li Ming said.

"Yes, master!" The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, a group of people surrounded the intermediary guy.

(End of this chapter)

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