The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3497 Demon Dragon

Chapter 3497 Demon Dragon
What Zhou Qi said is not wrong at all. Sometimes it is not you who want to do evil, but the environment. If someone wants to kill you, you can't stick your neck out and let them kill you, right?
Later, Li Ming didn't say anything.

However, Zhou Qi's chatterbox opened up, and I heard him say: "Brother, when the time comes to form a team to go to Tianhaigou, don't show off your strength, and don't call out the three-headed fire dragon, you just ride my giant scorpion!" .At that time, if they have the intention to do something wrong, we can also kill them by surprise."

"Understood." Li Ming said.

When going out, who would easily expose their hole cards?
Li Ming and Zhou Qi did not leave too far, and rested at the foot of a nearby mountain.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Li Ming and Zhou Qi came to Black Market Valley as scheduled.

Sure enough, at this time the black market Taniguchi had already gathered a lot of people.

Among them, a leader is counting the number of people.

Li Ming and Zhou Qi came together, the leader was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you also going to Tianhaigou as a team?"

"Exactly." Zhou Qi replied.

Subsequently, Zhou Qi and Li Ming took out tokens respectively.

This is the sign of the team, which means that you have registered at the Dan Pharmacy.

The leader glanced at Zhou Qi and then at Li Ming, and then said, "You two, his strength is too weak. Even if he can go together, he won't be able to allocate any resources in the end."

"I know." Li Ming said.

"It's good to know. In addition, the actions are unified and obey the command, and no unauthorized actions are allowed." The leader said.

"Understood." Li Ming and Zhou Qi responded.

The leader then proceeded to check the identities of the others.

At this time, only one person provocatively asked: "Hey, that middle-stage Wang Zhaojing, are you here to tease me? Go back quickly, Tianhaigou is too dangerous, not suitable for a baby like you."

"Brother, ignore him." Zhou Qi said.

Li Ming glanced at the other party and ignored him.

"What are you looking at?" However, the other party seemed to recognize Li Ming as a bully, so he couldn't help walking up.

Seeing this, Zhou Qi hurriedly stopped the other party, and asked, "What do you want?"

"I just asked him what he was looking at? Did he want to have a fight?" the man asked ferociously.

"What's wrong with you? You're a big girl, can't you watch?" Zhou Qi asked angrily.

"What? You want to stand up for him?" The man asked with a frown.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Zhou Qi said.

"Okay, okay, come on, let's fight!" the man said eagerly.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, the leader yelled angrily: "Give me assistants, whoever dares to mess around, get out of here immediately!"

The leader of this person is not weak in strength, and there is a faint aura of an earthly venerable.

However, the aura is not so pure, it should be just the little venerable who has reached perfection, or the venerable who has half-stepped into the ground.

As soon as this person showed his majesty, that person didn't dare to make a fuss, and Zhou Qi didn't mess around.

After a while, the man pointed to Li Ming and said, "Boy, I remember you."

Li Ming squinted his eyes at the other party, and secretly said in his heart: "I remember you too!"

Because they were still in the Black Market Valley at this time, everyone was wearing masks, and they hadn't seen their true colors yet.

After a little effort, the leader finished counting, and he said: "You should have heard my name. I am the initiator of this Tianhaigou, Molong. In this operation, internal strife is not allowed, and unauthorized actions are not allowed. It is not allowed to run away, otherwise there will be no mercy!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay, let's go!" said the dragon.

Immediately, the group left Black Market Valley and followed the magic dragon to Tianhaigou.

Li Ming was slightly surprised. Is this magic dragon a dragon in its own right, or is it simply named after the word dragon?
The opponent's strength is too high, his aura is completely restrained, and he can't feel any dragon aura at all.

In addition, Li Ming didn't dare to investigate too carefully, otherwise he would provoke the other party and cause trouble.

"Hey, that kid, with your strength, can you keep up with us?" the provocative person said again.

Li Ming didn't pay attention to the other party, but silently went to Zhou Qi's giant scorpion.

Seeing this, the man felt bored for a while, so he didn't provoke Li Ming.

Fly for a few days with a short rest in the middle.

I only heard the magic dragon say: "Now that we are far away from the Black Market Valley, everyone should take off their masks and get to know each other better."

Immediately, everyone lost face.

Li Ming just wanted to take off the mask, but the provocative person came over again, took off the mask in front of Li Ming, and said, "Boy, remember my face, this will be your nightmare!"

"Okay, I will remember it, and you will remember my face too!" Li Ming said without showing any weakness, and at the same time took off his mask in front of the other party.

"Yes! I, Zhang Yangtian, remember you!" The man pointed to Li Ming and said.

"Okay!" Li Ming responded casually, not paying attention to the other party.

The strength of the other party is only in the early stage of the little venerable, and it is not very strong. If Li Ming is willing, he can beat the other party to death.

But now they are going to Tianhaigou, and the team leader Demon Dragon has also issued an order not to allow infighting.

Therefore, we can only bear with it for the time being.

At this time, Zhou Qi patted Li Ming's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't take it to heart, it's just a clown, it's no big deal."

"I know." Li Ming said.

"It's good to know." Zhou Qi nodded.

After a short rest, the group continued on.

The journey to Tianhaigou is not that close. According to Zhou Qi, it will take at least three or four months at this speed.

Li Ming is not in a hurry, anyway, he is not in a hurry to break through now.

Along the way, basically every few days of flying, I would stop and rest for half a day before continuing on my way.

Zhongyu, not other places, is full of crises and may be attacked at any time.

Therefore, even if you are in a hurry, you must ensure sufficient energy.

Otherwise, once an unexpected situation occurs, it is likely to be overwhelmed.

However, they were lucky, and they basically didn't encounter any major troubles.

I don't know if the magic dragon deliberately chose a safe path, or it was just luck.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed, and there is still one month to go to Tianhaigou.

the other side.

Chen Feng'er and Uncle Jiang, who left Tyranny City, also arrived at the border between Northwest Territory and Central Territory.

"Miss, there is a Tianshi City nearby, we might as well go to Tianshi City to rest first, and then make plans." Uncle Jiang said.

"Well, that's fine." Chen Feng'er replied.

After traveling for several days in a row, I was indeed a little tired.

When he arrived in the Central Region, Uncle Jiang became very careful. There is no need for the Northwest Region, there are dangers everywhere, and there are more strong people here than the Northwest Region, so someone with his level of cultivation is nothing at all.

Soon, the two of them arrived at Tianshi City.

Tianshi City's army had just suffered heavy losses recently, so when they entered the city, they were strictly interrogated. I'm afraid they were spies sent by Black Tiger City.

(End of this chapter)

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