The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3554 Secretly arresting Su Huaian

Chapter 3554 Secretly arresting Su Huaian

All of this is acting, for Su Huaian, and for Vice President Xu behind him.

As for what will happen next, Li Ming can guess with his toes.

If Vice President Xu had no ghosts in his heart, he would naturally not attack Zhou Gui, Ma Long, and Su Huaian. If he had ghosts in his heart, he would definitely not be able to tolerate these three people.

This is also the reason why Zhou Gui and Ma Long were taken away among the Dragon Knight Generals, just to lure out Su Huai'an's mastermind behind the scenes.

A Su Huaian is not worth mentioning, what really matters is the people behind Su Huaian.

Su Huai'an was waiting for news in Yunfeng City, as soon as the killers outside succeeded, he would leave Yunfeng City immediately.

Su Huaian never mentioned the assassination of Li Ming to anyone, except those killers.

So, until now, Vice President Xu didn't know about it.

Li Ming went back to Yunfeng City, and the Dragon Knight General also rode a tall horse, pushing Zhou Gui and Ma Long into the city.

The news had already spread out in Yunfeng City, and the Dragon Rider General was out hunting. It happened that Zhou Cheng was besieged by killers from Hell City, and successfully captured two spies from Hell City.

Su Huaian was looking forward to good news, but when he heard the news, his whole body became numb like a bolt from the blue, and the assassination plan failed, and Zhou Gui and Ma Long were also arrested.

"No, this Yunfeng City can't stay anymore, we must flee immediately!" Su Huaian said secretly.

Immediately, Su Huai'an remained calm and walked towards the gate of the city.

The moment Su Huai'an left, several people quietly followed Su Huai'an.

In fact, ever since Li Ming told his adoptive father, City Lord Zhou about Su Huai'an, City Lord Zhou had sent someone to secretly watch Su Huai'an.

So at this time, if Su Huaian wanted to escape, there was no possibility.

However, those people were only responsible for watching Su Huai'an and did not receive an order to arrest him. Seeing that Su Huai'an was about to escape, they could only follow him from a distance and report to City Lord Zhou at the same time.

City Lord Zhou got the news and asked them to arrest him secretly. It would be best to wait for Su Huaian to leave the city before doing so.

At this time, Su Huaian came to the gate of the city.

Now, Yunfeng City is heavily guarded, and anyone who enters or exits must show their identity.

Seeing this, Su Huai'an felt uneasy for a while, but he still bit the bullet and took out the student order from the Equality School.

When the soldiers guarding the city saw Ling, the disciple of the Middle School of Equality Academy, they couldn't help hesitating slightly, and immediately asked, "What are you doing out of the city now?"

"As ordered by Master, I'm going out of the city to handle errands." Su Huai'an answered bravely.

"Which master? What's your name?" The guard continued to question.

At this moment, the guards had doubts about Su Huaian's identity.

"Master Zhang Xuefang, the tutor of Class [-]A in the third grade of the middle school." Su Huaian replied.

Hearing this, the guard paused for a moment, and then said: "You wait here, I'll go ask for instructions to get down to the peak."

"Then hurry up, the master has an important assignment, and there is no room for neglect." Su Huai'an said.

"Hmph!" The guard snorted, not paying attention to Su Huaian's words.

Su Huaian was anxious for a while, he never expected that the assassination would fail, if he had known that the assassination would fail, he would have slipped away.

The reason why he has stayed in Yunfeng City is because he still has a few mansions that he has not sold, and he happened to make an appointment with the buyer today.

Now that the assassination failed, and Zhou Gui and Ma Long fell into the hands of the Dragon Knight General, I believe that the two of them will confess themselves soon, so of course they can't take care of those mansions now, and escape is the most important thing.

When the guards saw the general guarding the city, they reported: "General, there is a suspicious-looking person below, who is said to be a student from the Equality Academy, and he is going out of the city to handle errands for the master."

The general guarding the city glanced at Su Huai'an downstairs. He had received the news to let Su Huai'an out of the city. He could not help but whisper to the guard, "Ask him for some money and let him out of the city."

"Yes, general." The guard replied, although he didn't understand why, but the general had an order and had to obey.

Immediately, the guard came under the tower.

Su Huai'an's heart fluttered, feeling very uneasy.

At this moment, the guard said, "If you want to leave the city, you can pay the money."

Hearing this, Su Huai'an couldn't help being startled, and then he was overjoyed, the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Immediately, Su Huaian took out a large sum of money and handed it to the guard.

The guards accept the money and let it go immediately.

Su Huaian didn't dare to stay for a long time, and left Yunfeng City immediately.

After leaving Yunfeng City, Su Huaian flew towards Hell City non-stop.

After flying for a long time, Su Huai'an finally let out a sigh of relief when he was sure that he had escaped a long way, "Fortunately, he ran fast, and finally left Yunfeng City without any danger."

But then Su Huai'an felt annoyed again, "Unfortunately, the assassination of Li Mingzhi was a sure thing, but I didn't expect to meet a dragonrider general to hunt him down. God help me!"

"Forget it, don't care, let's go back to Hell City first!"

Immediately, Su Huaian was ready to continue to leave.

However, at this moment, several men in black suddenly appeared and directly blocked Su Huaian's way.

"Who are you?" Su Huaian suddenly became nervous.

"Catch it!" I saw one of the men in black ordering.

Immediately, the group shot at Su Huai'an.

Su Huai'an was only Wang Zhaojing's mid-term strength, so he was captured alive on the spot, no matter who was the opponent of these men in black.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?" Su Huaian questioned.

But those men in black refused to say anything, they just knocked Su Huaian unconscious and took him away.

Yunfeng City.

The news that the spies of Hell City had been arrested quickly spread throughout the city, and almost everyone knew about it.

Vice President Xu of the Deep Equality School is no exception.

"What's going on? How could someone be arrested? There haven't been any special actions recently?" Vice President Xu hesitated secretly.

He is considered the highest person in charge of the spies, and all actions are directed by him.

"Check, show me what's going on?" Vice President Xu immediately sent his capable disciples out to investigate.

Soon, there will be news.

"Master, I found out that it was Su Huai'an who acted on his own initiative, together with Zhou Gui and Ma Long, to assassinate Young Master Li, and had contacted the young master alone."

"There is such a thing?" Vice President Xu suddenly became furious, "This Su Huai'an really failed to accomplish anything, but where is he now?"

"Master, that Su Huaian doesn't seem to be in the academy, he seems to have left."

"Leaving?" Vice President Xu was taken aback, and then asked, "Did he leave Equality Academy, or Yunfeng City?"

"This one……"

"Check, check it out for me! It would be fine if Su Huaian left Yunfeng City. If he is still in Yunfeng City, if you see him, kill him on the spot!" Vice President Xu ordered.

"Yes, Master!"

Immediately, the confidant of Vice President Xu went to investigate Su Huaian's whereabouts.

In fact, Vice President Xu can't be regarded as a spy of Hell City. He just reached some agreement with the Lord of Hell City to temporarily work for Hell City.

 There is only one chapter today, take a break.

(End of this chapter)

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