The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3571 The Secret

Chapter 3571 The Secret
"I've only heard it, and I don't know if it's true or not. However, since there are such rumors, there must be signs of it." Shang Gongxin said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, and then asked curiously: "Then do you know the whereabouts of the other three Thunderbolts?"

"I'm not sure about this." Shang Gongxin shook his head and said, "However, it is said that the four thunder and lightning seals are connected together, and there is an extraordinary connection between them. If this sky thunder seal is the four thunder and lightning seals One of the printed pieces should be easy to find the other three."

"Not sure about the origin of this Heavenly Thunder Seal?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

Shang Gongxin shook his head, "Not sure."

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned slightly. This Heavenly Thunder Seal was not obtained from the bottom of Tianhaigou, but was stolen from the Patriarch of the Ancestral Dragon Clan of Xingyue City.

At that time, Li Ming only felt that he had picked up a good thing, and originally planned to directly absorb and practice the Thunder and Lightning Body Training Art, but too many things happened later, so he had no chance to absorb it.Later, Li Ming got the Yuxu Cauldron, which allowed him to practice the Hunyuan Body Refining Art, but this day the Thunder Seal was put on hold again.

Later, when I came to this trench, I found that the bottom of the trench below was covered with lightning, so I simply absorbed the lightning at the bottom of the trench.

In the end, the existence of the Heavenly Thunder Seal was basically forgotten.

If it wasn't for the perfunctory Shang Gongxin just now, Li Ming wouldn't be able to remember the Tianlei Seal at all.

Of course, if Shang Gongxin hadn't revealed the secret of Pangu God's tomb, he might not have known that the Tianlei Seal might have a great background in his life.

Startled, Li Ming thought to himself: "It seems that I have to find a chance to go to Xingyue City!"

Just thinking of Chen Feng'er's mother, Li Ming couldn't help but feel a headache. That crazy woman gave herself a death order, and she was not allowed to set foot in the Northwest Region in this life, otherwise she would be shot.

Shang Gongxin saw Li Ming's expression changing, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to determine whether this Heavenly Thunder Seal is one of the four Thunder and Lightning Seals you mentioned." Li Ming said.

"I don't know about this. I guess I'll only know when I enter the tomb of God Pangu. However, because of Zhou Qi, the entrance to Pangu's mausoleum has been sealed, and I can't get in now. I have to wait for decades."

"This is true." Li Ming said.

On that day, several venerables jointly sealed Pangu's mausoleum, and Li Ming was there and witnessed it with his own eyes.

"I don't know how Zhou Qi is doing now? I heard that the Pangu Mausoleum is very dangerous." Li Ming said worriedly.

"Indeed, the Pangu Mausoleum is extremely dangerous, but there is still a glimmer of hope." Shang Gongxin said.

"A glimmer of hope?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and looked at Shang Gongxin suspiciously.

I only heard Shang Gongxin explained: "The interior of Pangu's mausoleum is very complicated. How can I describe it? It is almost an underground emperor's palace, with walls, moats, soldiers and horses, troops, and various organs. But among these many However, there is a glimmer of life, and this glimmer of life is the tomb of God Pangu that I just mentioned."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Isn't this Pangu Mausoleum the tomb of God Pangu?"

"It's not an equivalence relationship. The Pangu Mausoleum contains the Pangu God Tomb, and the Pangu God Tomb is only a part of the Pangu Mausoleum." Shang Gongxin explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "Then why is the tomb of God Pangu a lifeline?"

"I'm not sure about this. I also accidentally found it in the family classics before." Shang Gongxin explained.

"Oh." Li Ming was slightly disappointed.

"It's almost time, it's not that many years, and there are only 70 years left." Shang Gongxin said.

"70 years?" Li Ming was startled, pinched his fingers to calculate, and said hesitantly, "Isn't it right? It seems that only half a year has passed since Zhou Qi entered Pangu's mausoleum."

"Half a year?" Shang Gongxin was startled, and asked with a frown, "Don't you know that you have been at the bottom of the Tianhai Trench for 29 years?"

"What? 29 years?" Li Ming was startled. He felt that he had only retreated for two or three months. How could it be 29 years?

"You don't feel it yourself?" Shang Gong Xinhu questioned.

Li Ming shook his head and explained: "I was hunting for treasure at the bottom of the Tianhai Trench. I had been in a coma several times. It may have been a long time in the coma. I didn't feel it myself."

"Coma? Why are you in a coma?" Shang Gongxin asked in surprise.

"I was struck by lightning." Li Ming lied.

A lie needs several lies to complete the lie.

"Are you alright?" Shang Gongxin asked nervously.

"It's nothing serious." Li Ming said.

"It's fine." Shang Gongxin breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Li Ming asked in surprise, "It's been 29 years, why are you still staying near Tianhaigou? Are you planning to go treasure hunting?"

Shang Gongxin shook his head and said, "There's nothing to go, so I might as well stay here and wait for you. At first I thought you'd come out in three to five months at the most, but then I waited and waited, and it took a year or two. Later, I thought you would come out in three to five years, but I didn't expect it until now."

Saying that, Shang Gongxin's face was full of regret, as if he didn't know what to say.

Li Ming was slightly startled, and said bitterly, "Actually, you don't have to wait for me."

"There is nowhere to go, and I don't know where to go." Shang Gongxin explained again.

"Then what are your plans now?" Li Ming asked.

"Wherever you go, I will go." Shang Gongxin said, and then added: "If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; if you marry a dog, follow the dog."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly became speechless, not knowing what to say.

After a pause, Li Ming said, "Then what if I continue to go back to Tianhaigou to hunt for treasure?"

"Then I will continue to wait here." Shang Gongxin said.

"You..." Li Ming was directly defeated by Shang Gongxin. Judging by her appearance, she seemed to be relying on him.

"What's the problem?" Shang Gongxin asked.

"No problem." Li Ming said bitterly, "By the way, did your adoptive father send someone to trouble you?"

"I'm not sure about this, but with his style of handling things, he will definitely send someone to find me. It's just that I live in seclusion here, so it's hard to be found." Shang Gongxin said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and didn't say much, just said: "I'm going back to Tianhaigou."

"Do you want to continue the treasure hunt?" Shang Gongxin asked.

"En." Li Ming responded.

"Then be careful, don't be hurt by the lightning at the bottom of the Tianhai Trench." Shang Gongxin reminded.

"I know." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming flew towards Tianhaigou.

At this time, the heavy rain has stopped, the dark clouds have also dispersed, and the sun is shining on the earth.

With a movement of his body, Li Ming quickly returned to Tianhaigou.

"I comprehended Thunder Flash before, and now I need to comprehend the martial arts of one attack method." Li Ming said secretly.

Thunder Flash is considered a body skill, not an attack skill.

"I don't know how long it will take to comprehend martial arts this time?" Li Ming whispered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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