The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3573 Northwest Journey

Chapter 3573 Northwest Journey

Along the way, Li Ming and the others were not in a hurry, they stopped and stopped, and occasionally passed some small towns and markets, paying attention to the current situation by the way.

It's been 70 years, and things have definitely changed.

Sure enough, after inquiring, many major events have happened in the past 70 years.

For example, the war in the southern region, the birth of a new king, and the collision of the four major cities in the central region, undercurrents are surging.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that a strong man in northern Xinjiang aspired to be the Supreme of Heaven and Earth 50 years ago.

Although it ended in failure in the end, it also kicked off the prelude to the impact on the Supreme of Heaven and Earth.

In the past 20 years, there have been three or four strong men who have challenged the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth.

However, they all ended in failure in the end.

The supreme being of heaven and earth needs to be in harmony with the supreme Tao of heaven and earth in order to be detached.

Otherwise, it would be sanctification in the flesh, breaking the heaven and the earth with the flesh, and achieving the supremacy of the heaven and the earth.

One in one break, two ways.

The former follows the trend, while the latter goes against the current, each has its own advantages and difficulties.

In comparison, the latter is slightly more difficult.

In this Pangu world, apart from the Fighting Clan back then, I have never heard of any other clans who can break through the world and become holy.

One is that their talents are limited, and the other is that the Fighting Race will not allow such a race to exist.

Now that the Fighting Clan is destroyed, body training techniques are missing, and the sanctification of the body has become a legend.

Therefore, most practitioners still follow the path of harmony!
At this time, Li Ming and the others came to the small border town at the junction of the Central Territory and the northwest corner, Black Tiger City.

This was the first city Li Ming came to Central Region to settle in, and it was also here that he met Zhou Qi.

As soon as he entered the city, Li Ming heard people on the road talking about a recent major event.

"Have you heard? The young master of Hell City went to Bahuang City to pay a bride price, and was injured by the little princess of Bahuang City."

"I've heard that the rumors spread all over the city. It is said that even the Lord of Hell was dispatched in the end."

"I don't know how it ended in the end. There was no fight. I guess Bahuang City lost a lot of treasures?"

"Who knows, but that little princess in Overlord City is fierce enough, even the young master of Hell City dares to fight."



Li Ming was walking on the road, and when he heard these rumors, he couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

At this time, I heard Shang Gongxin teasingly said: "Li Ming, did you hear that your old friend actually beat the young master of Hell City, it seems that he really has no love for you."

"Stop talking nonsense, what's left, I've never been tempted by her." Li Ming said angrily.

Don't spread these words indiscriminately, otherwise, once it reaches the young master of Hell City, it will be another bloodbath. Li Ming doesn't want to cause trouble.

Shang Gongxin frowned slightly, looking up and down for a while.

"What are you looking at me like that for?" Li Minghu questioned.

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are a man. I have met Chen Feng'er before. She is definitely a great beauty. It is really puzzling that you are not moved at all. Could it be that you can't?" Shang Gongxin boldly teased.

"Fuck you!" Li Ming cursed angrily.

"Are you out of breath? Did you hit me?" Shang Gongxin said triumphantly.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, without explaining too much to her.

For the Pangu world, Li Ming has always been somewhat resistant, and has always regarded himself as a foreigner, so he doesn't want to get too involved with this world, and naturally he will not have the idea of ​​starting a family.

In addition, coupled with the external environment, the attitude of Chen Feng'er's parents, and the threat of the young master of Hell City, Li Ming will not have any thoughts.

Seeing that Li Ming didn't speak, Shang Gongxin couldn't help but get bored.

After resting in Black Tiger City for two days, on the third day, Li Ming and Shang Gongxin set off for Xingyue City.

Li Ming has another purpose for returning to the Northwest Region this time.

That is to take away the wealth accumulated in Shanyang City over the years, and take away Goshawk, Zhou Xinghai, Yang Shuai and others by the way.

Shanyang City has been in operation for so many years, and it should have accumulated a lot of wealth, enough to build a new one.

After leaving Black Tiger City and flying northwestward for less than two days, Li Ming and Li Ming officially entered the border of the Northwest Territory.

"I didn't expect to come back here in this life." Shang Gongxin said with great emotion.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and looked at Shang Gongxin in surprise.

Shang Gongxin smiled bitterly, and explained: "There are too many painful memories here, and life is at stake. I swore that I would never come back if I didn't look like a human being."

"Then are you out now?" Li Ming asked teasingly.

"Isn't he married to the adoptive son of City Lord Zhou of Yunfeng City, the four major city lords? A wife is considered a bit of a status because of her husband." Shang Gongxin said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Ming was speechless for a while, this is the thickest-skinned woman he has ever seen, not one of them!

"I'm not right?" Shang Gongxin asked with a smile.

"There is no reason at all." Li Ming said angrily.

"I think it makes sense, and I think you are a potential stock. No matter whether you and I are actually husband and wife, but we have the name of husband and wife. In the future, if you become famous, I will definitely follow you, don't you think so?" Shang Gong Xin said slyly.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, why did he feel like he was tricked by Shang Gongxin?

Shang Gongxin laughed straight, with a smug look on his face.

After a pause, Li Ming reminded: "This place has already entered the Northwest Territory, so be careful not to expose it."

"I know." Shang Gongxin replied.

Then, I saw Shang Gongxin's body changed, his appearance changed.

Seeing this, Li Ming also transformed, changing his appearance.

It is impossible for people who are not very familiar with them to see the true colors of Li Ming and Shang Gongxin.

At this moment, Shang Gongxin asked curiously, "What are you doing in Xingyue City?"

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and finally explained: "I have some issues with Patriarch Zulong of Xingyue City, and I want to go back and make a settlement."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Shang Gongxin couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly: "As far as I know, Patriarch Zulong was already a existence of the Little Venerable's Perfect Realm nearly a hundred years ago. Now that a hundred years have passed, he may have broken through. Venerable Earth, are you going to trouble him?"

Li Ming also knew that Patriarch Zulong was powerful, and the last time he met was in Hong Mo Cave, and that was the venerable that he was already preparing to break through. Now it has been a hundred years, and he does not know whether he succeeded or not.

If it succeeds, Li Ming's trip will definitely bring about his own death.

However, in order to find out about the Tianlei Seal, Li Ming decided to take a risk.

But at this time, Shang Gongxin didn't wrinkle slightly, she was thoughtful, and vaguely felt that the purpose of Li Ming's trip was definitely not that simple, and there must be another reason.

But looking at Li Ming's current state, he definitely didn't intend to talk about it.

Therefore, Shang Gongxin didn't ask any more questions.

 I drank some wine in the evening and planned to squat for an hour, and also set the alarm clock. I didn't expect to sleep until one o'clock in the morning. I don't know if the alarm clock didn't go off, or I didn't wake up when it rang.Embarrassed, keep writing, there is another chapter before dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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