The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3578 Approval

Chapter 3578 Approval (two chapters in one, 4000 words)
"Okay, that's great. From now on, you can directly cook for the young master and young lady in the house." Jiang Dahai said.

Hearing this, Shang Gongxin breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Li Ming didn't show anything, and he looked confident, as if he had expected this to happen a long time ago.

Li Ming is quite confident in his barbecue skills.

It would be nice to stay in Zulong's Mansion, but the cook's activities are limited to the backyard and kitchen. It is still impossible to get in touch with Zulong's Patriarch.

However, Li Ming is not in a hurry. Anyway, he has already entered the Zulong Mansion, so there will always be a chance.

Jiang Dahai briefly explained some things to Li Ming, and then went to work on his own.

At this time, other cooks could not help but surround them.

I only heard one of the cooks ask: "Brother Li, where did you get a job before? With your skills, no matter which restaurant you go to, you are a wrist."

"This brother is flattering me. I am wandering all over the world, and I like an unrestrained life. I only come out to look for work when my pocket jingles. I am usually happy and carefree." Li Ming explained.

"That's it." The cook was disappointed for a while, and then said: "I really want to start a small business with you."

"Business?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and looked at the other party in surprise.

I only heard that the cook explained: "A few other friends and I opened a restaurant in Xicheng. I see that your barbecue skills are so good, so I want to recruit you into the group."

"So it's like this." Li Ming suddenly realized.

"How is it? Are you interested in joining us? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Chen Jinshao, a native of Sun Moon City." The cook introduced.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused for a moment, and then said: "Brother Chen, I just came to Zulong Mansion, and I don't know the situation here very well, and I don't know how much meat I have to roast every day, and whether I have spare time, how about Let's talk about this after a while when we're busy, how about it?"

"Alright, let's discuss this matter later." Chen Jinshao said.

"Okay, okay." Li Ming responded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Chen Jinshao went to work on his own.

Li Ming took some monster meat and started to prepare for today's dinner.

The young master and young lady in the house are very selective, so they must be carefully prepared.

Shang Gongxin assisted. In fact, Li Ming could do these things alone, but he couldn't get rid of Shang Gongxin, so he had to let her act as an assistant.

If he disagreed, with Shang Gongxin's swift and vigorous character, he would definitely cause some trouble.

Soon, the smell of barbecue permeated the entire kitchen, and some of them with a little bit of concentration were drooling.

Some of them were so greedy that they couldn't help asking: "Chef Li, can you give us a few pieces?"

Hearing this, Li Ming was slightly stunned, and casually cut off a piece of the front hoof, and said, "You guys split up."

"Okay, Chef Li is happy, if you need anything in the future, just ask." The cook said.

"Okay." Li Ming responded casually.

Soon, Li Ming became one with the cooks in the kitchen and became one.

In the evening, all the ten barbecues Li Ming had prepared were ready.

Five of them were cut into pieces, and the other five were whole.

Soon, the steward in charge of meals came to the kitchen to inquire about today's dinner.

I only heard that Jiang Dahai said flatteringly: "Guard Su, today we have a new cook in the back kitchen who is very good at barbecue, so we specially prepared some barbecue for today's dinner."

"Really? Is it really that delicious?" Su Guanshichi asked.

"Boss Su, you'll know after a taste." Jiang Dahai said.

Immediately, Jiang Dahai winked at Li Ming, and Li Ming quickly brought a plate of barbecue.

Steward Su hadn't eaten yet, but just smelling the smell of meat, he whetted his appetite.

Then, a small piece was twisted.

After tasting it, my eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

"Not bad, I have some skills." Manager Su commented.

"As long as Manager Su likes it, I'll send some to your residence later." Jiang Dahai flattered him.

"Okay, okay." Manager Su replied with a smile.

Now, Li Ming has figured out the relationship between these characters in Zulong Mansion.

The steward Niu I met before was mainly responsible for the recruitment of people in the mansion. When Jiang Dahai first came to the Zulong Mansion, he was once made things difficult by the steward Niu. Later, with his excellent cooking skills, he was appreciated by the steward Su, and he has always given the young master , Miss cooking.

It wasn't until recent years that he was promoted to be the imperial chef of Patriarch Zulong, and also the head of the back kitchen.

That's why Jiang Dahai had prejudice against Li Ming when Li Ming said that he was arranged by Manager Niu to come in.

But after seeing Li Ming's cooking skills, he had nothing to say.

Steward Su checked out the dishes, and the servants followed the rules to send these dishes to the young masters and ladies of each courtyard.

"Da Hai, pick some good barbecue and let the master have a taste." Manager Su said.

"Okay, Manager Su." Jiang Dahai responded quickly.

Afterwards, Steward Su left.

I only heard Jiang Dahai say: "Li Shanyang, you are going to make a fortune this time, as long as your barbecue can be appreciated by the owner, your future will be limitless."

"Master Jiang laughed at me. It's because of Master Jiang's sharp eyes that he let me stay in the kitchen. Otherwise, no matter how good my barbecue skills are, I will be useless." Li Ming said humbly.

"Ha ha……"

It was comforting for Jiang Dahai to listen to these words.

Then, Jiang Dahai said seriously: "Xiao Li, work hard, I have a good opinion of you!"

"Master Jiang, don't worry, I will work hard and never disappoint your high expectations." Li Ming said hastily.

"Okay, okay!" Jiang Dahai replied seriously.

Soon, the special dishes for the owner were ready, and today there was an extra barbecue.

Looking at the barbecue, Li Ming was thoughtful, "Can I take the opportunity to do something in the barbecue?"

Such as poisoning!

Just with Patriarch Zulong's vigilance, the meals will definitely be carefully prepared.

Once it is found that the food is poisonous, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the idea of ​​poisoning was quickly eliminated in Li Ming's mind.

"Don't think about it too much, it won't be too late to make plans after finding out the specific situation of Patriarch Zulong." Li Ming said to himself.

However, at this moment, someone happened to be talking about the Patriarch's illness.

I only heard one of them say: "I don't know if the poison on Patriarch's body has been cured? I heard that he is already terminally ill."

"Don't talk nonsense about this. Once Master Jiang hears it, be careful to drive you out." Another cook said angrily.

"I'll just talk casually." The cook said.

At this time, Li Ming heard their chatting, and couldn't help becoming interested.

I only heard that Li Ming asked curiously: "What are you talking about? What happened to our Patriarch?"

"You don't know?" a cook asked in surprise.

Li Ming shook his head and explained: "I have been wandering around in recent years, and I only came to Xingyue City recently. I just heard that something happened to Patriarch Zulong, but I don't know exactly what happened."

"So that's it." The cook said, and then said: "This matter has to start from the Hong Modong. I don't know exactly what happened. I only know that the owner of the family was attacked by someone and poisoned. Now, the poison is still not excreted from the body. Moreover, every night when the moon is full, the extreme itchiness is extremely painful, and the pain is so painful that one needs to take dragon blood."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect Patriarch Zulong to be poisoned like this.

At this moment, I heard Jiang Dawei approaching, reprimanded with a dignified face: "You are talking nonsense again? Are you all busy with the work in your hand? Do you want to continue?"

"Yes, yes..." All the cooks responded again and again, not daring to discuss any more.

Li Ming secretly wrote down the symptoms of Patriarch Zulong, need to take dragon blood?Dragon blood is hot, and it is usually used to drive away the cold. Could it be that the Patriarch Zulong has cold poison?
Just who poisoned it?
Li Ming didn't expect that in his cognition, no one had such cold poison.

Li Ming didn't think much about it for the time being, and roasted a few more monsters. They were prepared for Jiang Dahai and Su Guanshi, and they were also considered to win the relationship. They will definitely be useful to each other in the future.

After about a stick of incense, I only heard that Manager Su came in.

Jiang Dahai quickly greeted him and said, "Guard Su, what are your orders?"

"I don't have any instructions, but I just came here to pass a word. The master said that the barbecue today is good, let's watch it, and let me prepare more tomorrow." Manager Su said.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Manager Su." Jiang Dahai responded repeatedly.

"Okay, you are busy first, I have to go back first." Su Guanshi said.

"Boss Su, Li Shanyang roasted a few more monsters just now, and I have prepared a whole one for you, and I will send someone to your yard immediately." Jiang Dahai said.

"Don't bother, just give it to me now." Manager Su said.

"Okay." Jiang Dahai responded, and then gave Li Ming a wink.

Li Ming quickly took one off, packed it up and presented it.

Manager Su was also polite and accepted it directly.

Afterwards, Steward Su left first.

At this time, Jiang Dahai said enviously: "Li Shanyang, you are really lucky. You have been praised by the head of the family on the first day you came to the house, and you will definitely flourish in the future."

"Master Jiang laughed at me. I just want to do my job well and continue to wander around the world after earning a few months' wages." Li Ming said with a smile.

"Are you planning to stay here for a long time?" Jiang Dahai asked lately.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

Jiang Dahai sighed slightly, feeling a little pity, but at the same time relieved.

Because Li Ming stayed here, his status in the kitchen might be threatened.

So when it was confirmed that Li Ming would leave, Jiang Dahai was more relieved.

Not only the Patriarch Zulong was full of praise for Li Ming's barbecue, but also those young masters and ladies were full of praise, as if they had never eaten barbecue.


Overlord City.

Chen Feng'er has been in seclusion for six to seventy years, and her strength has improved a lot again, and she is now in the middle stage of a little venerable.

After six or seventy years of precipitation, Chen Feng'er is not as extreme as before.

After leaving the customs, I heard that Chen Feng'er called Uncle Jiang and asked, "Uncle Jiang, how has Yunfeng City been these past few years?"

"Miss, do you want to ask Mr. Li?" Uncle Jiang asked.

Hearing this, Chen Feng'er blushed slightly, and finally nodded in admission.

Uncle Jiang said: "Li Ming seems to have disappeared all these years. After marrying Miss Shanggong, he left Yunfeng City. Since then, there has been no news of him and Miss Shanggong."

"There is such a thing?" Chen Feng'er couldn't help being surprised, and asked later: "No one knows where he went?"

"No, it seems that even City Lord Zhou doesn't know about it." Uncle Jiang replied.

"How could this be?" Chen Feng'er frowned.

At this time, I only heard that Uncle Jiang was hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, I heard Chen Feng'erhu questioningly: "Uncle Jiang, if you have anything to say, just say it directly?"

"Miss, as far as I know, the young master of Yunfeng City seems to have issued an order to kill Li Ming. Could it be that Mr. Li has..."

"No!" Before Uncle Jiang finished speaking, Chen Feng'er interrupted.

Uncle Jiang shut up immediately, not daring to say more.

Chen Feng'er frowned, thinking deeply.

After a long time, I heard Chen Fenger say: "Uncle Jiang, you go back first, I want to go for a walk."

"Miss, let me accompany you." Uncle Jiang said.

"No need." Chen Feng'er meanderingly refused.

Afterwards, Chen Feng'er left the City Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Chen Feng'er left, Hua Baiyu called Uncle Jiang over and asked, "Old Jiang, what did Feng'er tell you?"

"Miss didn't say anything, she just asked about Li Ming's situation." Uncle Jiang replied.

"How did you answer?" Hua Baiyu asked.

"The old slave answered truthfully." Uncle Jiang replied.

"Did Feng'er say where she's going now?" Hua Baiyu continued to ask.

"This young lady didn't say anything, and the old slave was not allowed to follow." Uncle Jiang replied.

Hearing this, Hua Baiyu frowned.

After a long time, Hua Baiyu sighed and said, "The girls are not allowed to stay!"

After a pause, I heard Hua Baiyu order: "Old Jiang, Feng'er acts too aggressively. I don't worry about her going out alone. You follow her secretly."

"Yes, madam." Uncle Jiang replied.

"No need." At this moment, Chen Bahuang suddenly stopped him.

"No need?" Hua Baiyu frowned, "Aren't you afraid that Feng'er will cause some trouble?"

"Don't be afraid." Chen Bahuang said directly, and then said: "And I think she is flying towards Shanyang City after leaving the city, so there shouldn't be any trouble."

"Shanyang City?" Hua Baiyu was taken aback for a moment, and asked later, "Is Li Ming back?"

"There shouldn't be any of this. Our people are guarding Shanyang City day and night. If Li Ming comes back, it's impossible for our people not to know about it." Chen Bahuang said.

"It's best not to come back, or don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" Hua Baiyu said viciously.

"When will you change your mind? If this continues, something will happen." Chen Bahuang said.

"An accident? What happened? Do you think that Li Ming is worthy of our Feng'er?" Hua Baiyu said angrily.

"This matter is beyond our control. My daughter is already grown up. You have stopped me before, but what happened in the end?" Bahuang Chen shook his head.

"Anyway, I won't agree easily, unless that Li Ming impresses me, otherwise he will never want to be with my daughter in his life!" Hua Baiyu said angrily.

Hearing this, Chen Bahuang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and then reminded: "The one who wants to be together now is not Li Ming, but your precious daughter."

"You..." Hua Baiyu was at a loss for words, unable to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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