The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3588 Spreading the Falsehood

Chapter 3588 Spreading the Falsehood
Overnight, all the large and small cities in the Northwest Territory received orders from the Northwest King, and the whole city paid attention to the masters who used thunder and lightning.

At this time, Li Ming and others had already entered the small town in front of them.

As soon as I entered the town, I saw a notice posted at the gate of the town, "The Bahuang City is thirsty for talents. There have been masters who practice thunder and lightning in the Sun Moon City before. My Bahuang City has specially released a list to recruit talents. You can directly Worship as the general in front of the palace."

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, recruiting the thunder and lightning masters from Sun Moon City?Isn't that just me?

At this time, Shang Gongxin, who was traveling with him, also saw the recruitment list, and couldn't help but joked: "Li Ming, you are famous now, even the Bahuang City will take the initiative to recruit such a great talent like you, I guess that Miss Feng'er If you know that the lightning master is you, I'm afraid you will be happy! Because of her mother, Hua Baiyu will not object to you being together."

Li Ming pondered slightly, then shook his head for a while.

"What do you mean? You don't care about these things? Once you go to surrender, you will definitely become the son-in-law of the Northwest King. When the time comes, you will be a door-to-door son-in-law, and your status will not be inferior to the fourth son of the Central Region." Shang Gongxin said.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Why do these words sound so sour? What's more, am I, Li Ming, the kind of person who is greedy for vanity? Don't say I don't like Chen Feng'er, even if I like her, I can't be the door-to-door son-in-law. That's why I married her!"

Hearing this, Shang Gongxin couldn't help being taken aback, then smiled, "You do have backbone!"

Li Ming didn't entangle with Shang Gongxin any more. Speaking of which, when Li Ming was in the God Realm, he was the son-in-law of the Emperor Haotian. How many times more beautiful.

Naturally, Li Ming looked down on him from the bottom of his heart.

What's more, Li Ming felt that he would definitely become an existence like the Supreme Being of Heaven and Earth in the future.

When the time comes, what will be the honor and disgrace?

When I came to the restaurant in the town, the diners inside were all talking about the lightning expert from Sun Moon City.

"Have you heard? A master suddenly rose up in Sun Moon City and killed several masters in the Zulong Mansion in succession. It's amazing!"

"What masters from the Ancestral Dragon Mansion? They directly killed the entire Ancestral Dragon Mansion. I heard that the lightning master almost wiped out the entire Sun Moon City in the end. If he hadn't stopped in time, there would be no Ancestral Dragon City now. "

"Yes, I've heard that too. That master is super powerful. Even if he stopped in the end, he would have destroyed half of Sun Moon City."

Li Ming listened to these diners chattering about him, and smiled wryly in his heart. This rumor is really terrible. He also killed the two elders of the Zulong Mansion. Sun Moon City?
It's really scary to spread rumors!It is estimated that in a few days, it will spread even crazier.

"Tsk tsk, if it were Pang Ran who dared to act so tyrannically in the Northwest Territory, the Northwest King Chen Bahuang would have come out to destroy him long ago. But now instead of pursuing that lightning expert, he is going to be recruited as the front general, tsk tsk... I'm jealous!"

"Don't be envious. Cultivating thunder and lightning is not an easy task. Not to mention that thunder and lightning are scarce in our Pangu world. Even if we can find some thunder and lightning that can be used for cultivation, the process of cultivation must be extremely painful. It is definitely not for ordinary people. able to bear it."

"This is true! Unless you have great perseverance, you will never succeed!"

Li Ming agrees with this statement. It is indeed not an easy task to cultivate Thunder and Lightning. No one else knows how much he suffered during this process. Only survived.

 Calvin is gone, not today.There won't be many updates during the Chinese New Year period, so don't expect it.

(End of this chapter)

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