The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3595 Let's Get Together!

Chapter 3595 Let's go together!
With a little effort, a group of bandits from Tianwangshan in the sky came to Li Ming, and the leader was none other than the leader of Tianwangshan!
I saw the head of the family fell in front of Li Ming, and his powerful momentum directly shook the dust around him.

"Who are you from Wulianfang?" asked the head of the family with a look of contempt.

Li Ming didn't answer in a hurry, but first activated the formation that had been arranged before.


The array rises up, forming a large transparent cover, directly enveloping Wulianfang.

Seeing this, the head of the family couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Is there a need to ask? Of course I'm afraid that you will run away." Li Ming said.

"Afraid we'll run away?" The head of the family hummed and sneered, "What a joke, I am the existence of the little venerable, and I have three thousand soldiers and horses in my hand, and you are alone, and you are just Wang Zhaojing It's only in the mid-term, I can send any of my men casually, and I can easily destroy you."

"Really? Then send one to try." Li Ming said.

"Third brother, kill him." The leader shouted coldly.

"Yes, big brother!" The third master responded.

There are a total of nine masters in Tianwang Mountain. The third master is as powerful as the dead second master, and it is also the middle stage of the junior master. The fourth master, fifth master, and sixth master are between the early and middle junior masters. , Nine masters is the early stage of the little venerable.

Now letting the third leader take action against Li Ming, in the eyes of the first leader, is simply overkill.

"Boy, report your name, I won't kill the nameless ghost!" The third master shouted coldly.

"That's a lot of nonsense. You don't need to know my name. As long as you know, I can kill you with one punch." Li Ming said casually.

"Arrogance!" The third leader was furious, and he didn't ask Li Ming's name anymore, and directly killed him.

"Lightning flash!"

Li Ming snorted coldly, his figure flickered, as if he had disappeared.

The third master only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Li Ming who was standing there seemed to have disappeared. When he came back to his senses, Li Ming had already arrived in front of him, and he couldn't help being startled.

"Thunder explosion!"

Li Ming sneered again and punched directly.

Immediately, the thunder was like thunder, directly piercing through the third master's body.


The third leader had no time to let out a scream, and was already smashed to pieces by the thunder and lightning. Even the few bandits standing nearby were also affected, and were directly electrocuted and killed on the spot.

Seeing this, the head of the family was immediately startled.

He thought this guy was just Wang Zhaojing's kid, but he didn't expect such a terrifying power to erupt, and it was thunder and lightning.

"Who are you?" The big boss asked coldly.

"You're going to die anyway, so I'm not afraid to tell you that I am the owner of Wulian Fang." Li Ming replied seriously.

"What? You are the owner of Wulian Fang?" The head of the family was shocked.

"Not bad." Li Ming said.

"How courageous, you people from Wulianfang killed my second brother first, and now you kill my third brother face to face, I, the eldest brother, must kill you today!" The head of the family said with an angry face.

"Kill me?" Li Ming snorted, shook his head and said, "With your strength, you are still far away from killing me. If you go back and practice for another three to five hundred years, it may not be possible."

"What are you talking about? It's so arrogant!" the big boss roared.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, let's go together and avenge the second and third brothers!" said the fourth master.

"Yes, let's go together." The fifth master and the sixth master said one after another.

"Okay, let's go together, anyway, I'm going to kill you later, so why not go together." Li Ming said directly.

"It's so arrogant, I don't take my Tianwang Mountain too seriously, kill!" The fourth master roared.

"Kill together!"

Immediately, several masters and the younger brothers in their hands went to kill Li Ming together.

Of course Li Ming knew that two fists were hard to beat with four hands, but if he dared to wait here for the bandits from Tianwang Mountain, he would not be afraid of them.

At the moment when they made a move, Li Ming suddenly cut open his palm, and forced out some blood.

The bloody water was poisonous blood, and under the urging of Shenyuan, it instantly turned into a blood mist.

"what is this?"

"It's blood mist."

"What the hell is he doing?"


Suddenly, a bandit screamed and died directly.

"what happened?"


"It's so uncomfortable, I... I'm going to die."

Immediately, patches of bandits fell down, especially those of Wang Zhaojing. They were vulnerable to Li Ming's poisonous mist.

"Everyone hold your breath, don't inhale the poisonous mist." The head of the family said quickly.

"Yes." Everyone responded.

Immediately, the surviving bandits immediately held their breath.

"Thunder flash, thunder explosion!"

Li Ming didn't stop, and directly cast Thunder Flash and Thunder Explosion.

In an instant, the two masters fell down again.

"No, this guy is too strong. Not only is his speed fast, but the thunder and lightning that erupts is really powerful. We are not his opponents. Get out of here and find a way to deal with him later." The Tianwangshan strategist said hastily.

"No, I have to kill this Li Ming, otherwise I won't be able to explain to my dead brother!" The head of the family shouted coldly.

Then, I saw the head of the family killing Li Ming.

"It's just in time!" Li Ming had long thought about the existence of the little venerable in the Perfect Realm.

Before in Black Tiger City, those little venerables in Tianshi City who were in the Perfect Realm were poisoned by themselves unprepared, and they were not defeated by themselves.

Later, the Patriarch Zulong of Xingyue City had cold poison in his body, and later he secretly injected some blood poison on him. Although he died in the hands of Li Ming, strictly speaking, it was not regarded as being poisoned by Li Ming. defeated.

Now, this is the head of Tianwang Mountain.

Although Li Ming's poisonous fog surrounded him, he discovered it early and hadn't been poisoned yet.

Therefore, it is suitable for Li Ming to fight.

Li Ming and the big master faced each other head-on, directly punching and bombarding each other.


Although Li Ming's Thunderbolt is strong, but his own physical strength is only in the middle stage of the junior venerable, and the master is the little venerable in the perfect state, and his strength is better than Li Ming's two small realms. Now that he is confronting head-on, Li Ming is certainly not his opponent .

Li Ming flew out backwards and directly hit the defensive formation.

However, the boss is not much better, the explosive power of thunder and lightning should not be underestimated, and he was also disgraced by Li Ming's lightning bombardment.

"It's such a terrible thunder and lightning." The leader suddenly took a breath in his heart. Although he had already felt that Li Ming's thunder and lightning were good, but after the real fight, he realized that he still underestimated the power of the thunder and lightning. No wonder the third leader just now , Fourth Master, and Fifth Master died tragically directly under Li Ming's lightning.

Li Ming stretched his lower body and said in a deep voice, "Come again!"

Immediately, Li Ming took the initiative to attack and killed the head.

(End of this chapter)

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