The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3597 Li Wei

Chapter 3597 Li Wei
At this moment, Li Ming's poison had already exploded in Da Dangjia's body. Although Da Dangjia tried his best to suppress it, he couldn't suppress it at all.

"Damn it!" The head roared inwardly. He never thought that Li Ming's poison would be so terrifying that it could penetrate into the body with palms together, and it was so domineering that he couldn't suppress it at all.

Li Ming frowned and stopped, continued to approach with Thunder Flash, and then bombarded Thunder Burst.

For a while, the head of the family was beaten by Li Ming and ran away.

"Stop fighting, we can talk, and I can promise you any conditions you have." The head said hurriedly.

At this moment, the head of the family already knew that he was in danger, and he was no match for Li Ming at all.

"I just want your head!" Li Ming said bluntly.

"You..." The head was suddenly at a loss for words.

Li Ming continued to kill without mercy.

Outside, the Three-headed Huo Jiao and the others waited anxiously, because of the blood mist, they didn't know what was going on inside.

But they believe that the master will definitely win!
In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The big formation that kept rumbling loud noises gradually calmed down, and the blood mist gradually dissipated.

At this time, I saw a person standing in Wulianfang, surrounded by dead bodies.

That person is none other than Li Ming.

"It's the master." The three-headed fire flood dragon said.

"Quick, go and see the situation!"

Immediately, the three-headed Huo Jiao and his group quickly flew towards Li Ming.

At this moment, the formation was already full of cracks, and it shattered into pieces with a light touch.

"Master, are you alright?" the three-headed Huo Jiao asked with concern.

"It's okay, I'm just tired." Li Ming said.

Just after finishing speaking, Li Ming collapsed directly.

"Master..." The three-headed Huo Jiao quickly supported Li Ming.

"It's okay, I'm just tired, just rest for a few days." Li Ming said with difficulty.

"Then master, quickly take some healing pills." The Three-headed Huojiao said.

"No need, just help me to the side and sit down." Li Ming said.

"Okay." The three-headed fire dragon responded.

Immediately, the three-headed fire dragon helped Li Ming to sit aside, and the others were responsible for cleaning up the corpses of bandits in Wulianfang.

Nine out of ten of these bandits died of poisoning, and the rest basically died of being affected by the fight between Li Ming and the boss.

"Chop off the head of the head and hang it at the gate of Shifang." Li Ming said weakly.

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming closed his eyes and meditated, and began to recover.

This battle had consumed almost all of Li Ming's physical strength. The Master of Tianwang Mountain deserved to be the existence of the Little Venerable's Perfect Realm, and it should not be underestimated.

However, in the end, Li Ming died.

The buildings in Wulianfang have been destroyed, but it is not difficult to rebuild them.

Within a day, the corpses in Wulianfang were cleaned up and the buildings were rebuilt.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Li Ming woke up from the meditation, and his physical strength has recovered a lot.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Three-headed Huojiao, go send invitations to all the mountains, and say that I, Wulianfang, have reopened."

"Yes, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon responded.

Immediately, the three-headed fire dragon went to the mountains to send out invitations.

The bandits on various hills received the invitations, and they were divided into different groups.

"This Wulianfang has reopened? Could it be that they have reconciled with Tianwangshan?"

"Impossible, Tianwangshan's eldest master and second master have a deep brotherhood, and Wulianfang killed the second master, so it's impossible for the first master to let it go?"

"That's right, and I heard that Tianwang Mountain is coming out in full force, ready to destroy Wulianfang."

"This...then how can Wulianfang reopen now?"

"Could it be possible that even the head of Tianwangshan died in Wulianfang?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. The master of Tianwangshan is a master of the Little Venerable's Consummation Realm, and there are three thousand soldiers and horses. How could he die in the hands of Wulianfang?"

"Everyone, don't speculate. Go to Wulianfang tomorrow and you will know."


In the early morning of the next day, the bandit leaders from the various hilltops brought their younger brothers to Wulianfang.

Before entering Wulianfang, I saw a human head hanging at the gate of Wulianfang.

"Is that... the head of the head of the Heavenly King Mountain?"

"This... Tianwang Shanda is really dead?"

"how can that be?"

"Could it be that there is a little venerable and strong man sitting behind Wulianfang?"

While the bandits were discussing endlessly, the three-headed fire dragon came out, clasped his fists and said: "Everyone, the head of Tianwang Shanda led the people to attack the day before yesterday, and he was killed by my master. Today, he hangs his head here. Be an example to others."

Hearing this, everyone was in an uproar, and the head of Wulianfang really died in the hands of the owner of Wulianfang.

At this time, I only heard the three-headed fire dragon continue to say: "Everyone, I, Wulianfang, intend to develop here for a long time, and even expand my own city one day in the future. If you are interested, you can come here for refuge."

"This..." The bandits whispered for a while, "Building a city? Is this to control Tianhaigou?"

"Don't worry, everyone, building a city is not something that will happen overnight, and even if a city is built, it will not affect your income. At present, our Wulianfang still mainly sells medicines and treasures." Three-headed Huojiao continued.

Everyone was still discussing, obviously very dissatisfied with the construction of the city.

Bandits and bandits have always been rampant in Tianhaigou area, if a city is built, it will definitely affect their bandits.Although it is said that building a city is not a matter of time, but it is also a matter of time.

The Three-headed Huo Jiao saw that everyone was talking about it, so he couldn't help but continued: "If you have any opinions, you can stand up now."

Hearing this, everyone involuntarily took a step back.

Just kidding, even the head of Tianwangshan, who was in the consummation state of the little venerable, died here, and they dare not have any opinions with their ten guts.

Seeing this, the Three-headed Huo Jiao couldn't help but smile, and said: "Since there is no objection, then this is the end of the matter. Now that Wulianfang is officially open, if you have any needs, just choose. Same as today, buy one get one free."

Hearing this, the bandits who were gloomy just now burst into smiles.

There are cheap, of course happy.

Li Ming watched quietly, as he expected, no one dared to make trouble today, even if these bandits knew that Wulianfang would be built into a city, none of them dared to object.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help calling the three-headed fire dragon.

"Master, what are your orders?" asked the three-headed fire dragon.

"Three-headed Huojiao, I'll leave the Wulianfang to you in advance. I'm going to Tianhaigou to retreat for a period of time. I have fought against the master two days ago. There seems to be a breakthrough." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly congratulated: "Congratulations master, congratulations master, it's about to break through again."

"Don't congratulate too early." Li Ming reprimanded, and then asked: "You can ask Zhou Xinghai more about the establishment of Wulian City. Although he is not strong, he has a good business sense. In addition, pay close attention to the news from the outside world. , especially the Pangu Mausoleum, nearly 80 years have passed, and in another 20 years, the Pangu Mausoleum will be opened."

"Master, don't worry, I will pay close attention to it." The three-headed Huo Jiao promised.

"En." Li Ming responded, and then flew towards Tianhaigou.

(End of this chapter)

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