The best immortal emperor

Chapter 36 Finding Clues

Chapter 36 Finding Clues

Old man He is an ancient warrior, and he practiced palm kung fu.In order to practice this pair of invincible fleshy palms, he often put black iron sand in his palms and poured oil into the pan, which can be said to have suffered a lot.

But in the end, Old Man He got what he wanted, a pair of palms that broke through gold and rocks.

Ordinary people who receive his palm, even if they don't die, they won't live long.

Old Man He is vicious, ruthless, ruthless, and cunning, so he is nicknamed Ruthless Iron Hand Old Man He!

In addition to practicing a pair of rubbing palms, old man He is also good at saber skills, but the saber was broken when Ming Fengshan fought with Fang He, and now only a pair of fleshy palms are left.

But even so, Fang He did not dare to underestimate him.

Fang He is also an ancient warrior, practicing Taijiquan and Baguazhang. His boxing and palm techniques are not as fierce as Old Man He's, but there is infinite charm in every punch and palm, and he can always save Old Man He's fierce moves from danger. .

Fang He was still good with the whisk, but both the whisk and old man He's sword had been broken in two and thrown into the valley of Mingfeng Mountain.

Old Man He's fleshy palm is comparable to a murderous weapon, his fingers are thick, his skin is wrinkled, and the nerves on his fleshy palm are basically dead, so he can't feel the slightest pain when fighting.

The way of hard training like old man He has long been abandoned among ancient warriors, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But old man He is just an ancient martial artist who practiced painstakingly alone. He accidentally got a secret book of palm training in a ruined temple, and only then did he cultivate to his current state.

In the entire ancient martial arts world, he also gained a bit of fame.

Although old man He is powerful, old man Fang He is better than him. Otherwise, old man He would not have been chased by Fang He all over the world before.

After some fighting, the two each showed their strengths and showed their magical powers. In the end, Fang He's old skills were superior, and he narrowly defeated Mr. He by one move.

The old man He suffered severe injuries to his chest, and spat three mouthfuls of blood. He waited for Fang He with a ferocious face, and said viciously, "Old Fang He, if you want to kill, kill him, but please give this old man a good time!"

"What benefactor, why bother? Although the blood coagulation grass is good, it can help you develop fleshy palms, but it will not save your life. If you hand over the blood coagulation grass now, the old man can still let you go, and let the past go." Fang He said It's also a benevolent heart, and he doesn't want to slaughter more evil.

"Hmph! What a stinky and shameless old man who claims to be the most benevolent in the world. He is a hypocrite and a real villain. You have taken the blood coagulation grass, and you still chase after the old man. You will kill him if you bite him!" The old man spat a mouthful of blood at the old Taoist Fang He and said ferociously.

Seeing that old man He was so excited, Fang He didn't seem to be lying, but he really didn't take the blood coagulation grass?
The fox couldn't help but questioned: "Old man He, you said that you took away the blood coagulation grass in the right way, where did you start?"

"Where do you start? Hmph, the old man went to Mingfeng Mountain one step ahead of you. He knew that he was no match for you, so he hid the kit containing the blood coagulation grass under the stone wall of Mingfeng Mountain. After the old man got rid of you, he went When the Mingfeng Mountain stone wall went to look for the Blood Congealing Grass, it was gone. Who else could go to Mingfeng Mountain except you and me? Who else could it be if you took the Blood Congealing Grass?" Old Master He stared at the big eyes of Niubong asked.

"Huh? There is such a thing?" Fang He was surprised for a while, and suddenly thought of the figure he saw when he followed Old Master He back to the Mingfeng Mountain stone wall, and couldn't help being surprised: "Could it be that the figure took it away?"

"What figure?" Old Man He asked coldly.

"Old Man He, you can tell me without telling you that I saw a figure when I was chasing you back to Mingfeng Mountain. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but now that you say it like this, the blood coagulation grass is probably taken away by that person," Fang He said. Said.

"There are others? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Old Man He didn't believe it even if he killed him.

"Mr. He, whether you believe it or not. Since the blood coagulation grass is not on your body, I'm leaving. You can do it yourself. If you dare to sneak into the medicine garden of this temple again next time, don't blame me for being rude!" The old Taoist Fang He left Sentence away.

Old Master He coughed and spit out two mouthfuls of bloody phlegm. Looking at the direction Fang He left, he couldn't help but startled, and said to himself, "Could it be that the blood coagulation grass was really taken away by someone else?"

Old Man He hesitated for a while, and he didn't want to think too much, so he had to find a hospital to see the injury as soon as possible.

The power of Fang He's old way's palm is no small matter, it has already hurt old man He's internal organs.If the blood coagulation grass is still there, he can eat the blood coagulation grass to heal his wounds, but the blood coagulation grass was taken away by others.

Old Man He dragged his injured body and walked out of the mountain.

In fact, this week's escape, Mr. He didn't leave Mingfeng Mountain too far, but kept leading Fang He around in circles, trying to use the terrain here to throw him away, but he never succeeded.

Old Man He came to the hospital in the urban area and lied that he had encountered a grizzly while playing in the mountains, but the hospital didn't pay much attention.

Mr. He's internal organs were damaged and he needed to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time.

On this day, the nurse came to do a routine examination for Mr. He, and muttered: "Your condition is serious, maybe it is not serious. Some time ago, an old lady in our hospital broke two ribs and used some secret medicine Medicine, the ribs will heal completely in a week, if you can also take that kind of medicine, you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

When old man He heard this, he frowned immediately, and asked eagerly, "Nurse, you said that someone broke two ribs and took the secret medicine, and the ribs healed within a week?"

"Isn't it? That aunt lived in the ward next to yours before, and I took care of it." The nurse said casually.

"What about the secret medicine? Is it still there? Where is it? But it's in your hospital?" Old Man He asked nervously.

Broken ribs, healed in a week, what else can be done besides blood coagulation grass?

"The secret medicine was not prepared by our hospital, but by the son-in-law of that aunt." The nurse said.

"Where's that aunt?" Old Man He asked eagerly.

"I've been discharged early," the nurse said.

"Then where is she?" Old Man He asked.

"I don't know." The nurse rolled her eyes at Old Man He.

"Then what's her name?" Old Man He asked eagerly. It was about blood coagulation grass, so he couldn't tolerate his indifference.

The nurse looked at Old Man He and asked vigilantly, "Why are you asking so many questions?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to buy some secret medicine from that aunt so that I can recover sooner." Old Master He hurriedly concealed his cruelty.

"Oh." The nurse responded casually, without meaning to say anything.

Old Man He took out a handful of money from the clothes beside the front throw, and said, "Tell me her name and where she lives. These are all yours."

When the nurse saw the handful of money in Mr. He's hand, which was at least 1 yuan, her eyes lit up. Her monthly salary is only [-] yuan!It was worth half a year's salary.

The nurse looked around and saw that no colleagues had noticed this, so she hurriedly took old man He's money and stuffed it into the pocket of her white coat, and said in a low voice, "Mr. He, I'm going to check the hospital records."

(End of this chapter)

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