Chapter 3610
Li Ming shook his head, he really didn't know.

At this time, I only heard that Zhou Qi continued to say: "The Fighting Clan regards Pangu as their ancestors, so they specially built the Pangu Mausoleum for Pangu. Although the tomb of Pangu was not buried in Pangu's real body, they did put a tomb on it. Curse, no one is allowed to open the tomb of God Pangu, otherwise they will be cursed forever, never reborn, and fall into the endless hell."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, this was the first time he heard of it.

"So, I advise you not to fight about the Pangu God's Tomb anymore." Zhou Qi persuaded.

Li Ming pondered slightly, and then asked curiously: "Brother, you have stayed in Pangu's mausoleum for a hundred years, but have you ever been to Pangu's tomb?"

The Pangu Mausoleum is equivalent to an underground world, which contains Mingchuan River, Mingshan hills, Mingshu Minghua and so on.It is said that the tomb of God Pangu is at the core of the Pangu Mausoleum, and it is also the most dangerous place, and no one has ever approached it so far.

Mentioning the tomb of God Pangu, Zhou Qi couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and said after a long time, "Do you still remember the Yuxu cauldron you gave me?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" Li Minghu questioned.

"It stayed in the Pangu God's Tomb. I was chased and killed by the ghost beasts in the Pangu God's Tomb, and finally strayed into the area of ​​the Pangu God's Tomb. There is a strange power there, which ordinary people can't resist. In the end, I was still in the Yuxu Cauldron. With help, he escaped. However, the Yuxu Cauldron remained in the area of ​​the Pangu God's Tomb in the end." Zhou Qi recalled.

Hearing this, Li Ming paused, and then asked: "Brother, what was your strength at that time? Have you ever made a breakthrough?"

"Not yet, but it's only half a step away." Zhou Qi said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but fell silent.

At this time, Zhou Qi patted Li Ming on the shoulder and said, "Listen to my advice, don't think about Pangu God's Tomb anymore, it's too dangerous."

Li Ming paused and remained silent for a long time.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, we haven't seen each other in a hundred years, so we have two drinks. I have to say, the wine in your city is good!" Zhou Qi said with a smile.

"I'll ask people to prepare more, let's have a good drink today!" Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Zhou Qi replied.

Immediately, Li Ming asked the three-headed Huojiao to prepare the banquet.

At this time, a woman walked into the backyard.

The person who came was none other than Shang Gongxin.

Shang Gongxin didn't know Zhou Qi, or to be precise, he had only heard of Zhou Qi's name, but never met a real person, so he didn't know who it was.

However, looking at the relationship between this person and Li Ming, he didn't look like a bandit who had defected from the surrounding area, so he couldn't help asking: "Li Ming, are there any guests at home?"

"Zhou Qi, the seventh young master of Yunfeng City, my elder brother." Li Ming introduced.

"So it's Brother Zhou, the little girl is being polite." Shang Gongxin blessed himself slightly and saluted.

"Who is this?" Zhou Qichi asked.

"She is Shang Gongxin." Li Ming said.

"Oh, so they are younger siblings." Zhou Qi suddenly realized.

"Don't dare to do it, Master Zhou just call me by my name." Shang Gongxin said.

"Name?" Zhou Qi was stunned, then looked Li Ming up and down and asked: "Brother, have you been married for more than 70 years? Even if two stones get along day and night, sparks should sparkle. Are you okay? "

"It's as light as still water." Li Ming replied flatly.

In the past 70 years, Li Ming has basically been in seclusion, even if he is not in seclusion, he is still dealing with affairs. The time spent with monk Gong Xin is very little, so it is no wonder that they have no troubles.

Zhou Qi looked at Li Ming again, and asked for a long time: "Brother, are you okay? Don't worry, my brother knows many experts in this field, and I will pass on a few mastery techniques to you later, and I promise you will regain your youth!"

Hearing this, Li Ming's face turned dark immediately. This Zhou Qi dared to say anything. He deserved to be the number one young man in the Spring Tower of Black Tiger City!
"What is Imperial Essence Technique? Is it very powerful?" Shang Gongxin asked curiously because he didn't know.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, what imperial essence art is, it's a nonsense thing." Li Ming said angrily.

Shang Gongxin was stunned, as if he had realized something later, as if he had guessed something, his face blushed suddenly.

Then, I heard Shang Gongxin's voice sound like a mosquito and said: "You should learn, I always feel that you are obedient, a little different from normal people, you know how to practice all day long, even if I can't get into your eyes, What about Chen Feng'er from the Northwest Territory? She is a first-class peerless beauty, and you are not at all tempted. It really makes people doubt that there is nothing wrong with you."

"Ahem..." Li Ming coughed dryly, but he didn't know what to say.

"Brother, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone is an old monster who lived a few years ago. Who hasn't seen such a big thing?" Zhou Qi said nonchalantly.

Li Ming was speechless for a while, so he could only change the subject and say, "I'll go prepare some barbecue, and serve the food and drink!"

"Don't run away, you're serious!" Zhou Qi said resolutely.

"I have someone I like." Li Ming said suddenly.

Hearing this, Zhou Qi couldn't help being startled, and Shang Gongxin was also startled at the same time.

Then, I only heard that the two asked curiously: "Who do you like?"

"A lot." Li Ming didn't hide it.

"Who is there?" Zhou Qi asked curiously.

"I said you don't know each other, so let's not talk about it." Li Ming shook his head and said, then walked out of the backyard.

Looking at Li Ming's leaving back, Shang Gongxin felt a faint sense of loneliness from him, as if he had left his hometown.

"Are you guys okay?"

Li Ming whispered in his heart, he has been in trouble in the Pangu world for hundreds of years, and he doesn't know what's going on in the God Realm now, how is Yue'er?How is Xiao Liu?

After leaving the backyard, Li Ming quickly calmed down his emotions. There were some things that he couldn't tell others. Although Li Ming trusted Zhou Qi very much, he still hadn't reached the point where he had nothing to say.


Li Ming let out a sigh of relief, stopped thinking about it, and concentrated on preparing some barbecue.

In less than half an hour, the barbecue is ready, and the strong fragrance can be smelled from a long distance.

At this time, the three-headed fire dragon also prepared a banquet.

Li Ming and Zhou Qi had a drink, Shang Gongxin drank a few cups as a backdrop, and then found a reason to leave. In fact, he wanted to give Li Ming and Zhou Qi a chance to talk alone. The brothers hadn't seen each other for a hundred years, so they must have something to say.

"Come, drink." Zhou Qi raised the wine bowl and said.

"Come, drink." Li Ming replied.

"Come on, drink again."


The two of them didn't say anything, they just went back and forth drinking wine, men are different from women, what should be said, what they want to say, are all in the wine.

In the end, the two got so drunk that they lay down on the wine table and fell asleep.

"Boom thump... thump thump..."

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was the sound of drums beating in my ears.

Sleeping Li Ming and Zhou Qi slowly woke up from their deep sleep.

[Recommend the new book of heroes, Huadu's top-notch medical god, urban cultivating immortals, hot serialization. 】

(End of this chapter)

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