The best immortal emperor

Chapter 362 Breaking Through the Middle Nascent Soul

Chapter 362 Breaking Through the Middle Nascent Soul
This biological chain is carefully selected and matched by Brother Zhu after a hundred years.

In order to prevent the appearance of beast enlightenment, occupy the Primordial Spirit Tree!

After turning around, Li Ming didn't think there was much meaning, so he left the evergreen basin for the time being.

Back in the underground cave deep in the Longyang desert, Li Ming saw that Niu Wudi was still sleeping soundly, exuding a powerful aura.

However, because it is [-] meters underground, the earth well conceals this huge aura.

Li Ming felt that there was nothing to do, so he simply returned to the evergreen basin and continued to absorb the breath of the evergreen tree.

In this evergreen basin, there are no four seasons, no spring, summer, autumn and winter, every day is the same, it looks very monotonous and boring.

However, isn't that what practitioners have to endure?
However, the process of cultivating the primordial spirit is very pleasant. As the energy absorbed increases, the primordial spirit also begins to grow gradually, from the original size of mung beans to the size of a pigeon egg.

By the time one reaches the top of the Golden Core, the primordial spirit will grow to the size of a fist.

Once the thunder calamity is over, the Nascent Soul will burst out of this fist-big Yuanshen!

A year and a half later, Li Ming suddenly felt a tremor in the Evergreen Basin, as if an earthquake was coming, shaking the sky and the earth.

"What's going on?" Li Ming was startled.

Even Brother Zhu, who was practicing in the Yuanshen Tree, woke up. Brother Zhu released Yuanshen to investigate, and said, "It was Niu Wudi who broke through, so go out quickly and take the evergreen basin to a safe place, lest was affected."

"Okay!" Li Ming responded, and immediately came out of the evergreen basin.

The Evergreen Basin is quite fragile, it is only at the level of a treasure, and failure to break through the middle stage of Nascent Soul may indeed cause damage to it.

After getting out of the Evergreen Basin, Li Ming checked Xia Niu Wudi's situation, and indeed he was about to break through.

Immediately, he brought the evergreen basin out of the underground cave.

Back on the Longyang Desert, the heat wave hit our faces.However, with the robes on his body, he didn't feel hot.

Li Ming was a little further away from Niu Wudi's retreat, quietly waiting for Niu Wudi's breakthrough.

As expected of a divine beast, it took only a year and a half to break through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul with the help of the blood of the divine beast, which is beyond the imagination of monks!

While waiting, a huge breath burst out from the depths of the desert and rushed straight into the sky.

Fortunately, this is the depths of the Longyang Desert, and there are few people around, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed.

The momentum was like a rainbow, and the yellow sand on the Longyang Desert was tumbling, like a pot of hot oil boiling.

This scene is not common.

The tumbling state lasted for half a month, and slowly calmed down.

And Li Ming knew that the breakthrough should be within a day or two!
One morning, suddenly a huge force erupted from the depths of the desert, and the yellow sand was instantly washed away, revealing a hole.

Looking down the cave, you can see Niu Wudi underground.

Niu Wudi's aura has reached its peak, and the signs of a breakthrough are also very obvious, and he is almost at the door!

Li Ming stood by and never left, for fear that any accident would happen.

In a blink of an eye, the sunset and the moon rise, and the sky is full of stars.

A muffled sound suddenly came out from under the cave, followed by a long chant, which shocked Jiuxiao.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful aura suddenly subsided, and everything returned to silence, as if nothing had happened.

Li Ming knew that Niu Wudi had made a breakthrough!
Not long after, Niu Wudi flew out of the cave, without a doubt breaking through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul!
(End of this chapter)

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