Chapter 3624
Li Ming and his adoptive father, City Master Zhou, drank and chatted freely, while Zhou Qi went out to dismiss Northwest King Chen Bahuang and his wife.

After going out, I saw Chen Bahuang and Hua Baiyu standing at the door of Zhou's house looking forward to it.

When Chen Bahuang saw Zhou Qi coming out, he couldn't help but greet him, and asked, "This must be the unicorn son of City Lord Zhou, young master Zhou Qi!"

"City Lord Chen, I'm too famous, just call me Zhou Qi, I really don't dare to be the seventh young master." Zhou Qi said.

"Seventh Young Master is really humble." Chen Bahuang said, and then said: "Seventh Young Master, Mr. Chen is here to ask for something, I wonder if City Lord Zhou can do it right now?"

"City Lord Chen, are you here to resolve the grievances between your lady and Li Ming?" Zhou Qi asked.

"Seventh Young Master is right in his words, and he really came here for this matter. My wife accidentally offended him in the early years, so I asked City Lord Zhou to come forward and be a peacemaker to resolve this grievance. Chen must thank you very much." Chen Bahuang He put his posture extremely low, without the domineering spirit of the Northwest King at all.

Of course, if this is because of asking for others, how could it be like this?
A few days ago, Chen Bahuang heard that Li Ming was causing trouble in Bailong City and wounded Venerable Tuntian. He was afraid that Li Ming would commit the crime of dominating the imperial city, so he rushed to Yunfeng City with his wife, hoping that City Lord Zhou would deal with it.

Although Hua Baiyu didn't take any action to hurt Li Ming back then, he actually threatened his life in his words. In this piercing and unblinking Pangu world, let alone life threats, even if he said a few unpleasant words, he might be killed the fire.

When Hua Baiyu heard that Li Ming had injured Venerable Tuntian, she was also startled. She thought it was a misrepresentation, but after a visit to Bailong City, she realized that it was true.At that time, Hua Baiyu regretted it in her heart, "If I had known that Li Ming was so talented, I would have never threatened Li Ming to leave her daughter, and even took the initiative to match her up."

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

At this time, Zhou Qi said, "City Lord Chen, please go back."

Hearing this, Chen Bahuang couldn't help but feel a sudden, please come back?What do you mean by that?Is there no room for maneuver in this matter?Or is it that Li Ming is already on his way to Bahuang City?

After a pause, Hua Baiyu asked timidly: "Seventh Young Master, there is no room for maneuver in this matter? Li Ming really wants to condemn me to dominate the imperial city?"

"Madam Bai, you misunderstood. My brother said that he has no grudges against you. The previous incidents were trivial matters of sesame and green beans. They hope that you will not take it to heart." Zhou Qi explained.

"This..." Hua Baiyu was dumbfounded for a while, and then asked again: "Then he treats my daughter?"

"It's hard for me to say, but I can see that Li Ming is a person who dares to love and hate. Maybe he really doesn't have any special thoughts about your daughter. From the beginning, you were the one who worried too much." Zhou Qi Said.

Hearing this, Hua Baiyu couldn't help being embarrassed. At first, she always thought that Li Ming approached her daughter for some other purpose, to cling to their Overlord City, but now it seems that she was really wrong.

A cultivator of Wang Zhaojing broke through to the Heavenly Venerable in just a few years. This talent, this arrogance, is definitely not the kind of person who clings to the powerful.

However, Hua Baiyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief that this matter could be resolved.

At this time, Chen Bahuang asked: "Seventh Young Master, from your tone, Li Ming is in your residence now?"

"Yes." Zhou Qi replied.

"Then can I ask for a meeting?" Chen Bahuang asked hastily.

"This..." Zhou Qi was a little hesitant. When he was at the dinner table, he could see that Li Ming didn't really want to see Chen Bahuang and his wife.

Seeing Zhou Qi's embarrassed look, Chen Bahuang couldn't help but hastily said: "Master Seven, we have prepared some good things, maybe Li Ming can use them."

As he spoke, Chen Bahuang couldn't help but took out a map.

Seeing this, Zhou Qi couldn't help being taken aback, Hu asked: "What is this?"

"This is the map where the Xuanlei Seal is located." Chen Bahuang replied.

"Xuan Lei Seal? The Xuan Lei Seal of the Four Great Thunder Seals?" Zhou Qi was suddenly taken aback.

"Exactly!" Chen Bahuang replied.

The four major thunder seals are the sky thunder seal, the wind thunder seal, the profound thunder seal, and the purple thunder seal.

It is said that gathering these four thunder seals can open the tomb of God Pangu.

After a pause, Zhou Qi knew that Li Ming was inquiring about the Four Thunder Seals, so he couldn't help but said, "Then come with me!"

"Thank you." Chen Bahuang thanked.

Immediately, Chen Bahuang and his wife followed Zhou Qi into the Zhou residence.

At this moment, Li Ming had a good drink with City Lord Zhou, when he suddenly saw Zhou Qi bringing Chen Bahuang and his wife in, he couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Little Qi, what are you doing?"

"Father, City Lord Chen insists on seeing Brother Li, and there is something very important to give to Brother Li. The children cannot refuse, so they can only be brought in," Zhou Qi said.

Hearing this, City Lord Zhou and Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and both looked suspiciously at Chen Bahuang.

At this moment, Zhou Qi smiled mysteriously and said, "Brother, I'll keep this thing safe. You won't be able to smile from ear to ear when you see it."

"Oh?" Li Ming couldn't help but asked curiously, "What good thing?"

Zhou Qi didn't speak, but looked at Chen Bahuang.

I saw Chen Bahuang offering the map with both hands, and said: "This is the hidden map of the Xuanlei Seal, and I hereby dedicate it to the Leihuo Tianzun."

"Mysterious Thunder Seal? The Xuan Thunder Seal of the Four Great Thunder Seals?" Li Ming was startled. He had already obtained the Sky Thunder Seal and knew the whereabouts of the Wind Thunder Seal, but he didn't know what the remaining two Thunder Seals were. What, I don't know where it is, but I didn't expect City Lord Chen to send the map of Xuanlei Yin.

"Exactly." Chen Bahuang replied.

Immediately, Li Ming took the map from Chen Bahuang.

At first glance, it really is the Xuanlei Seal map.

For a moment, Li Ming didn't know how to thank him, so he could only say: "City Lord Chen, I am ashamed to receive such a valuable map, and I really can't give you a matching gift."

"Lei Huo Tianzun is serious. This map should be used as an apology. I hope that Lei Huo Tianzun will not take the blame for his wife's slip of the tongue." Chen Bahuang said.

"How can I keep such small things in mind? City Lord Chen is too worried." Li Ming said.

"That's good, that's good." Hearing this with his own ears, Chen Bahuang was really relieved.

But at this moment, Hua Baiyu said: "Tianzun Lei Huo, if you really feel ashamed of receiving it, then I have a merciless request."

"Bai Yu." Chen Bahuang frowned and shouted, feeling that she was being reckless.

"Madam Bai, please tell me." Li Ming said.

"Heavenly Lord Leihuo, I heard that the Four Thunder Seals can open the tomb of God Pangu. If Heavenly Lord Leihuo can collect the four seals one day, I would like to ask for a chance to go to the tomb of God Pangu together." Hua Baiyu said.

"Okay, it should be!" Li Ming responded directly.

"Then it's a deal, don't go back on your word," Hua Baiyu said.

"Never regret it!" Li Ming replied.

At this time, I only heard City Lord Zhou say: "Since the past has been resolved, why not sit down and have a meal together."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders!" Chen Bahuang and Hua Baiyu replied.

Immediately, the group sat down again.

 There is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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