The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3628 Refining Failure

Chapter 3628 Refining Failure
In the blink of an eye, I don't know how many years have passed, the four of Li Ming's family stayed happily in the peach garden.

Over the years, Li Ming has been running around, either avoiding disasters or retreating, and rarely has time to spend with his family, let alone enjoy such a blessing.

After a while, Li Ming couldn't help hesitating, and asked suspiciously, "Shenyue, where's Little Six?"

"Xiao Liu?" Shenyue paused, and then replied gently and kindly: "Xiao Liu is in retreat, and will be back in a few days."

"Oh." Li Ming replied.

Li Xiaoliu was a child born of Qin Yue based on Li Mingfeng's blood.And Qin Yue was transformed by an idea of ​​Princess Shenyue, so speaking of it, Xiao Liu is not only Qinyue's child, but also Shenyue's child.

Sure enough, a few days later, Li Xiaoliu came back.

Seeing Xiao Liu, Li Ming couldn't help but feel relieved. Before he fell into the Pangu world, Xiao Liu's situation was at stake, and he merged with the Pillar of Heaven.

Seeing Xiao Liu at this time, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Shenyue, how did Xiao Liu get rid of the pillar of heaven?"

"Later, Xiao Liu absorbed all of the Pillars of Heavenly Dao, and Xiao Liu naturally became sober." Shenyue replied.

"Oh, so it is like this." Li Ming suddenly realized.

In the following period of time, the family continued to live in the peach garden, and no one wanted to go out, including Li Ming.

But gradually, many people came to this peach garden.

Whatever Li Ming talks about in his heart will come to the Peach Garden in a few days.

"The Emperor Haotian..."

"The Dragon-eating God Emperor..."

"Brother Candle..."

"Old devil..."

"The Great Elder of the Feng Clan..."

and many more.

Gradually, Taoyuan has more and more residents.

For a while, Peach Garden almost became Peach Blossom City.

For several years, Li Ming himself does not only know how many years have passed.

On this day, Li Ming suddenly discovered a problem. He knew everyone in the Peach Blossom City, and every face was very familiar.

"How could this be? There are tens of millions of disciples from the Feng clan, and countless soldiers from the God Realm. Why do only those people I know show up? What about those people I don't know? Are they all gone?" Li Ming secretly wondered .

They just asked the Great Elder and the Haotian God Emperor about the situation, but they couldn't tell the reason.

On this day, Li Ming suddenly thought of a person, an enemy, "Vulcan Zhu Rong!"

"Is he still alive?"

A few days later, a man named Vulcan Zhu Rong came to Peach Blossom City.

"Is he still alive? Impossible, I killed him with my own hands, how could he still be alive?" Li Ming was shocked.

"What about the water god?" Li Ming hesitated again.

A few days later, another person who claimed to be a public came to Peach Blossom City.

"Is he alive too?"

"No, something must have gone wrong! How could they still be alive?"

Suddenly, Li Ming remembered that the Northern King said that the thunder and lightning from the Xuanlei Seal can make people have illusions, "Could it be that the Peach Blossom City I saw is an illusion?"

"No, these people are so real, how could it be a fantasy."

"Wait, I seem to vaguely remember that I was retreating in Tianhaigou, why did I come to Peach Garden all of a sudden?"

"I haven't returned to the God Realm yet. I'm still in the Pangu World. How could Shenyue and Haotian God Emperor come here?"

"Fantasy, definitely a fantasy!"

With one thought, Li Ming seemed to wake up completely, and then the world in Peach Blossom City suddenly disappeared.

Looking around again, I am not at the bottom of Tianhai Trench.

Looking at the Xuanlei seal next to it, I saw it exuding a strange brilliance.

Seeing this, Li Ming gasped unconsciously, and said in his heart: "It really is a fantasy, this Xuanlei seal is really terrifying, even my powerful divine sense can be confused by him, if it were someone else, I'm afraid it will last forever It's all lost in fantasy."

After a pause, Li Ming said to himself again: "I don't know how long I've been lost? Ten years? Or a hundred years?"

"Forget it, no matter what, let's find a way to refine this Xuanlei Seal first!"

Immediately, Li Ming restrained his mind and continued to try to refine the Xuanlei Seal.

However, as soon as the divine sense touched the depths of the Xuanlei seal, a strange change would occur in Li Ming's mind, and the feeling of being unreal in the dark would quietly appear, and then there would be scenes in front of him that made him linger, or Family members, or relatives and friends, or treasures, or whatever.

"Illusions, everything is an illusion!" Li Ming said secretly, and then struggled to break free from these illusions.

Fail once, then move on to the second, fail the second time, then move on to the third...

I don't know how many times, anyway, Li Ming can't remember clearly. The next time, it still ended in failure.

"Or not?"

Li Ming was very distressed, because he found that every time he entered into a fantasy, it was more difficult for him to extricate himself, and afterward, his spiritual sense would become extremely weak, as if all the energy and energy in his body had been drained.

"I can't try again, probably the refining method is wrong." Li Ming said secretly.

Afterwards, Li Ming put away the Xuanlei Seal.

"Do you want to continue refining the Heavenly Thunder Seal?"

After thinking about it, Li Ming finally gave up. He didn't even know the characteristics of the Heavenly Thunder Seal.

After thinking for a long time, I heard Li Ming whispering to himself: "Forget it, go out and have a look first, and ask the adoptive father later, maybe he knows something."

Afterwards, Li Ming also put away the Heavenly Thunder Seal, and then flew out from the Tianhaigou.

Leaving Tianhaigou, Li Ming flew to the nearby Wulian City.

When he arrived at Wulian City, Li Ming was really surprised. Is this still the same Wulian City?

Back then, Wulian City was only as big as Shanyang City, but now it has the size of Yunfeng City.

There were constant business travelers inside, and camel bells jingled all over the street.

" many years will it take? It will develop to such a scale?" Li Ming was stunned.

However, Li Ming didn't think too much about it, and couldn't help walking towards the city.

Entering the city, there is a lot of yelling, and there are everything for sale.

Seeing this thriving and prosperous appearance, Li Ming couldn't help but smile knowingly. He decided to build the city back then, and now it finally has a certain scale.

Afterwards, Li Ming walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Now, Zhou Xinghai is still in charge of Wulian City, with the three-headed fire dragon and the sea beast king sitting in the town.

When they arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, Zhou Xinghai, Three-headed Huojiao, Sea Beast King and others saw Li Ming's return and greeted him quickly, "Master."

"En." Li Ming nodded slightly, and continued: "Everyone has worked hard these years, and Wulian City has been built well."

"It all depends on the prestige of the master and the help of Zhou Qishao, otherwise it would never be the scale it is today." Zhou Xinghai said.

Li Ming nodded, and then said: "I'll give you a task, you will offer a reward, and try your best to find out about the Four Thunder Seals, and anyone who can produce relevant documents and records will be rewarded!"

"Yes, master!" Zhou Xinghai responded immediately.

This is the purpose of Li Ming's construction of the city, to collect information from all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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