Chapter 3630
After a slight pause, Hua Baiyu seemed to remember something, and said involuntarily, "Husband, do you still remember when you got that map, there seemed to be a black bottle next to it?"

"Black bottle?" Chen Bahuang was stunned for a while, and couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's that black bottle that stinks when you open it." Hua Baiyu reminded.

Hearing this, Chen Bahuang finally realized, "You mean that black bottle?"

"Yes, it's the black bottle." Hua Baiyu said.

"It's just that what does that black bottle have to do with the phantom?" Chen Bahuangchi asked.

"The black bottle was discovered together with the map, and it may be related. If you want to find that black bottle, it would be better if it has something to do with the illusion, but if it doesn't, forget it." Hua Baiyu said.

"Yes, yes." Chen Bahuang said again and again, "It's just where did I put the black bottle? Let me think about it."

Hearing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

Chen Bahuang frowned tightly, looking deep in thought.

After a long time, Chen Bahuang's eyes suddenly lit up, "I remembered, that black bottle was locked by me and me in the underground treasury. I used to check it every once in a while, but I just forgot about it. Today If it wasn't for Madam's reminder, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember it in this life, Lei Huo Tianzun, you wait for a while, I will go back as soon as I go."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Chen Bahuang went to fetch the black bottle.

After a while, Chen Bahuang came back with the black bottle.

I saw that the whole body of the black bottle was dark without any variegation, and it shone brightly under the sunlight.

"Here, this is the black bottle." Chen Bahuang handed out the black bottle.

Li Ming stretched out his hand to take it, and when he started it, it felt a little cold, like a piece of ice.

Chen Bahuang saw Li Ming's hesitation, and couldn't help saying: "This black bottle has always been like this, full of chill, like a piece of ice that has been frozen for ten thousand years."

Li Ming nodded, and then opened the lid of the black bottle.

Immediately, a soaring stench wafted out, Li Ming, Chen Bahuang, and Hua Baiyu's complexions suddenly changed, and they immediately held their breath.

Even someone as strong as Li Ming and Chen Bahuang would find it hard to resist this stench.

Li Ming didn't know what the stench was, so he could only close the lid.

Afterwards, I heard Li Ming say: "City Lord Chen, lend me this black bottle for a few days to figure it out. If there is no result, I will send it back."

"No need, it's useless to keep this black bottle here, just take it." Chen Bahuang said hastily.

"Thank you very much!" Li Ming said.

Afterwards, Li Ming said goodbye and left first.

Originally, he planned to visit Shanyang City, but now, in order to study the black bottle, Li Ming no longer cared about going to Shanyang City to nostalgia, and directly returned to Tianhaigou with the black bottle.


Just a few days after Li Ming left Bahuang City, a rushing momentum suddenly rose in Bahuang City.

"It's Feng'er, Feng'er must have made a breakthrough!" Hua Baiyu said excitedly.

"Go, go to the retreat room to have a look!" Chen Bahuang said.

Immediately, the husband and wife hurried to their daughter's retreat room.

Sure enough, at this moment, Chen Feng'er's momentum changed drastically, and every move exuded a huge aura.

"Feng'er, have you made a breakthrough?" Hua Baiyu asked excitedly.

At this moment, Chen Feng'er's clear eyes suddenly turned red, and the aura on her body also suddenly turned into a murderous aura.

"Feng'er, what's wrong with you?" Hua Baiyu asked nervously.

However, soon Chen Feng'er returned to normal.

"Mother, I'm fine." Chen Feng'er replied.

"Feng'er, stretch out your hand and show it to you as a father." Chen Bahuang said.

Chen Feng'er hesitated slightly, but finally stretched out her hand.

Chen Bahuang held Chen Feng'er's wrist, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"Husband, why did your face become so ugly? What's wrong with Feng'er?" Hua Baiyu asked nervously.

Chen Bahuang frowned, and said after a long time: "Feng'er's condition doesn't seem to be very good, there seems to be a different kind of aura in her body."

And at this moment, Chen Feng'er, who had just calmed down, changed drastically again, and she even threw off Chen Bahuang's hand all of a sudden.

"Feng'er, what's wrong with you?" Hua Baiyu asked nervously.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, I feel like I can't control myself!" Chen Feng'er said with difficulty.

"Being insane, it must be insane!" Chen Bahuang said.

Hearing this, Hua Baiyu's face suddenly changed, "Husband, what should I do?"

"You and I work together to see if we can forcefully suppress the restless aura on Feng'er." Chen Bahuang said.

"Yes." Hua Baiyu replied.

Immediately, Chen Bahuang and his wife joined hands to try to forcibly suppress the tumbling breath in Chen Fenger's body.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

However, at this time, Chen Feng'er was full of breath, and suddenly pushed Chen Bahuang and Hua Baiyu back.

"Cough cough..."

Hua Baiyu was shaken violently, and even spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

"Madam, how do you feel?" Chen Bahuang asked nervously.

"I'm fine, take a look at your daughter." Hua Baiyu said hastily.

"En." Chen Bahuang responded, and approached Chen Feng'er again, "Feng'er, calm down, I am the father."

"Go, go, I really can't control myself." Chen Feng'er shouted.

"Feng'er, don't worry, suppress the inner demons, and help you for my father!" Chen Bahuang said hastily.

However, at this time, Chen Feng'er stomped her feet, and the whole person went straight to the sky, flying towards the sky.

"Feng'er..." Bahuang Chen shouted.

"Hurry up and run after me, leave me alone." Hua Baiyu said with difficulty.

"Then you hold on." Chen Bahuang said, and then chased in the direction where Chen Fenger fled.

Chen Bahuang never expected that his daughter would go mad, and even less that after going mad, his daughter would be so powerful that even he and his wife would not be able to stop her, probably already ranked among the top celestial beings.

"Feng'er, wait to be your father!" Bahuang Chen shouted with all his might.

But Chen Feng'er couldn't listen at all, she seemed to have lost her mind, she didn't even know where she was going, she just felt her whole body twitching with qi and blood, feeling extremely uncomfortable.


Chen Bahuang tried his best, but found that the distance between himself and Chen Feng'er was getting farther and farther.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng'er disappeared in front of Chen Bahuang.

"This..." Chen Bahuang was annoyed for a while, but he had no choice but to go back to Bahuang City first.

Back in Bahuang City, Hua Baiyu had already taken the healing elixir, and her complexion improved a lot.

"Husband, where's Feng'er?" Hua Baiyu asked nervously.

"Her speed is too fast, I can't catch up at all." Chen Bahuang said bitterly.

"This..." Hua Baiyu was speechless for a while, and then asked in a panic: "What should I do? Feng'er has lost control of herself, what if something happens to her?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, I won't be able to lead you to look for it right now, you can rest at home to recuperate." Chen Bahuang said.

"Well, go find it quickly, and bring back Feng'er in its original form." Hua Baiyu said nervously.

"En." Chen Bahuang responded.

Afterwards, Chen Bahuang took a group of his men and chased in the direction where Chen Feng'er left.

(End of this chapter)

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