Chapter 3639
Li Ming was still advancing, and Chen Feng'er was still following behind Li Ming.

The strong wind blew through the body, blood flowed, Chen Feng'er seemed to have turned into a bloody man.

However, while advancing, Chen Feng'er is also constantly running the Hunyuan Body Refining Art.

In this way, her physical body can feel better.

Suddenly, Li Ming woke up suddenly while he was floating, and saw dazzling light shining in those bright eyes.

"It's there, so it's there!" Li Ming was very happy, because he finally sensed the position of the wind and thunder seal.

But at this time, Li Ming turned his head and saw a man with one blood standing behind him, and he was startled.

But feeling the other party's familiar aura, he couldn't help being taken aback, and Chi asked: "Are you Feng'er?"

"En." Chen Feng'er nodded slightly.

"How did you become like this?" Li Ming was shocked.

At this time, Li Ming realized that he had come to the depths of the valley of the storm, and his body had been cut into countless holes by the wind, basically not much different from the blood man.

"You have been guarding me?" Li Ming asked.

"En." Chen Feng'er nodded in response.

"Why are you so stupid? This gangster is so terrifying, don't do it!" Li Ming said.

"I saw you drifting towards the depths of the valley of wind and waves. I was worried about you, so I followed you all the time." Chen Feng'er explained calmly.

Li Ming's heart was shaken again, and that heartstring seemed to be shaken again.

Startled, Li Ming stood up and said, "Let's go back to the cliff."

"You don't care about the wind and thunder seal?" Chen Feng'erhu questioned.

"Don't worry, the wind and thunder seal can't escape anyway, so I'll heal your injuries first," Li Ming said.

Hearing this, Chen Feng'er couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, it turns out that Li Ming has himself in his heart!
Immediately, Li Ming flew back to the cliff with Chen Feng'er.

On the way to the cliff, the strength of the gangster became weaker and weaker, and the wound on Li Ming's body healed without treatment, because Li Ming was pregnant with phoenix blood and had the ability to heal himself.

However, Chen Feng'er was not so lucky. Although she had some phoenix blood that Li Ming gave her in her body before, it was far from self-healing.

At this time, the injury only slightly improved.

Back on the cliff, Li Ming separated his palms, forcibly took out some phoenix blood, then got rid of other substances in the phoenix blood, and finally gave it to Chen Feng'er.

Chen Feng'er looked at the phoenix blood that Li Ming handed over, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

At this time, Li Ming explained: "My phoenix blood has a strong healing ability. Last time you were seriously injured, I used phoenix blood to heal you."

Hearing this, Chen Feng'er's beautiful eyes moved slightly, "So, your blood is still flowing in my body?"

" can put it this way." Li Ming didn't know what was wrong.

"Hee hee." Chen Feng'er laughed for a while, and then swallowed the phoenix blood that Li Ming handed over.

After drinking the phoenix blood, Chen Feng'er felt relaxed all over, and the wounds on her body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a miraculous phoenix blood, the healing effect is so terrifying?" Chen Feng'er was taken aback, this phoenix blood is many times better than those top healing pills!
This time Chen Feng'er's injury was not very serious, at least not as serious as last time, and there was no injury to the internal organs, so Chen Feng'er recovered after a few days.

Seeing that Chen Feng'er had recovered, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "I'm going to get the wind and thunder seal, you wait for me here."

"I'll go with you!" Chen Feng'er insisted.

"It's dangerous there, you should stay here." Li Ming said.

"I'm not afraid." Chen Feng'er said firmly.

"Be obedient, I can do it myself, as long as you wait for me here." Li Ming's voice was a little gentle.

Chen Feng'er hesitated slightly, but finally responded: "Okay!"

She knew that following Li Ming would not be of any help, and maybe it would hurt Li Ming instead.

"I must practice Hunyuan Body Refining Art well, and I will never drag him down in the future!" Chen Feng'er said secretly.

Afterwards, Li Ming bid farewell to Chen Feng'er, and flew towards the location of the Fenglei Seal.

However, Chen Feng'er herself was not idle, and painstakingly practiced Hunyuan Body Refining Art on the edge of the storm valley.

The wind and thunder seal is located in the depths of the valley of wind and waves, even with Li Ming's current physical body, it is somewhat impossible to reach it.

Li Ming had to stop when he was more than ten miles away from the Fenglei Seal.

Because the ruthless wind completely blocked his way forward, and now he saw flesh and blood flying all over Li Ming's body, and even bones were faintly visible.If he continues to advance like this, he will probably die in this strong wind.

"It seems that we have to stop first!" Li Ming whispered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mingxuan was seen sitting cross-legged, and began to practice Hunyuan Body Refining Art.

In this stormy valley, Hunyuan Body Training Jue is the most suitable, other Lightning Body Training Jue is not good at all.

Li Ming hadn't practiced the Hunyuan Body Refining Art for a long time, and now that he was practicing it, he felt a little unfamiliar.

However, after some practice, I quickly became familiar with it.

Li Ming absorbed the terrifying wind to his heart's content, turned it into his own use, and forged a physical body.

Gradually, new flesh and blood grew out of the faintly visible bones, and the wounds on his body also began to show some improvement.

But, it's just getting better.

After an unknown period of time, the wounds on Li Ming's body healed completely, and his physical body once again reached a new level.


Li Ming let out a deep breath, and muttered to himself, "It's time to move on!"

Immediately, Li Ming lifted his mobile phone and continued to fly towards Fengleiyin.

But before he flew far, Li Ming had wounds on his body again, and the wind undoubtedly became stronger again.

Indeed, the closer to the Fenglei Seal, the stronger the Gangfeng.

Li Ming watched the wound on his body expand little by little, and felt helpless, "It seems that we have to continue to retreat!"

Helpless, Li Ming could only sit cross-legged again and continue to practice Hunyuan Body Refining Art.

On the other side, Chen Feng'er was also practicing hard, basically every once in a while, she would move to the depths of the valley of the storm.

Because the stronger the wind, the more obvious the effect of cultivation.

Time flies, I don't know the cold and heat.

Li Ming has retreated three times, and each retreat feels very long, maybe no less than a hundred years.

On this day, Li Ming woke up from the retreat and flew towards Fengleiyin again.

Now, Fengleiyin is only less than two or three kilometers away from him.

When Li Ming took a step, the strong wind intensified.

However, Li Ming's physical body can still block the wind.

"Keep going!"

Li Ming gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

Although the physical body can block the strong wind, it can also feel the pain.

Three kilometers, two kilometers, and finally only one kilometer left!

"There is only the last kilometer left!" Li Ming let out a sigh of relief. Although he has only advanced two kilometers, it is already very difficult for Li Ming.

At this time, his physical body was once again unable to withstand the strong wind, and cracks began to appear.

Then, blood flowed out.

Li Ming was helpless for a while, "It seems that we need to continue to retreat. I thought I could win the Wind and Thunder Seal this time. It seems that I was thinking too much."

Helpless, I can only continue to retreat!
(End of this chapter)

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