The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3641 To Pangu Mausoleum

Chapter 3641 To Pangu Mausoleum
"God Realm? Where is it?" Feng Shenzun asked with a look of surprise.

"This one……"

For a while, Li Ming couldn't answer. Although he came from the God Realm, after falling into the void, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep for a long time, and he didn't know how he drifted to the Pangu World.

Now I want to go back, of course I don't know the way back.

Seeing that Li Ming couldn't answer, Fengshen Zun couldn't help but said apologetically, "If you don't know where the God Realm is, then I can't do anything about it."

Li Ming couldn't help but smiled wryly. He thought he could return to the God Realm immediately, but he didn't expect it to be like this. It seems that he was thinking too much.

Sensing Li Ming's loss, Chen Feng'er couldn't help comforting her: "Don't be discouraged, there is always a way to go back."

"En." Li Ming responded.

At this time, only Wen Fengshen continued to say: "Change your wish."

"This..." Li Ming thought for a while, and then asked, "I wonder if Venerable Fengshen has heard of the Purple Thunder Seal?"

"Purple Thunder Seal?" Fengshen Zun was taken aback for a moment, and Fox asked, "What is that?"

Hearing this, Li Ming felt disappointed again. He had already collected three of the four major thunder seals, and he was short of the last one.At first, I thought Fengshen Zun had heard of it, but I didn't expect that I hadn't.

However, Li Ming still introduced: "The purple thunder seal is the time of the four major thunder seals, similar to the wind and thunder seal that suppressed the predecessors before. It is said that the tomb of Pangu God can be opened by collecting all four thunder seals."

"Tomb of God Pangu?" Fengshen Zun's eyes lit up immediately, but he hesitated to ask: "You are not mistaken, are you? Can the four thunder seals really open the tomb of God Pangu? You know, no one has been able to get close to Pangu until now." tomb."

The real Pangu tomb is not in the Pangu world. The Pangu god tomb in the Pangu world is just a fake mausoleum built by the fighting clan for worship and remembrance.

Fengshen Zun didn't know about Pangu's mausoleum, and thought that the tomb of God Pangu mentioned by Li Ming was Pangu's tomb, so he was so surprised.

I only heard Li Ming say: "The tomb of God Pangu is indeed difficult to approach, but I have friends who have approached it."

"What? You have a friend who has approached Pan Gu's tomb? Who is he? What realm?" Fengshen Zun asked in astonishment.

"He is a son of a noble family, and his strength is not too strong. Now he is in the realm of earthly venerable. He should be just a little venerable when he was close to the tomb of Pangu God." Li Ming replied.

"Little Venerable? You're not kidding, are you?" Feng Shenzun was surprised again.

"No kidding, it's true." Li Ming affirmed.

"No, Pan Gu's tomb is in the deep void of the universe. Can a little venerable enter the void? Isn't that ridiculous?" Fengshen Venerable said hesitantly.

"In the void?" Li Ming was taken aback, and then explained: "Senior Feng, what I'm talking about is the Pangu Mausoleum built by the Fighting Clan. It's not in the void, it's on the Pangu Great Road."

"What do you mean? The Pangu Mausoleum established by the Fighting Clan? Didn't the giant god Pangu sit and dissolve on his own back then?" Fengshen Zun didn't understand Li Ming's words for a while, only feeling confused for a while.

At this time, I only heard Li Ming explaining: "Senior Feng, it's like this. In order to commemorate the giant god Pangu, the Fighting Clan built the Pangu Mausoleum on the Pangu Continent, and built the Pangu Mausoleum in the Pangu Mausoleum. This Pangu Mausoleum is just A fake tomb, there is no real body of Pan Gu inside."

Hearing this, Fengshen Zun suddenly realized, "So it's just a fake tomb, so what's the matter?"

Fengshen Zun was disappointed for a while, because it is said that the real Pangu tomb contains the cultivation skills leading to the realm of Pangu giant god, which is also the thing that the gods are most looking forward to in thousands of worlds.

Because everyone hopes to take the last step and become a giant like Pangu!
Unfortunately, so far, no one has succeeded.

After the disappointment, Feng Shenzun said: "Li Ming, it looks like you want to go to the tomb of God Pangu. Since I promised to grant you a wish, and I haven't heard of the Purple Thunder Seal, why don't I take you there?" How about the tomb of God Pangu?"

"But without the Purple Thunder Seal, there is no way to open the tomb of God Pangu," Li Ming said.

"Everything is not absolute. Since the tomb of God Pangu was built by the Fighting Clan, there must be other ways to open it. This is the usual trick of the Fighting Clan." Fengshen Zun said.

"Oh? And this?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"Of course, no one knows the fighting clan better than me." Fengshen Zun said.

Hearing this, I only heard Li Ming say: "Since this is the case, then I have to thank Feng Shenzun."

"No trouble, I just want to see this fake ancient tomb." Feng Shenzun said, then looked at Chen Feng'er, and said, "Little girl, do you want to go together? If you go together, that will count as your wish." Achieved."

"The junior is willing." Chen Feng'er said.

"Okay, let's go! Tell me where the tomb of God Pangu is, and I'll take you there directly." Fengshen Zun said.

"Yes, Senior Feng."

Immediately, Li Ming pointed out the location of Pangu's mausoleum to Fengshen Zun.

"Okay, let's go!" Fengshen Zun said.

Immediately, there was a strong wind all around, and Li Ming and Chen Feng'er only felt their bodies fly away lightly.

Then, things changed and the stars moved, and the scene in front of me was constantly changing, and I felt that I was going to be dazzled.

Between breaths, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, and the surrounding things gradually become clear.

Vaguely, Li Ming seemed to see the Pangu Mausoleum.

Seeing this, he was startled and rubbed his eyes quickly.

Sure enough, there was the Pangu Mausoleum in front of him.

"That's it?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"Here we are." Fengshen Zun replied.

Don't Li Ming and Chen Feng'er gasp, this is the strength of the god?Traveling tens of millions of kilometers in the blink of an eye, they were at the end of the world just now, and they came to the Pangu Mausoleum in the Central Region in the blink of an eye?
This...was too shocking.

"Let's go in with the old man to have a look." Fengshen Zun said.

"Yes, senior."

Immediately, Li Ming and Chen Feng'er followed Fengshen Zun towards Pangu's mausoleum.

In the past, Li Ming thought that he would come to Pangu's Mausoleum together on Saturdays after he had collected all four Thunder Seals.

After all, Zhou Qi is familiar with it.

However, plans are far inferior to changes. I didn't expect to enter with a deity now.

The mausoleum of Pangu's mausoleum can be described as majestic, and even Fengshen Zun is full of praise for it.

After entering the Pangu Mausoleum, a cold breath came over his face.

"Yin wind?" Feng Shenzun frowned slightly, and then opened his mouth to blow.

Immediately, the wind melted away, and the spring was warm and the flowers bloomed. Li Ming and Chen Feng'er could not feel the slightest bit of coolness.

"It's amazing." Chen Feng'er couldn't help exclaiming.

"What is this? It's just a breath." Feng Shenzun shook his head and said.

Indeed, this is a sigh of relief for Fengshen Zun.But for Li Ming and Chen Feng'er, it was different.

Although they are only one step away from the Supreme Realm, this step is a sky and a ground!

(End of this chapter)

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