The best immortal emperor

Chapter 3645 Entering the City

Chapter 3645 Entering the City

After leaving the Pangu Mausoleum, I heard Chen Fenger ask: "Brother Ming, where are you going? Back to Wulian City?"

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Now Li Ming got the fourth Purple Thunder Seal, which needs to be refined as soon as possible, as well as the Wind Thunder Seal.

After refining the Fenglei Seal and Purple Thunder Seal, maybe with these four Thunder Seals, you can become an emperor in the flesh!

Once you become a god emperor, it is equivalent to embarking on the road home!
"I'll go back with you." Chen Feng'er said.

"This... alright." Li Ming hesitated slightly, but finally agreed.

Along the way, no matter what the reason is, Chen Fenger has already occupied a place in Li Ming's heart. Whether it is love or friendship, at this moment, Li Ming cannot refuse Chen Fenger's request.

Seeing that Li Ming agreed, Chen Feng'er showed a long-lost smile on the corner of her mouth, feeling like the moon is shining when the clouds open.

Immediately, the two set off for Wulian City.

It has been hundreds of years since I came out this time. Li Ming spent a lot of time cultivating his physical body in order to obtain the Wind and Thunder Seal in the Valley of Storms last time. I can't remember.of
In short, a long time!
Along the way, the two didn't stop and returned to Wulian City as quickly as possible.

Li Ming is not in the mood to wait and see, because he has already returned to his heart, and now he has finally gathered four thunder seals, so of course he must seize the time to refine them.

Two days later, Li Ming and Chen Feng'er came to Wulian City.

"This is Wulian City?" Chen Feng'er couldn't help being surprised. She hadn't been here for a long time. The Wulian City in her impression was a remote small town, which belonged to the third- and fourth-rate small towns.

But now, it is a huge city guarded by more than a dozen acropolises, which is no worse than the three main cities in the Central Region. No wonder others say that Wulian City is the fourth largest main city.

"Yes, this is Wulian City, let's go in." Li Ming said.

But as soon as they reached the gate of the city, the soldiers guarding the city blocked Li Ming and Chen Feng'er's way.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Young man, is this your first time in Wulian City? Don't you know that you need an entry order to enter the main city?" the guard asked back.

"The order to enter the city? What is that?" Li Ming asked strangely.

When he left Wulian City last time, he hadn't mentioned the order to enter the city. Why is there an order to enter the city now?
"You don't know the order to enter the city? Don't you come to Wulian City without asking? It's not like before. Anyone who enters or leaves Wulian City needs an order to enter the city. If you don't have an order to enter the city, please leave." The guard was rude. Said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't enter the Wulian City he built?

Did Chen Feng'er at the side also find it interesting, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "It seems that your subordinates are very strict in management!"

"Something must have happened, otherwise it would be impossible to make an order to enter the city." Li Ming speculated.

"It should be." Chen Feng'er nodded accordingly.

After a pause, I heard Li Ming ask: "Dare to ask what to do with this order to enter the city? Where can I do it?"

"Go to Qinglian City, but it is not an easy task to get an order to enter the city. Someone needs to be guaranteed, and this person must have a certain status in Wulian City, like the president of the chamber of commerce, the chief patrol officer, or other positions Officer," said the guard.

"That's it." Li Ming paused, and then sent a message to the three-headed Huo Jiao, asking him to come out and pick him up.

There is a formation in Wulian City, which was created by Li Ming's foster father, City Lord Zhou, and Zhou Qi.This formation can block the attacks of the Heavenly Exalted Realm, and it needs to be opened all year round. Once it is closed, it requires the combined efforts of three people to open it. That's why Li Ming asked the three-headed fire dragon to pick him up, although he can close the formation of Wulian City , but not necessary.

At this moment, the three-headed fire dragon is sleeping soundly in the city lord's mansion.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the mind of the three-headed dragon dragon, "Come and pick me up quickly, at the gate of the city."

The three-headed Huo Jiao was stunned, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you picking up?"

"Never mind him, sleep is the most important thing, and it won't be too late to pick him up after I wake up."

Thinking secretly, the three-headed fire dragon continued to lie down and fell asleep.

But in the next second, the three-headed fire flood dragon suddenly remembered something, "Master? That voice belongs to the master, is the master back?"

Immediately, the three fire dragons flew towards the gate of the city.

When they arrived at the gate of the city, they really saw the master coming back, and the three-headed fire dragon quickly knelt down on one knee to salute, "Your subordinates will see the master."

"Get up." Li Ming said flatly.

"Thank you, master." The three-headed fire flood dragon got up, but he was a little confused. The master arrived at the gate of the city, why did he come to pick him up?He couldn't help but looked at the guard and asked, "What's going on?"

The guard was stunned when he saw the three-headed fire dragon. This is their second general in Wulian City, known as the Indestructible Dragon General, and he just knelt down on one knee to salute this young man, and called Owner?

I heard that the second battle will be a monster subdued by the lord of Wulian city. Could it be that this young man is the lord of Wulian city?
Thinking of this, the guard felt dizzy, and he was dumbfounded. He actually stopped the Lord of Wulian City just now?
"Xiao Bing, what did I ask you? What happened just now?" the three-headed Huo Jiao asked in a low voice.

"Excuse me, Dragon General, but the villain has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, and actually stopped the city lord from driving." The guard quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Hearing this, the three-headed fire dragon suddenly exploded in anger. How dare this kid stop his master?Are you courting death?
Just as the three-headed fire dragon was about to be held accountable, Li Ming said calmly: "It doesn't matter about him, it's because I didn't have the order to enter the city. By the way, what's the matter with the order to enter the city? Has something happened in the city recently?"

"Master, you don't know. Over the years, those clansmen of the White Dragon City Lord have acted recklessly and committed crimes everywhere. They have killed thousands of people in our Wulian City, making everyone panic. In desperation, the only way is to enter the city to order .” The three-headed fire dragon explained.

"The clansmen of the White Dragon City Lord?" Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, and asked with a frown, "What's going on? Why did the White Dragon City Lord's clansmen come to our place to make trouble?"

"Master, after the White Dragon City Lord escaped from the White Dragon City, the White Dragon City began to decline. It was not until a few years ago that the White Dragon City completely disappeared. These White Dragon City Lord's people blamed the demise of the White Dragon City on you and Young Master Zhou Qi, so they will continue to take revenge on us.

However, after the promulgation of the order to enter the city, this situation has been effectively contained. "The three-headed fire flood dragon said.

Hearing this, Li Ming frowned involuntarily.

After the White Dragon City Lord fled back then, he didn't directly destroy the White Dragon City. One was because he thought about their innocence, and the other was because he wanted to keep them to lure the White Dragon City Lord out.But I didn't expect that I didn't attract the White Dragon City Lord these years, and instead caused trouble for myself.

After a pause, Li Ming asked, "Where are the clansmen of the White Dragon City Lord hiding now?"

(End of this chapter)

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