Chapter 374

In a blink of an eye, more than five months have passed, and in more than ten days, Li Ming will be able to reach the capital of Daqin.

The capital of Daqin is different, otherwise, if it is the capital of other dynasties, even if it is under the city, it will not be able to enter.

I still remember that the last time I came here with Qin Yue, I wanted to eat at a restaurant that specializes in smoked phoenix feathers.

However, it coincided with the renovation of that street and failed to eat the city.

Now that it's here, I have to try it anyway.

It is definitely not easy for a dish to be praised by Qin Yue so much!
Entering the territory of Daqin, it has been raining, pattering, every two days, sometimes longer, for a whole week.

The rain showed no sign of stopping at all, and it had been more than a month.

The water in the river was so high that it almost didn't cross the bank.

This can't help but remind Li Ming of Yancheng, where the rainy season is also light and continuous.

More than ten days later, Li Ming came to the capital of Daqin.

At this time, it seemed that the rainy season had passed, the sky cleared up, the sun was shining brightly, and the water level of the river began to drop.

The sun shines on the earth, and the rising capital of the Qin Dynasty is particularly obvious in the sunlight. The towering gates, thick stone piers, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, are of extraordinary momentum.

Although he had been here once, Li Ming was still shocked by the majesty of the city gate.

This is much more majestic and majestic than the sect of the God of Medicine Sect!
Li Ming entered the city, and walked to the shop selling smoked phoenix feathers according to his memory.

The capital of Daqin is very large, even if it is only an outer city, there are many roads criss-crossing.

Although Li Ming came once, it was after Qin Yue.

Now, within two streets, Li Ming found that he couldn't find North.

After a lot of inquiring, Li Ming asked about Yanxun Fengyu's shop.

After several turnarounds, Li Ming finally came to that store.

Several years have passed, and the land under construction has widened a lot, and the store has also been redecorated.

Needless to say, the business is good, and full is not enough to describe it.

Li Ming managed to get a seat, but was snatched by the dignitaries in the inner city.

Li Ming frowned, but he was new here and Li Ming, who had no background, could only be a ninja for the time being.

This is the capital of Daqin, not some other small city, not because you have two strengths in your shoulders, and if you have some strength, you can show off your might!

Even if it is a dragon, you have to hold on to it when you get here.

Li Ming didn't want to wait for a seat, so he just left.

Li Ming couldn't figure it out, the smoked phoenix feathers in this store are not allowed to be taken away, they can only be eaten in the store.

Moreover, no one dares to cause trouble here, not even the dignitaries in the inner city!
After leaving that store, Li Ming walked aimlessly on the street, looking at the shops along the street.

Now, Li Ming didn't know where to go, so he could only stay in Daqin's capital first, and wait for Qinyue to return from Yunze Lake.

As he walked, Li Ming was suddenly attracted by the proprietress of a snack shop along the street.

Li Ming's mouth was slightly opened, and he said in disbelief, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

In a daze, the other party also saw Li Ming, and was also surprised, with a face full of disbelief.

Slightly startled, the two came back to their senses, walked towards the shop, and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"It's really a coincidence, how are you doing recently? Did you just come to Qin?" asked the proprietress.

"Yes, I just arrived, and I plan to come to seek refuge with my friends." Li Ming said frankly.

"Didn't you find your friend?" the proprietress asked.

(End of this chapter)

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