The best immortal emperor

Chapter 376 I'm fine now, how about you?

Chapter 376 I'm fine now, how about you?
"What?" Mo Xia, who sat down again, didn't realize it for a moment. She didn't realize it until she saw Li Ming's mouth pushing towards the outside of the shop. It turned out that it was the military master.

Mo Xia was taken aback, and instead of answering, she asked, "Otherwise?"

Li Ming paused, remembering what Qin Yue had said to him, he couldn't help repeating the scriptures: "The emperor of Qin, a generation of Mingjun, opened the city to promote business, canceled the spirit stones that entered the city, and did not allow soldiers to abuse their power to privately seek benefits from merchants. If you were sober just now, you can go to the Yamen and sue them!"

"Sue them?" After hearing this, Mo Xia couldn't help laughing, and said, "The world is as black as crows. Sue them? To whom?"

"This..." Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being dumbfounded, and asked, "Is it always like this? No one cares?"

Mo Xia smiled wryly and said, "Since I came to this shop, it has been like this."

Li Ming couldn't help but fell silent, he didn't know what to say.

Effectively, it seems that the root cause of this problem is not in a few soldiers!

This is Qin Cheng, and those who dare to ignore the imperial order like this are definitely not ordinary people.

Seeing that Li Ming was filled with righteous indignation, Mo Xia actually comforted her and said, "Just get used to it. This is the Star Realm, not like on the Water Blue Star. We are just the bottom ones, so we just accept it. We just want to have something to eat."

After a slight pause, Mo Xia sighed, and said involuntarily: "When I was in Shuilanxing, I had imagined countless times to enter the star realm, to be able to flex my muscles, to call the wind and rain, to rule the roost, and to be honored and supreme. But, only when I arrive. I just found out here. It turns out that life is so difficult and difficult. Even a three-inch tile-roofed house and a place to stand on are extravagant hopes. I am also lucky. I met a godfather and godmother. shop."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being silent.

Recalling that Mo Xia is the suzerain of Kunlun Sect, but Kunlun is the Dazong, even in the Star Realm, his status is no lower than that of Medicine God Sect.

Can't help asking: "Sect Master Mo, why don't you go to Kunlun? Anyway, you are also a disciple of the Kunlun branch."

"Take refuge in Kunlun?" Mo Xia couldn't help laughing, and said with a sad smile, "I thought about this before, and I also asked many ways, and I also came to Kunlun's sect."

Saying this, Mo Xia actually paused.

"And then?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Then? Then I came back again, back to this shop, and continued my previous life." Mo Xia said bitterly.

"How could this be?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"Why not? Zongmen recruiting disciples depends on talent. I'm still at the Foundation Establishment level at my age. It's normal if people don't accept them. Even if I accept them, I'm just the lowest existence. Why don't I come back here , to be the proprietress. No matter what, at least I won’t starve to death.” Mo Xiao said with a forced smile.

Indeed, each sect's acceptance of disciples depends on talent.When Li Ming worshiped into the God of Medicine Sect, he had completed a task, otherwise he would not have been able to enter the God of Medicine Sect at all.

Li Ming was still a little unwilling, and asked: "But you are a disciple from the Kunlun branch, so you don't have any preferential treatment?"

"Branch? They don't remember such a branch for a long time." Mo Xia smiled bleakly.

Hearing this, Li Ming was silent for a while.

After all, the world here is different from that of Shui Lanxing. It has no human touch at all, it's all about the frame, it's all about the natural talent, it's all about the strength!
Mo Xia sighed and said, "I'm fine now, how about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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