Chapter 378

Li Ming left Mo Xia's snack bar, walked around Qindu for a while, and then left the city.

Will Qin Yue come back soon? 1, take this opportunity to retreat for a while.

Got the psychic bone, which has not been used, it's time to see how powerful it is!

After leaving Qindu, Li Ming went into the wilderness.

Because of Qin Cheng's awe-inspiring aura, there was not a single monster around.

Li Ming had to go deep into a mountain range farther away, which is called Longxing Mountain Range.

It is named after the mountain range moves like a dragon, and it is also the place where the dignitaries of the Great Qin Dynasty and the children of the royal family hunt and practice!

Li Ming flew for four or five days before arriving at the Longxing Mountain Range.

As soon as he entered the Longxing Mountain Range, Li Ming couldn't wait to hunt and kill monsters.

There are some low-level monsters around the mountains, just in the foundation building.

Li Ming was eager to test the power of the psychic bones, so he ignored these and beheaded more than twenty foundation-building monsters in a row.

After a while, Li Ming opened a cave at the foot of a mountain as a foothold.

After entering the cave and sitting down, Li Ming took out more than [-] monsters that he had hunted from the treasure storage.

Immediately, the small cave was completely filled by these monsters.

Afterwards, Li Ming took out the psychic bone.

With a thought, the psychic bone immediately showed its power.

I saw the monster beasts that were piled up in the cave trembled, and flew towards the psychic bone with a whoosh sound.

As soon as it collided with the psychic bone, the monster instantly turned into powder, and was completely sucked by the psychic bone, leaving not even a hair on it.

In an instant, more than twenty monsters disappeared.

However, the psychic bone did not drop any spiritual water.

"Where's the spiritual water?" Li Ming stared blankly at the psychic bone, full of anticipation.

However, after a long time, there was still not a single drop of spiritual water dripping down. Li Ming couldn't help but wondered, "Could it be that the psychic bone has lost its power?"

After waiting patiently for a long time, seeing that no spiritual water dripped down, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhu, what's going on?"

For a long time, no one responded.

At this time, Li Ming remembered that Brother Zhu was repairing the Yuanshen in the Yuanshen tree, so he took out the evergreen basin and flew in.

Brother Zhu heard Li Ming's question, thought for a while, and said, "It may be that the level of monsters absorbed is too low, and the number is too small. You can hunt more monsters."

"Okay, I'll try it." Li Ming replied, as long as the psychic bone doesn't lose its power, it's fine!

Afterwards, Li Ming left the cave and continued hunting monsters.

They are all low-level monsters, not worth mentioning.

This time, Li Ming hunted thousands of monsters.

Back in the cave, Li Ming sacrificed the psychic bones and took out the monsters one after another.

As soon as the monster came out of the storage magic weapon, it was sucked away by the psychic bone, turned into powder, and completely integrated into the psychic bone.

There are thousands of monsters, and now there are less than three hundred left in the storage magic weapon.

However, there was still no sign of any drop of spiritual water from the psychic bone.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and secretly said: "Could it be that the rank of the monster is too low?"

After a little thought, Li Ming decided to enter the Longxing Mountains to hunt some higher-ranking monsters.

However, before that, it is still necessary to use up all the monsters in the storage magic weapon.

After all the monsters left in the storage magic weapon were absorbed by the psychic bone, Li Ming clearly felt that one end of the psychic bone was a little wet.

However, there is still a long way to go before dripping spiritual water!

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It wasn't a matter of the psychic bone, but Li Ming said secretly: "It seems that the rank of monsters is too low, and we have to hunt and kill some powerful ones."

Immediately, Li Ming left the cave and headed deep into the Longhang Mountains.

Before, the monsters that Li Ming hunted and killed were only low-end monsters of the first and second ranks.

Now, after going a little deeper into the Longxing Mountains, those first- and second-rank monsters are no longer seen, replaced by third-rank monsters!
The higher the level of monsters, the more they live in the depths of the mountains and forests.

A third-rank monster can be the peak of foundation building, or even the early stage of Jindan.

However, that is very few!

Li Ming hunted a total of [-] third-rank late stage or even peak monsters for the psychic bones to absorb.

This time, Li Ming finally got his wish and saw Lingshui.

However, the spirit water did not drip naturally, but Li Ming opened his mouth to inhale, sucking the half drop of spirit water that had finally seeped out into his mouth!
Spiritual water is a good thing, and it is several levels higher than spiritual energy.

When the spiritual water entered his body, Li Ming suddenly felt a coolness all over his body, and even the breath he breathed was cool.If you blow it against the glass, it will definitely blow out frost!

Li Ming was well aware of the efficacy of spiritual water, so he immediately opened a cave and sat in to absorb it wholeheartedly.

The spirit water entered Li Ming's body along his mouth, and the cold feeling spread throughout his body. Some extremely fine and negligible impurities in his body were washed out of his body by the cold feeling.

You know, Li Ming is not dirty.

Unstained means that there is no trace of filth.

However, even with such an unsullied and clean body, the spiritual water can still wash out the slightest impurities, just like picking bones in an egg!

Li Ming felt refreshed all over his body, and with the incorporation of the spiritual water, the true essence in his body that had not changed for a long time actually trembled.

Li Ming could feel the increase of true energy, although it was very slow, but it was indeed increasing.

The increase is very small, but Li Ming is already satisfied, after all, there is only half a drop of spiritual water.

If it's one drop, ten drops, a hundred drops, or even half a bottle, one bottle, wouldn't it reach a very terrifying level?

Li Ming forcibly suppressed his excitement, and said in his heart: "The psychic bone is a peerless treasure. It must not be shown to others, and it must not be told to others. Otherwise, it will definitely cause a disaster of killing!"

After all, in the Star Realm, murders and treasures are not rare, but happen from time to time.

Li Ming put away the psychic bones, and then left the cave to continue hunting monsters.

Seeing the power of Lingshui, Li Ming couldn't wait to get more Lingshui.

However, Li Ming knew that if he wanted to obtain spiritual water, the number of monsters alone would definitely not work, and he had to hunt higher-level monsters.

The third-rank monsters could no longer satisfy Li Ming, so Li Ming decided to hunt down the fourth-rank monsters.

Of course, they were all monsters at the early stage of the fourth-rank Golden Core.

Although Li Ming, the monster beast in the mid-stage fourth-rank Golden Core, could also be hunted, but it took some effort.

It is far less rewarding than hunting monsters at the early stage of the fourth-rank Golden Core.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Li Ming hunted down a total of [-] monsters at the early stage of the fourth-rank Golden Core.

On average, twenty heads are hunted every day.

Such terrifying efficiency is the result of Li Ming's sleepless nights.

When you're tired, you sit on a tree, and when your spirit recovers, you continue hunting!

At this moment, Li Ming returned to the cave he had opened up before, preparing to refine all the monsters at the early stage of the fourth-rank Golden Core into spiritual water.

Back in the cave, Li Ming took out the psychic bones and monsters, and began to refine the spiritual water!
(End of this chapter)

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