Chapter 38
After getting off the plane, Li Ming settled down with Tan Xiaoling and Tan Siming, and then went home, and took blood coagulation soup to Mingfeng Mountain to exchange for his mother-in-law.

Coagulation blood soup is very precious. After Li Ming brewed it, he poured some of it for his mother-in-law. The rest was bottled and buried under a big tree in his backyard to prevent his family from knocking it accidentally.

After Mr. He came out of the hospital, he went to Li Ming's house. He was a little jealous of Li Ming's strength, so he sneaked into Li Ming's house at night, searched inside and out, but couldn't find the blood coagulation grass, and finally kidnapped him. The thoughts of Li Ming's mother-in-law.

That's right, Li Ming buried the coagulation soup under the tree, where could he find it.

In the rivers and lakes, there is an unknown rule that does not harm the family.

But old man He is so ruthless, in order to get back the blood coagulation grass, he naturally doesn't care about the rules and morals of the rivers and lakes.

Li Ming came to his backyard, dug out the coagulation soup buried under the tree, found a backpack at home, packed the coagulation soup, and went straight to Mingfeng Mountain.

Li Ming was very anxious, if something happened to his mother-in-law, how should he explain to Tan Xiaoling?

Running all the way, Li Ming came to the top of Mingfeng Mountain.

At this time, a figure came out from the shade of the tree, and asked fiercely: "You are Li Ming? You stole the blood coagulation grass from the old man?"

When Li Ming saw this person, he immediately recognized him as Mr. He.

"Where's my mother-in-law?" Li Ming asked with a calm face and a suppressed voice.

"Where's the old man's blood clotting grass?" Old man He asked in the same low voice.

Li Ming took off his backpack and threw it to Old Man He.

Old Man He stretched out his hand to catch it, and asked puzzledly, "What is this?"

"I have boiled blood coagulation grass into blood coagulation soup, and what is in the bag is blood coagulation soup." Li Ming said.

"Oh?" Old Man He was taken aback, and opened the bag to see that there was indeed a bottle inside. The bottle contained a blood-red blood-red liquid, but Old Man He was not sure that it was blood coagulation soup.

Old man He threw away his backpack, unscrewed the cap of the bottle, took a breath, and a unique fragrance of blood coagulation grass came. He was sure that it was blood coagulation soup, and his expression was overjoyed.But he was also worried that Li Ming would play tricks on the blood coagulation soup, so he poured some blood coagulation soup on the bottle cap, and with a flick of his wrist, he threw the bottle cap to Li Ming as a gesture of invitation.

Li Ming caught the bottle cap, drank it down, returned the bottle cap to Old Man He, and asked again: "Where is my mother-in-law?"

"Mingfeng Mountain Stone Wall." Old Man He twisted the cap, put the bottle into his backpack, and said as a kite turned over.

Li Ming didn't care about chasing old man He for the time being, and immediately dared to go to the stone wall.

Arriving at the stone wall, Li Ming saw his mother-in-law lying under the stone wall. He couldn't help but panicked.

Li Ming put his mother-in-law on his back, and jumped out of Mingfeng Mountain after a few jumps. Fortunately, old man He didn't hurt his mother-in-law, otherwise Li Ming really didn't know how to explain to Tan Xiaoling.

Arriving at the hotel where Tan Xiaoling was staying, Tan's mother woke up, feeling dizzy and throbbing in her head, and subconsciously asked, "Where is this?"

"Mom, are you awake? Are you alright?" Tan Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief seeing her mother wake up.

"I'm fine. I was cooking at home when I suddenly felt my head sink, and then I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was already here." Mother Tan rubbed her temples and said.

Li Ming checked his mother-in-law's body again, and made sure that there was nothing wrong with it, but she was just sap.

Li Ming warned: "Mom, Xiaoling, you guys are staying here for a few days, and if you want to eat, eat in the hotel, try not to go out."

"Li Ming, what's wrong? Is something wrong?" Tan Xiaoling looked at Li Ming worriedly and asked.

"It's not a big deal. I can handle it well. I'll go out and download it, and I'll be back in a few days." Li Ming said.

"Li Ming..." Tan Xiaoling wanted to say something else.

"Be obedient, take good care of your son and us, and wait for me to come back." Li Ming interrupted.

Tan Xiaoling remained silent, but only said: "Li Ming, you must pay attention to your safety and come back. We will wait for you."

"Well, I know." Li Ming replied very seriously.

No one can threaten Li Ming's family. Mr. He kidnapped his mother-in-law. This account must be discussed. No one can touch Li Ming's back!

After leaving the hotel, Li Ming called Hei Mei and asked her to locate Old Man He. It turned out that Li Ming put a micro-tracking device in that bag.

East China Sea.

Lin Ruyu didn't know what was wrong, since Li Ming and Tan Xiaoling returned to the Northeast, she became distraught, and often went to the small courtyard where Li Ming lived before, and it was the same today.

There has been no one in the courtyard for a while, some dust has fallen on the house, a few cobwebs have been added to the corners of the walls, and a few weeds have sprouted in the yard.

Lin Ruyu went to a nearby farmer's market and bought some cleaning tools, small shovels, feather dusters, etc.

Mother Lin couldn't see her daughter working hard and wanted to help, but Lin Ruyu refused and she had to do it herself.

Lin's mother can't choke her daughter, so she can only have her.

Lin Ruyu wiped the dust off the table with a rag, dusted off the cobwebs in the corner with a long feather duster, and shoveled the weeds in the yard with a small shovel.

She put away a few books scattered on the table. These were the books that Li Ming had read or were about to read. One of the books was damaged, and Lin Ruyu glued it up with adhesive tape.

After being busy for a long time, the house was tidy and tidy by her.

Lin Ruyu knew that Li Ming would not come back, and he would not read these books again, but she would still live here, and she would still read these books.

Mother Lin didn't know what to say. Her daughter seemed to be fine, but it made her even more worried.

The wheel of time keeps moving forward, and it doesn't stop or slow down at all because you are not ready.

In life, there are always so many unexpected encounters, which come suddenly.

However, as long as you have a strong heart, all storms will pass.

Lin Ruyu's life returned to the usual rhythm, she got up early to fight, had breakfast, and then went to learn cooking at Sumu's.In the afternoon, make a cup of chrysanthemum tea, sit at home and read a book quietly, and in the evening, go to the restaurant they used to go to for dinner as usual.

Nothing has changed, except that Li Ming is missing.

After dinner, Lin Ruyu habitually lay on the bed and watched TV, not serials, news, or variety shows, but military channels.

Because this is the channel that Li Ming often browses.

Although Lin Ruyu doesn't like it very much, and she doesn't understand it very well, she only knows that it is a gun, a tank, and an airplane. As for the specific type of gun, tank, and airplane, But she didn't know, even if the host had just finished introducing, she wouldn't remember too much.

In Mother Lin's opinion, this program is simply too boring. If it is not a military mystery, she will never pay attention to it every day. She knows that her daughter was not interested in the military before and watched more financial news, but now she spends about the same amount of money every night. An hour to watch this.

Mother Lin knew that her daughter really liked Li Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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