Chapter 390

When Li Ming retreated and hit the middle stage of Jindan, Qin Yue officially took over Daqin, holding a big handle.

In the history of the four dynasties, no princess has ever held great power, and Qin Yue is definitely No.1.

The leaders of each country take turns and do not have absolute decision-making power, but they have a veto power.

There is always only one true master of the four great dynasties!
Great Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin.

The Tang Dynasty, Emperor Tang.

The Great Jin Dynasty, the Golden Emperor.

Ming Dynasty, Emperor Ming!
However, the four emperors of Qin, Tang, Jin, and Ming didn't have time to manage these trivial matters, and they were all in retreat.

Reaching their state, the power of foreign objects is quite vain and not worth mentioning. Only the ancient and immortal, the way of eternal life, is their pursuit.

Among the four emperors, Emperor Qin is the youngest.

However, even if you are young, you are still old.

For ordinary monks, eternity is far away, but for emperors, it is just a cup of tea!
After all, once they retreat, at least a few hundred years, at most thousands of years.

Eternity, but only 1 years!

After several sittings, the time has passed!

In Qindu, apart from the fact that the nine princesses are in charge of the big handle, there is another exciting event.

Situ Jianren, the youngest son of General Situ's family, didn't know which tendon was wrong, but he changed his stubbornness, became gentle and gentle, and practiced very hard.

It is said that it is ready to hit the late stage of Golden Core!

For ordinary monks, the golden core stage is already unattainable.

After all, in addition to comprehension, it also requires a huge amount of resources to cultivate to the Golden Core!

This huge amount of resources is far beyond what ordinary monks can afford.

However, General Situ's family is different, resources are not a problem at all.

It can be said that as long as you cultivate with your heart, within a hundred years, you will definitely be able to aspire to the top of the golden elixir.

However, Situ Jianren is nearly [-] years old, but he is only in the middle stage of Jindan.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising about hitting the late stage of Golden Core!
General Situ loves his youngest son the most on weekdays, but what his youngest son Situ Jianren did made his heart ache. He has beaten and scolded him, but it has no effect at all. He hates iron but not steel!
However, I didn't expect that the youngest son Situ Jianren would suddenly wake up recently, which made Situ Jianren feel very relieved.

However, more people in the inner city believed that Situ Jianren had a brain twitch, and it would not take long for him to reveal his true nature.

After all, a dog can't change a ****!

Only Situ Jianren knew that he had made a great wish this time, and he would never let it go if he didn't make a name for himself!
Qin Yue took charge of the big handle, and implemented new policies to promote commercial prosperity, and successively opened three trading coasts.

At the same time, carry out a deep attack on domestic bandits and pirates, incorporate them, and rectify them.

Some rampant bandits were even sentenced to death.

In addition, the supervision of officials' rights has been strengthened, and a large number of officials and city lords who abused their power and used their power for personal gain were dealt with!
Qin Yue's actions have great ambitions to clean up Yunei!

However, since Qin Yue took over the big handle, Da Qin's overall appearance has taken on a new look, and his spirit has suddenly become different!
As for business, it has yet to stand the test of time!

Recently, Situ Jianren made a breakthrough and officially entered the late stage of Jindan!

After leaving the customs, Situ Jianren often wandered around the outer city.

However, they didn't go there to be domineering, but acted as patrol soldiers to punish those second-generation ancestors who messed around!
Who can be as stubborn as Situ Jianren?

Time flies, a year is almost the time of a cup of tea, Li Ming has reached the final critical moment of breaking through the middle stage of Golden Elixir!
 Still writing, there will be four updates.

(End of this chapter)

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