The best immortal emperor

Chapter 397 They Can't Do Anything To Me

Chapter 397 They Can't Do Anything To Me

The leader, Jun Ye, was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would dare to make a move, and he was so heavy handed that he kicked his subordinates until he vomited blood.

I only heard that the leader of the army yelled angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to beat the officials of Daqin, today the army will let you eat and walk around!"

Li Ming showed no signs of panic, walked up to the leader of the military master, and murmured: "You may not remember me, but I do remember you. I was also in Mrs. Mo's shop for more than a year, but It’s in the old store. You said, I’m a secret agent, and you still want to take me back for interrogation.”

The leader, Jun Ye, was confused and couldn't think of such a thing.

After all, the merchants he bullied were not ten thousand, but eight thousand!

How can I still remember Li Ming, let alone it was a year ago!
At this time, Li Ming continued to say: "These are not the point, the point is that I will let you know that it is not good to collect protection fees!"

"What?" The leading officer hadn't reacted yet.

I saw that Li Ming's hands were in the shape of claws, and he clasped Jun Ye's wrist behind him.

With a slight force, there was only a click, and Li Ming directly dislocated Jun Ye's wrist.

On the spot, there was a scream like a pig being killed!

The leading military master never expected that the person in front of him would act so boldly and dislocate his own wrist.

I saw the military master said fiercely with a haughty face: "Boy, if I don't kill you and make you miserable today, I won't believe in Sun!"

"I don't believe in Sun, what's your last name? Sun Tzu?" Li Ming snorted and asked sarcastically.

"You..." The military master at the head knew that he was not Li Ming's opponent, so he didn't argue with him. He just turned around and said to his companion next to him, "Please come here, captain, and say that there is another spy who has passed away, and will send our People got hurt."

"Yes, Brother Sun." The companion replied.

Immediately, I saw the person take out an object and mutter something to it, and the news spread.

Seeing that his companions had spread the news, the leading officer suddenly became elated and said, "Boy, you just wait to die! I'm not afraid to tell you, the captain is my brother-in-law, a master of the Golden Core Realm!"

Li Ming snorted, didn't care at all, and instead said: "I want to see how the captain will do things!"

"Is he stupid? Didn't he hear the military master say that the captain is his brother-in-law?"

"I think he has lost his mind, or he is really stupid!"

"This guy is really tough, but he died more than he lived, and he was labeled as a spy of another country."

Mo Xia's face was extremely gloomy, without a trace of blood.

Mo Xia said tremblingly: "Li Ming, don't worry, I will help you, even if it costs the shop."

Li Ming smiled slightly and said: "It's okay, they can't do anything to me. Besides, today I will ask him to spit out all the benefits he forcibly collected before, no, double the repayment!"

"Li Ming..." Mo Xia was dumbfounded, unable to turn her head around.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers had exploded, and they all thought Li Ming was a fool!

After a while, the patrol captain of the Eastern District rushed over with his people.

As soon as the guy surnamed Sun saw the captain, he hurried forward and said, "Captain, I found out that spies from other countries wanted to join forces with several subordinates to capture them, but they were stubbornly resisted. One of my subordinates and I were injured one after another." , Captain, please go out!"

This bastard surnamed Sun turned black and white in a few words. It turned out that he was abusing his power and forcing benefits.Now it's all right, fighting bravely and being wounded honorably.

 Temporary leave.

(End of this chapter)

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