The best immortal emperor

Chapter 405 Fengdu really exists?

Chapter 405 Fengdu really exists?
"Qin Yue got some clues from the Emperor Qin's Letter, but I don't know what the specific clues are." Li Ming said.

"Oh, that little girl. You can use your beauty trick, I can see that she has a crush on you!" Brother Zhu suggested with a serious face, but everyone knew he was joking.

Li Ming didn't answer the question, but just expressed the question in his heart, "Brother Zhu, can the Life Resurrection Pill really reverse life and death?"

Brother Zhu was startled, and asked in surprise, "Why do you ask that?"

"I thought for a moment, so far only one of the Resurrection Pill has been refined, and it has escaped. No one has ever taken it." Li Ming said.

"This..." Brother Zhu bared his teeth for a while, and said, "I don't know either."

"Don't you know the past, the present, and the future?" Li Ming asked bluntly.

"Except for this matter." Brother Zhu said awkwardly.

"Do you know Fengdu City?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Fengdu? Fengdu, one of the top ten ghost towns?" Brother Zhu was surprised, and looked at Li Ming in confusion, wondering why he asked about this again.

Seeing Brother Zhu's reaction like this, Li Ming speculated, "So Feng really exists?"

"Of course it exists!" Brother Zhu said noncommittally.

"After that person died, all Hun'er went to Fengdu?" Li Ming asked.

"Not all." Brother Zhu said.

"Where did it go?" Li Ming asked.

"Other ghost towns, or disappear in smoke." Brother Zhu replied.

"If the primordial spirit is destroyed, will he be completely dead?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Yuan Shen Mie..." Brother Zhu just wanted to answer, but suddenly held his mouth, and said mysteriously: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed. When you reach my level, you will naturally understand it!"

Li Ming was disappointed for a while, and he knew Brother Zhu's character well, so he didn't ask further.

Li Ming asked, "Hun'er has gone to the ghost town, so if we bring Hun'er out of the ghost town, will it bring people back to life?"

"Of course not." Brother Zhu said without thinking.

"Why?" Li Ming was puzzled.

"I can't explain this clearly to you. When you reach a certain level, you will naturally understand. However, I advise you not to think about ghost towns. The Ten Palaces of Hades are not easy to mess with. Let alone you, even the emperors of the Four Dynasties Keep it at a respectful distance, and don't want to make enemies with it, let alone the idea of ​​attacking a ghost city!" Brother Zhu said angrily.

"So the emperors of the four dynasties also knew the existence of the ghost city?" Li Ming asked.

"Ghost town is an undisclosed secret, and you will know it when you reach a certain level." Brother Zhu said.

"Where are the top ten ghost cities?" Li Ming asked.

"No way." Brother Zhu said.

"Why?" Li Ming frowned and asked.

"If you can't say it, you can't say it!" Brother Zhu said inscrutably.

Li Ming still wanted to ask, but Brother Zhu said, "Don't ask, I won't tell."

Li Ming was disappointed for a while, and didn't ask again.

Suddenly, Li Ming remembered about Tissot, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhu, do you know where I can borrow Tissot, or refine one."

As for refining, Li Ming didn't have any hope.

After all, like the God of Medicine Sect and the Great Qin Dynasty, there are only one or two.

It can be seen how valuable Tissot is.

Brother Zhu paused and asked, "What are you borrowing Tissot for?"

"I want to go back to Earth." Li Ming said truthfully.

"Go back?" Brother Zhu was surprised, apparently he didn't expect Li Ming to go back.

"I want to bring my family over. My lifespan on Earth is only a hundred years. When I have the strength to find and compete for the Resurrection Pill, my wife, children, and children will probably be dead long ago. So, I want to bring them over." Li Ming said frankly.

Hearing this, Brother Zhu fell into silence, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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