The best immortal emperor

Chapter 430 Is It Won't Be Waiting For Nothing?

Chapter 430 Is It Won't Be Waiting For Nothing?

Looking at the sky, the clouds are getting darker, but there are no raindrops.

After waiting for a while, Situ Jianren asked impatiently: "Can I go down? Will it always be so dark?"

"Don't worry, wait a while." Li Ming said patiently.

"Okay, listen to you and wait for you." Situ Jianren said patiently.

This waited until midnight.

At this time, a strong wind blew up and howled.

Li Ming knew it was going to rain!
Sure enough, every few seconds, pea-sized rain fell down.

Situ Jianren looked excited: "It's raining, it's finally raining."

"It's raining, but it's dark now, and I don't know if those thieves will get up in the middle of the night to celebrate?" Li Ming said worriedly.

"This..." Situ Jianren was already embarrassed, and said wonderingly: "Wouldn't the wait be in vain?"

"Look again." Li Ming said patiently.

"Okay!" Situ Jianren had no other better solution, so he could only continue to wait.

The rain was splashing and crackling, hitting stones, trees, and lakes.

The pitch-black Erlong Mountain suddenly lit up with fire.

Then, the sound stage rang, and the singing and dancing were peaceful!

Li Ming and Situ Jianren smiled knowingly, and said, "These thieves and bandits are so excited that they will celebrate in the middle of the night."

As everyone knows, these thieves, like Li Ming and the others, have been looking forward to the rain all day long.

They have a rule that rain falls from the sky, they close their doors behind closed doors, and they eat and drink!
This is the rule that has been set since the establishment of their cottage.

For decades, nothing has changed!

Taking advantage of the heavy rain, Li Ming and Situ Jianren approached Erlong Mountain.

Up to now, Li Ming has no definite news about the leader of Erlong Mountain.

All I know is that he is likely to be a master of Jindan Peak!

Unless otherwise, there is no other valuable news. ,

Not to mention that Li Ming didn't know, even the bandits in Erlong Mountain didn't know.

I only know that the leader is very powerful and good at controlling fire.

After entering Erlong Mountain, Li Ming and Situ Jianren went to the cottage.

Along the way, I encountered some lookouts, but there was no one on them.

Apparently, they went to celebrate too.

Seeing this, Li Ming shook his head slightly, thinking: "Bandits are just thieves, we can't expect them to be as disciplined as the regular army!"

You must know that even if the army celebrates, it will be captured in batches, and observation towers and patrols must be on duty as normal.

However, this also needs to be done.

Just let Li Ming and Situ Jianren touch the stockade.

The stockade is just a stockade, not like a city, with defensive formations, at most some traps.

After entering the stockade, the bonfire inside was soaring.

A group of monks gathered around several bonfires, eating and drinking.

In the middle, there is a stage.

There were dancers on stage, but they were all poor performances.

Most of these girls are girls from the nearby villages, or they were robbed here due to their outstanding looks, or they were sent to Erlong Mountain by their parents to beg for food due to their poor families.

Anyway, they are all miserable people.

Li Ming bypassed these people and went deep into the village, as if he was looking for something.

Situ Jianren followed behind Li Ming, and he didn't understand it very well, and didn't ask any more questions. He just found it exciting, nervous, and fun!

Walking around in the village, Li Ming was suddenly attracted by a house that was lit with fire.

You know, all the thieves and bandits in the village went to celebrate at this time, so why are there still people in the house?
With curiosity, Li Ming approached the house cautiously.

Before they approached, Li Ming and Situ Jianren heard a rush of panting.

The expressions of the two of them changed, and they suddenly became a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, a heavy voice in the room asked: "Sister-in-law, how are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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