The best immortal emperor

Chapter 437 Only the Big Head and the Second Head are left?

Chapter 437 Only the first and second masters are left?
In an instant, the bandits in Erlong Mountain collapsed, and the Li family army won a complete victory!
Thanks to the absence of the bandit leader Yang Chen, this battle can go so smoothly.

Otherwise, it will be a fierce battle!
The Li family's army was also injured, more than ten people were sacrificed, more than twenty people were seriously injured, and some were minor injuries.

After rearranging the soldiers and horses and cleaning the battlefield, Li Ming ordered Xing Shenghai to press Erlongshan's third master to the Grand Canyon to join Situ Jianren.

Afterwards, Li Ming left a line of writing at the foot of Erlong Mountain, and then went to the Grand Canyon.

Seeing Li Ming and the others coming, Situ Jianren was very surprised and asked, "Where are the bandits?"

According to the original plan, Li Ming retreated while fighting, leading the bandits into the Grand Canyon, and then planned to kill them.

However, I didn't expect that the smoothness of the matter far exceeded Li Ming's expectation.

I only heard that Li Ming briefly explained the situation, and said: "Now only the top leader Yang Chen and the second leader Zhang Kui are left. The other thieves and bandits have all been wiped out, and the third leader has been captured alive!"

"What? Only the first and second masters are left?" Situ Jianren was really taken aback, and looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

What about the agreed to be murdered?
"Okay, don't be in a daze, there is still a tough battle to be fought later, I believe that Yang Chen will kill Zhang Kui in a short time and come back again!" Li Ming murmured.

"Then why did Yang Chen kill Zhang Kui? As far as I know, these bandits have always been loyal!" Situ Jianren asked in surprise.

"It's true that bandits talk about loyalty, but if they find out that their brother has cheated on them, it's another matter." Li Ming murmured.

"This..." Situ Jianren was slightly startled, as if he hadn't reacted.

I only heard Li Ming reminded: "I still remember that night when I went to the cottage to investigate and found out that there was an affair in the house. I didn't expect it to come in handy today, and I came up with a countermeasure!"

Situ Jianren was dumbfounded, and he didn't believe Li Ming's words that night until then. It turned out that he really didn't do it for peeping, but for another purpose!

"Okay, get ready, Yang Chen is a master at the peak of Jindan, it's not easy to deal with him!" Li Ming said solemnly.

"Yes, I know." Situ Jianren replied, and immediately got ready.

After a full two hours, Yang Chen who flew out of Erlong Mountain turned back.

However, seeing the situation in Erlong Mountain at this time, Yang Chen was stunned, blood flowed into rivers, corpses were strewn all over the field, and the brothers who followed him fell into a pool of blood, dying a very miserable death!
Yang Chen was going crazy, many unexpected things happened that day, his second brother gave him a cuckold, Erlong Mountain, which he worked so hard to manage, was destroyed, and his brothers died unexpectedly.

"Ah... ah..."

Yang Chen roared, the resentment in his heart reached the extreme.

At this time, if Yang Chen dies, he will definitely turn into a ghost!
"Li Ming, I must kill you!" Yang Chen roared.

Because, the instigator of all this is because of Li Ming!

At this time, Yang Chen noticed a row of small characters left on the boulder at the foot of the mountain, which read: I want revenge, Erlong Mountain Canyon, Li Mingliu!

Seeing this, Yang Chen flew towards the canyon of Erlong Mountain without hesitation, without realizing that it was a trap!
Li Ming waited patiently in the Grand Canyon for a long time, until he was awakened by a long howl, and only heard Li Ming read to Situ Jianren at the top of the canyon: "Be careful, Yang Chen is coming!"

As soon as the idea was passed on, a powerful breath came from the mouth of the Grand Canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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