Chapter 439

"Impossible, this is impossible, you are lying to me, you are lying to me." Yang Chen looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

If what Li Ming said is true, then he killed his second brother by mistake!
Yang Chen couldn't accept such a result no matter what.

Li Ming smiled wickedly, and said unhurriedly: "If you don't believe me, you can do whatever you want. However, every time your wife goes down the mountain, she doesn't even bring her personal maid, let alone the thief who protects her." What’s more, she would go out for a whole day, and would not return to Erlong Mountain until dark. Sometimes, even in the middle of the night. You are not surprised why she returned so late? You know, Dongling City is a city of sesame seeds. In a city as big as mung beans, the commerce inside is extremely limited, even if you close your eyes, you can finish shopping in two hours, why do you need a whole day?"

"This..." Yang Chen only felt that his head was going to explode, he couldn't believe it was true!
"Don't you believe it? Every time I finish my work, my sister-in-law will clean up the battlefield with a gun. Every time she comes back from the house, won't you be allowed to touch her? That's because the lotus flower can only bloom once a day at most." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Yang Chen roared, feeling a tightness in his chest, and spit out blood with a puff.

These nonsense were naturally fabricated by Li Ming, and they were completely scheming, but one thing is true, that is, Mrs. Yang really raised a man in Dongling City.

This news was learned by chance by City Lord Dongling, and it has not been spread, so that it will come in handy at a critical moment.

Obviously, now is the critical moment!

Li Ming yelled, "Attack!"

Then, a huge boulder fell from the mountain peaks on both sides of the canyon, throwing it towards Yang Chen.

After all, Yang Chen was an expert at the top of the golden core, he quickly recovered his mind, swung a two-zhang sword, and slashed at those boulders.

Accompanied by these boulders, specially treated arrows were shot out one by one.

The rocks are just a cover, and the missing arrow is the real threat!

The arrow was poisoned, and it was brought out by Situ Jianren from Qindu.

This poison is violent, once the skin is scratched, the venom will enter the blood from the wound and flow through the whole body.

Although it is not fatal, it paralyzes the nerves and affects the mind.

The arrows fell from the sky like dense rain, making it impossible to guard against.

I saw Yang Chen wielding a two zhang sword to protect himself, but the hundred secrets eventually slipped, an arrow missed and pierced through Yang Chen's magic robe and pierced into his body.

Suddenly, the venom spread.

In just a few seconds, Yang Chen felt his nerves anesthetized, and his whole body became confused!

At this time, Li Ming knew that it was time to make a move, he saw Li Ming withdraw from the protective formation, and went up to kill with the Demon Subduing Pestle in his hand.

Situ Jianren on the mountain peak swooped down with his long sword in hand, and also joined the battle.

Yang Chen was only under anesthesia, and did not completely lose his resistance.

Li Ming and Situ Jianren combined could not kill Yang Chen directly.

This battle lasted from the afternoon, until the evening, and then into the middle of the night.

It wasn't until after midnight that Li Ming and Situ Jianren joined forces to kill Yang Chen.

Both of them were seriously injured, but fortunately they successfully beheaded Yang Chen and put down the bandits!
At this moment, Situ Jianren threw the long sword in his hand to the side, sat down on the ground, and said exhaustedly: "What a Yang Chen, he is really growing old and strong. You and I work together to fight hard for so long. Kill him, and it is based on the fact that he was injured before and was poisoned. If this is an intact Yang Chen, it will be you and me who will suffer the disaster."

Li Ming nodded, and said: "That's true. This Yang Chen's ability greatly exceeded our expectations. But the result was good after all. He was successfully beheaded, and the bandit rebellion in Dongling City was put down!"

"En." Situ Jianren replied.

"When we return to Dongling City tomorrow, we will hold a banquet to celebrate!" Li Ming said.

"Okay!" Situ Jianren agreed with both hands, and then asked: "Li Ming, when do you plan to leave for Qindu?"

"Soon, it's just a few days." Li Ming said.

The other soldiers who were resting in the canyon pricked up their ears as soon as they got back to the capital of Qin, but they didn't see Li Ming mentioning them, so they were secretly worried.

In the end, Xing Shenghai bit the bullet and asked in a low voice: "Master Li, you go back to Qindu, then we..."

"Of course we will go together!" Li Ming said noncommittally.

Hearing this, a group of soldiers immediately cheered. They were planning to follow Li Ming to the capital of Qin, otherwise they would work so hard.

After resting for a while, Li Ming saw that everyone's complexion had almost recovered, so he said, "Let's go, copy that bandit's lair!"

Hearing this, all the monks cheered even more and were very excited.

Afterwards, Li Ming led the Li family army to kill the bandits' lair.

This group of thieves and bandits have been operating in Erlong Mountain for decades, and the hidden wealth is really astonishing. Just for middle-grade spirit stones, they have stolen 300 million yuan.

There are also some other magic weapons, armor, items.

Those female relatives in Erlong Mountain fled in haste after the defeat of the bandits.

Among them, there is Mrs. Yang!

While everyone was searching, Li Ming suddenly sensed something was wrong. He turned around and was surprised. He saw a remnant soul floating in the corner. Looking closely, it wasn't Zhang Kui, the second head of Erlong Mountain, who else could it be? ?

Immediately, Li Ming walked towards the remnant soul calmly.

Li Ming was surprised that Zhang Kui didn't die completely, but escaped with a remnant soul, and what was even more strange was that his remnant soul returned to Erlong Mountain.

Among them, there must be something strange!
Zhang Kui, who was hiding in the corner, suddenly became nervous when he saw Li Ming walking towards him.

Now, only the remnant soul of Zhang Kui is left, and he has no strength to resist, so he can only run away immediately.

Li Ming remained calm and followed closely.

Zhang Kui left the stronghold and plunged into the mountains.

At this time, there was no one around, so Li Ming made a move unceremoniously.

There is no doubt that Zhang Kui was caught by Li Ming!

After capturing Zhang Kui, Li Ming snorted and sneered, and said, "What a skill, you managed to escape a ray of primordial spirit from Yang Chen's hands. However, you are too courageous, right? How dare you turn back to Erlong Mountain! Say, What are you doing back here?"

"Lord Li, please forgive me, please forgive me, Lord Li, I just came back to see if those female relatives are still there." Zhang Kui hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Don't tell the truth? It seems that you don't want to live anymore!" Li Ming said darkly with fierce eyes.

"No, I'm telling the truth." Zhang Kui is now a fish on the chopping board, only to be slaughtered. Seeing Li Ming's ruthlessness, he didn't dare to play tricks again.

I only heard Zhang Kui say: "Master Li, if I tell you, can you let me go, this is a shocking secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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