Chapter 453

After chatting for a while, Li Ming bought some food in Mo Xia's shop.

Remembering that he had already obtained Tissot, he couldn't help saying: "Sect Master Mo, you really don't plan to go back to Earth? I have already found the way back."

"You found it?" Mo Xia was surprised, looking very surprised.

Li Ming nodded, and said: "Yes, but I won't be able to go back for a while. It will take a few years. At that time, if you want to go back and have a look, you can go with me."

Hearing this, Sect Master Mo was slightly silent, what are you going to do when you go back?There are no relatives there.

After a while, Sect Master Mo said: "Let's see when the time comes. It doesn't matter whether you go back or not. After all, there is no concern for me there."

Li Ming didn't try to persuade him too much, he just said: "I'll tell you when I set off, if you want to go back, you can go with me, if you don't, forget it."

"Okay!" Mo Xia replied.

Later, Li Ming went back to the Li Mansion.

The next day, His Royal Highness Yue's rewards were distributed. The monks had never seen so many spirit stones, and they were middle-grade spirit stones.

The crowd was ecstatic, and their excitement was beyond words.

At this time, I followed the right person, otherwise how could I get such a generous reward?

It is estimated that there will be no chance in this life!

These monks got the bounty, and their backs became straighter. They made an appointment to go shopping one by one, planning to spend a lot of money!
However, seeing the prices in Qindu, these monks realized that they were thinking too much.

This is the capital of Qin, not a small place like Dongling City, where a middle-grade spirit stone can last for several days.But in Qindu, several middle-grade spirit stones are needed for one meal!

Looking at the more than [-] people in the mansion, Li Ming was thinking about how to make a fortune.

Although Li Ming got a huge sum of money from the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, it is not Li Ming's character to sit on the mountain and eat nothing, and if he continues like this forever, he will be exhausted sooner or later, so he must open up a living!
After thinking about it for several days, Li Ming didn't have any good ideas.

Thinking of Mo Xia's years in Qindu, she decided to ask her for advice, maybe she has a good suggestion.

On this day, Li Ming came to Mo Xia's shop again.

Mo Xia was busy as always, and when she saw Li Ming coming, she greeted Li Ming twice and asked Li Ming to sit by herself.

After Li Ming sat down, the waiter brought two plates of snacks and said, "Brother Li, try this new flavor developed by our proprietress, it's delicious."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

At this moment, Mo Xia finished her work and asked curiously, "Li Ming, do you have any good news to share?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "It's not good news this time, I have something to ask you."

"Consult me? What advice can I give you as an ordinary person?" Mo Xia asked in surprise.

"Maybe there will be." Li Ming smiled, then cut to the point, and said, "That's right, I want to do some business, but I don't know what to do. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Are you going to do business? Is it wrong to patrol the East District?" Mo Xia was taken aback. The smooth sailing of her store now is entirely due to the big tree of Li Ming.If Li Ming hadn't been the chief patrol officer in the eastern area, those ghosts and monsters might come out to make trouble again.

"Dang, dang." Li Ming said.

"Daqin's court service is not enough for you?" Mo Xia asked in surprise.

"That's not the case. Now I'm not alone. There are more than two hundred people in the house. My little court offering is enough for me." Li Ming said.

"What? Why are there so many people in your house? More than two hundred?" Mo Xia was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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